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Posts posted by amoult

  1. Ok here are scripts for sitting guard. This is how it looks in-game.

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">sit.sqf

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_a=0;

    while {_a==0} do {

    if (not alive _this)then {

    //if dead release animation and exit

    hint "dead";



    else {

    _this switchMove"AmovPsitMstpSlowWrflDnon_WeaponCheck2";

    if (not alive _this)then {



    sleep 11;


    if (seen) then {





    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">autoguard_sit.sqf

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_a=0;

    z = _this execVM "sit.sqf";

    while {_a==0} do {

    //check if calling unit sees any member of blueFor


    ka1=_this knowsAbout _x;

    if (ka1>0) then {

    titleText[format["%1 sees you",_this],"plain"];

    wp = group _this addWaypoint [getPos _this,0]; wp setWaypointType "GUARD"; wp setWaypointCombatMode "RED";wp setWaypointSpeed "FULL";

    // get up and release animation


    _this switchMove"AmovPsitMstpSlowWrflDnon";

    Eh=_this addEventHandler["animDone",{eh1=1}];



    _this switchMove"";



    }forEach units blueFor;

    sleep 1;


  2. This has already been done, There is a demo mission where you can select any anim you want and watch the player on screen execute the move.

    A search of this forum should find it.



    Umm.. yes I linked demo mission in my first post wink_o.gif I read from some another thread that there was that kind of mission already, but could not find it so I made one myself.

    On my mission, player can choose any animation and animation name is also shown on the screen (along with the linenumber of moves.txt linked in fist post). List is really the same as in biki, just removed whitespaces.

    Atleast I've find it useful to find animation which I wan't to use.

    I only have to write down the number of animation. Then, I have moves.txt open in text editor (linenumbers shown). From there it's really fast to copy & paste animations to any script where I need them..

  3. i cannot put soldiers standing as honour guards by the doors of govermant palace guarding with guns on backs (not in hands)

    Hello there.. I wanted to do the same thing, so I created a little script.

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">autoguard.sqf

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">


    _this switchMove"BasicDriverOut";

    while {_a==0} do {

    //check if calling unit sees any member of blueFor


    ka1=_this knowsAbout _x;

    if (not alive _this)then {

    //if dead release animation and exit

    _this switchMove"";



    if (ka1>0) then {

    titleText[format["%1 sees you",_this],"plain"];

    wp = group _this addWaypoint [getPos _this,0]; wp setWaypointType "GUARD"; wp setWaypointCombatMode "RED";wp setWaypointSpeed "FULL";

    //Take weapon from back and release animation

    _this switchMove"AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_AmovPercMstpSrasWrflDnon";

    Eh=_this addEventHandler["animDone",{eh1=1}];


    _this switchMove"";

    //exit and raise flag




    }forEach units blueFor;

    sleep 1;


    This is how it works: name your group as bluefor (blueFor=group this; to leaders init field.

    Then place lone enemy unit you want to stand in guard. Write x= this execVM "autoguard.sqf"; to init field.

    No enemy switch to animation BasicDriverOut which is basically standing still, weapon on back and head moving, until:

    1. He's dead.

    2. He detects any member of 'blueFor' group. Then it creates 'GUARD' waypoint to he's current location, plays animation where he takes rifle to his hands. After animation is played, he switches to newly created GUARD waypoint in combat mode and starts shooting and hunting your men down smile_o.gif

    Also 'seen' variable is set true, which you can use to trigger stuff.

    You could place your guards talking, sitting, smoking etc. with the same kind of method. Just have to find correct combination of animations to be played.

  4. 2. To units init field:

    this removeallweapons this; this addweapon "nameofweapon"; this addmagazine "nameofmagazine";this addmagazine "nameofmagazine";

    E.g.: this removeallweapons this; this addweapon "M4A1SD"; this addmagazine "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag"; this addmagazine "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag";

    Heres the list of weapons and ammo

    Also, if my memory server me right, there is a list for ready made weaponloadouts somewhere on this forum, ready for copying & pasting smile_o.gif

  5. Ok I used Unpbo for one of the single missions.

    In your own mission, you can call e.g. 'player sideradio "M06r01";' Which will print "Echo to foxtrot: all on board, let's go' and play same sentence as audio too.

    Now we only need a list of all the phrases that are in the game.. I think there are quite a few pretty generic messages which could be reused.

  6. What's exactly the difference between sentry and guard waypoints? I've read waypoint topics in Biki and played around in editor but it's still not quite clear. If I don't have any Guarded by trigger, just enemy group with single guard or sentry waypoint, they come looking for me if I harass them and then return to that waypoint when area is 'clear'.

    From biki: "Sentry - The unit will hold position until any member spots an enemy. At that point, the unit will proceed to their new waypoint. If the unit is not set to hold fire, they may engage the enemy on the way."

    From that [bolded part] I get that if I had a waypoint after sentry waypoint they would switch to that if enemy was detected. ..but that doesn't seem to happen.

    So what is the purpose of sentry waypoint?

  7. No luck. It says "==:type any, expected Number, String, Object, Side, group, text, config entry, display(dialog), control" if I put endTrigger==true to trigger condition field.


    got it.

    endtrigger=1; to waypoint and edntrigger == 1; to trigger worked.. Doesn't make sense to me why endtrigger == true did not work through.

  8. Thank you for the answers! Now I have an another problem. Should be really simple, but I just don't get it sad_o.gif

    I would like to activate my trigger (to end mission) when I reach final waypoint.

    I have Move waypoint with on act.: actTrigger=true;

    and Trigger with type end#1 condition actTrigger=true;

    Nothing happens when I reach waypoint.

  9. I'm taking my very first steps mission editing in Arma. I'm creating very straight forward 'clean sweep' type of mission for starters.

    Now I have a few enemies and triggers and what not in place and it seems to work as intended.

    Now I have a few small (?) questions:

    1. I need dead civilian bodies for my scenario. I can do this via

    this setDamage 1; ..problem being that they start alive and drop to ground.

    2. I have a enemy group cycling between waypoints. How I can make them initially have guns on their back instead of hands?

    3. Theres one enemy group traveling from a to b. I would like to divert them to my position when any opfor sees any bluefor memeber.

    4. How to change initial weapon layout of unit. E.g. to give civilian a weapon.

    5. I managed to create intro with camera.sqs. for outro I need camera to follow player where ever he is.

  10. is that nose in 'main' face section used at all? ..Or why there is a separate section for nose?

    Some of you have posted pictures of your texture applied on model . Is that taken in-game or is there any other method to preview how texture will look on model?

    .. I'm still waiting for eng version of game :/
