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About aggie90

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  1. aggie90

    Invasion 1944 v 1.2 demo

    Thanks Marcel. Â I'll take a deep dive and see.... Â
  2. aggie90

    Invasion 1944 v 1.2 demo

    Looks like I made a clean install of the new Inv44 demo. Â However, running the demo crashes me back out to the desktop. Â Tried running with addons installed in i44demo directory, and copied into OFP addons... I've been able to run every mod, campaign, addon, and upgrade til this. Â Currently running OFP (Resistance) version 1.90. Â I've checked the boards this evening, nothing really comes close... Â Anyone seen this on Inv44? Â Surely I'm not the only one.... Â
  3. aggie90

    Loadsa new addons, but where are the missions?

    Thanks, RED! I was searching the forum for that, as your answer came in... Thanks again!
  4. aggie90

    Loadsa new addons, but where are the missions?

    Problem I've had with addons is having to find them in obscure places now. Came out from under my rock and the famous OFP editing center had gone off-line... Of course, no one updates their links anymore... Where did it go??? What has replaced it?Anything? I'm looking for a "Civilian Clothing Pack" that I remember seeing there. No one carry's civvie stuff anymore! Better luck finding a mod of a WWII Lugar with a silencer...