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About alswede

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. alswede

    Save game

    As I have problems with my soundcard I have to format now and then trying different settings.Everytime I have to start the game from zero again.What files do I have to save to get back to my present position in the game after newinstall?Talking about O.flashpoint and red hammer and resistance. thank's in advance al
  2. alswede

    Mouse middle button problem

    I uninstalled the logitech mousedrivers as you said and now it works just fine again.Thank's a lot
  3. hi, since I installed Resistance I can't get the middle m button to work as it used to.By pressing it the action meny came up and I could scroll between them options by roling the wheel.I been trying to set it right in the controll menu but it does not work.I can still scroll with the wheel but I have to use enter to get the menu up and to chooce.I configured it that way as the middle button don't work.And unfortunally it goes for O flashpoint,Red hammer and resistance.And as I said it allways worked before installing resistance. It's still a great game though Sombody else experienced the same problem? al
  4. alswede

    Mouse middle button problem

    hi, since I installed Resistance I can't get the middle m button to work as it used to.By pressing it the action meny came up and I could scroll between them options by roling the wheel.I been trying to set it right in the controll menu but it does not work.I can still scroll with the wheel but I have to use enter to get the menu up and to chooce.I configured it that way as the middle button don't work.And unfortunally it goes for O flashpoint,Red hammer and resistance.And as I said it allways worked before installing resistance. It's still a great game though Sombody else experienced the same problem? al
  5. alswede


    I'm pretty sure that you have to take out the vulcans first.They'll take you out otherwise.Them 2 enemy choppers are on the other side of the airfield and they are standing on the ground.One is pretty easy to spot.The other one are located in the same area and you find it with the aiming system of the rockets.When you have it locked on that chopper let it stay there until it's destroyed. god luck Al
  6. alswede

    Red hammer mission

    my buddy is going to be shoot in 15minutes and I been trying to save his ass.But there is a chopper that takes me out whole the time.Do anyone have an idea how to play this mission to a happy end? Al
  7. alswede

    Red hammer mission grounded

    I finally made it. After a few crashes something happend as after the cutscene I found myself 1500feets of the ground.After it was a sort of hard as well but be sure you'll take out the vulcans first and you be allright. regards Al
  8. alswede

    Red hammer mission grounded

    In the grounded mission after stealing the truck you're suposed to go and get the chopper repaired and to pick up some soldiers.The problem is that when you're getting close to the landing point the game takes over the controls and doing it so poor that you crash with the repair truck.And theres nothing you can do about it! Start all over again. Must be a badbug or something. Do anyone have any ideas of hove to solve this.any inf will be very appreciated.Bye for now. Al
  9. alswede

    Red hammer m.marooned.help

    After stealing a chopper or rather taking it back(it's russian)me and the gunner takes out the vulcans and after destroy som aircrafts.Then a sign comes up "wait for the others"AM I supposed to land and wait ?I done that a few times but some mean one allways blows me and the chopper to pieces.Give me some help her please.Thank's in advance.Al
  10. alswede

    Picking up the pieces.red hammer mystery!

    Fallen Paladin. I tried to jump betwen commander and gunner but then I have to get out of the tank and jump on again to the seat of my choice.And that take so much time that I'm wasted right away.The best I done so far Is go by my self and drive the thing and have manual fire on.Once I finished the first group of tanks but got blasted of the others when trying to defend the repair truck.But as you said,I better sneak behind them houses and get them that way.But this mission is a very hard task I belive. Thank's all for helping me. Al
  11. in the Pick up the pieces campaign you pick up one frienly soldier when you have got to the repairtruck and the enemy forces are eliminated.Now I got two men and myself and that's what it takes to use the tank you'll use after reparing.The problem is that soldier nr 3 -s number disappears from the screen.He 's still present but I cant reach him anymore.He's just hanging around and that's no way to reach him. This must be a bug or something.Can anybody help me out with this one I be very  thankful. Al
  12. Hi,I tried to do this mission at least ten times but I get killed all the time.Do anybody have any ideas how to play it and live?any suggestion will be greatly apreachiated.Al
  13. alswede

    Exorcist in Escape Mission

    Spetznaz training includes 360 degrees twisting of the head. It remains from the Stalin era when everybody was paranoid to be busted for nothing. Al
  14. alswede

    Ever knocked a UAZ into a house?

    Not exactly but with one shot from my "tank" I did send a UAZ 100meters up in the blue.Beat that Al
  15. This s.mission came with the last upgrade does anybody know how to beat it.I made it through the ambush with only two of my group gone but back in that place where you are suposed to help with the defence.I just cant get it right there.Do you take of to the north as the radio suggest or do you stay to the bitter end.well, bitter in my experience so far,Does someone have a hint for me.Thank's in advance. Al