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About acrh2

  • Rank
    Lance Corporal
  1. Among many other bugs, this one is most annoying. Two enemy APCs and a whole bunch of foot soldiers are in front of my objective. I decide to wait for them to leave. I give the order to the squad to hit the dirt and hold fire. Stupid DMR marksman decides to go to crouch. I switch to his view and make him go prone, switch back to the leader. The marksman gets up again. So I try a number of things, giving different commands, switching to his view etc. Eventually, while I am in the marksman's view, the AI of the leader decides to open fire. Questions: 1) Why doesn't the stupid marksman stay prone? 2) Why does the leader decide to ignore his own command to hold fire? 3) Isn't this the most annoying bug in Scenarios? This has happened a number of times. Any ideas on how to fix this issue are greatly appreciated.
  2. acrh2

    Favorite weapon.

    Godly? Damn right! PKP = instawin.
  3. No, you will not be able to run arma2 an any appreciable framerates. Because.. My own specs are like this: cpu - Core2quad@ 3.5 GHz, ram - 2.8GB (4GB in vista), gpu - EVGA Geforce gtx280 ftw edition. Running at 1280x960, medium settings, "normal" antialiasing. The framerate fluctuates between 55-15fps depending on a particular scene. Playable but not stellar for me. For you, it will probably be a "slideshow".
  4. Simple collection of bugs in sp scenarios. 1) Enemies disappear underground (fall through) from view, then shoot you dead when you approach. Invisible and invincible enemies. [fairly rare but completely game breaking] 2) T.R.A.P. sub-missions produce invisible aircraft. T.R.A.P. sub-missions produce downed helicopters. Both of which cannot be secured to complete the sub-mission. [quite often] 3) Some ai teammates completely ignore "stance" commands (go prone, stay crouched, etc..) and try to acquire targets against orders, thus jeopardizing the entire squad. [common] Please fix.
  5. No. That's not true. I can turn a lot faster than the fastest turning speed in Arma2. And so can anyone not morbidly obese. I ALREADY SUGGESTED how such a scenario can be remedied in the game w/o sacrificing consistent mouse movement. WEAPON SWAY FROM FAST TURNING. Please read post #8.
  6. acrh2

    VopSound 2.1

    I tried cpucount=2 (as opposed to 4), and the frames were about 10-20 fps lower (45fps vs. 55-65 fps).
  7. The game skips mouse input. IMHO, any game that skips or ignores player input is a badly designed game. A much better way to handle the "twitch shooter issue" would be to increase weapons sway if turning too fast. Say, if you start turning faster than the current maximum speed, your gun starts swaying, swaying more the faster you turn.
  8. That doesn't make sense, the feeling right part. That's a little better. I think that's what they were going for. I just measured the maximum speed of turning with slow and fast mouse movement (with fraps and virtualdubmod, I measured the actual speed). They appear to the be the same. However, like you said, this feels completely counterintuitive when playing the game - you move the mouse faster, and it feels slower. It feels like the mouse is skipping and it doesn't feel right. I hope they would fix it.
  9. The new mouse smoothing makes the mouse movement a little better, but the biggest problem, mouse skipping, still remains. By mouse skipping I mean an artifact in the mouse movement, where the mouse input is not registered when it comes in too fast for the game to handle. In other words, some mouse input is skipped when the mouse is moved fast. The problem is especially severe for players who prefer low mouse sensitivity. For example, my mouse sensitivity in windows (xp) mouse control panel (native winxp control panel, no other mouse drivers installed) is about half the sensitivity slider. The mouse itself is Logitech mx518, in 1800dpi mode. When I move the mouse across the desktop space (1280x), it requires about 4 inches of movement to go from the left to the right side. In the game, my mouse sensitivity slider is all the way to the left. What this configuration gives in the game is the following: 1) When I move the mouse at medium speed, it makes a 180 degree turn in about 3 inches of movement on the mousepad. 2) When I move the mouse fast, by the same 3 inches on the mousepad, it makes a turn that is more like 90 degrees. 3) And finally, when I move the mouse really fast, it makes a small degree turn and then locks up the movement on the screen completely. Here's a couple of videos that demonstrate this behavior. The first video is mouse movement in quake3. The second, in arma2. Now, the question is: are the developers going to fix this?
  10. acrh2

    ARMA works, FINALLY

    That is bs, unless you were running a 7 GHz cpu. Sorry if you were.
  11. acrh2


    I didn't know about image tag replies. Sorry. I was also very polite in the thread, it was not my intention to troll, just understand.
  12. I am not using any acceleration ("enhanced mouse pointer"). I also mentioned that the mouse behaved normally in EVERY other game I tried but ArmA 2. I showed how it behaved in q3.
  13. acrh2


    Here is a linky with videos: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=79153 ---------- Post added at 04:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:59 PM ---------- To be honest with you, I really don't care what you, or anyone else here, thinks about me. I care about the game getting fixed.
  14. acrh2


    This exactly what I said: What exactly am I looking at? I am sorry, but please point that out in pics. Whatever you are talking about, guys, is not clearly visible to me. Please make a dramatic screenshots on a video. I am sorry. I wasn't arguing against anything. Just trying to understand what others are saying. Forgive me for not seeing gosu details. Providing proper screenshots from the beginning would be useful...
  15. acrh2


    I'm sure "everyone else" is backing you up. Sorry, I cannot go against them. I apologize for not recognizing the bug earlier. This is game breaking, and the developers should be fired immediately. In fact, you should fire them. Right after they fix the mouse skipping bug.