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Everything posted by akdavis

  1. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (edc @ 09 May 2003,06:52)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Experience the intensity of modern-historical warfare <span id='postcolor'> Hmm, I wonder what that 'modern' means?<span id='postcolor'> That it's not going to be about Napoleonic warfare...
  2. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Hellfish6 @ 08 May 2003,19:36)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">From The Wargamer </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Codemasters and Bohemia Interactive announced today the planned locations for their recently-announced sequel to Operation Flashpoint, Operation Flashpoint 2 (press release). The announcement is something of a surprise, as this is the first game in recent memory to focus on not one arena of combat, but actually three: Southeast Asia, Central Europe and Africa. The three zones of combat are centered around the 1970s and there are a number of distinct conflicts which occurred in that region at that time, most notably the Vietnam conflict. According to today's announcement, a major focus will in fact be on that conflict: "It’s also revealed that an important part of the main campaign will focus on events from the Vietnam war in late 60s, when US forces in South Vietnam numbered over half a million. Missions will see players engaging in solo action, commanding a squad, driving military vehicles, or taking to the air in authentic 'copters and planes. Weapons and military and civilian mobile units are being accurately modelled from period military data." As for Central Europe and Africa in 1970, the two most relevant historical conflicts of the time were the 1968 invasion of Czechslovakia and the Cambodia civil war of the 1970s. On the other hand, developer Bohemia Interactive may choose to instead create a fictional set of related conflicts as they did with the original Operation Flashpoint. The previous game was set in 1985 on a set of former Russian islands, now sovereign, which had fallen under attack of the Soviet army by a rebel Russian general. That "flashpoint" theme is likely to repeat itself, although its unclear how Operation Flashpoint's storyline will link the three areas together. Operation Flashpoint 2 (official web site) is scheduled for release in late 2004. The Wargamer will be on hand at the game's unveiling at this year's E3 exhibition next week.<span id='postcolor'> If you guys are at all interested to know, many very interesting conflicts were occurring in Africa in the '70s - the Rhodesian War, the battle over Namibia (South Africa vs. Angolans, Cubans and terrorists) various other colonial battles (Mozambique - see the Colonial War mod) as well as all over North Africa with coups and terrorism. I for one am super excited about this. Edit: Some more speculation here, but I know several hundred Vietnam vets became mercenaries after the way, with many serving in the Rhodesian War (though they did not consider themselves mercenaries).<span id='postcolor'> North Africa is part of Africa. The Suez Canal is in North Africa...
  3. akdavis

    One nagging problem with ofp.

    I'm sure this has been brought up elsewhere, but I don't really know what to search with. I'm wondering if BIS plans on doing anything about the AI's inability to handle recoil on automatic weapons? They constantly shoot way over their targets. It's like they line their sights up on the target and then just hold down the trigger, causing all but the first bullet to fly over the target. I would expect recoil to cause a dispersion around the target, not a tight grouping 6 feet over the target. Just set up an ambush mission with a machinegunner and a bunch of enemy trucks and watch him not take out a single one. Note: the solution to this is NOT to reduce the recoil, it is to model recoil more realistically. The MGs should have greater dispersion, but the dispersion should be centered on the target. The only other solution I can think of is to force the AI to fire in shorter bursts, since the first bullet or two after a pause seems to go on target.
  4. akdavis

    Game physics

    Armor facing values. Tanks have thicker armor in the front than in the back. There should be a motivation to hit tanks from the side and rear, instead of the arcade set number of shots to kill from any angle. Even the general public is probably aware of this after hearing about the M1's rear-end vulnerability in Iraq.
  5. akdavis

    Ai thread

    I'm sure this has been brought up elsewhere, but I don't really know what to search with. I'm wondering if BIS plans on doing anything about the AI's inability to handle recoil on automatic weapons? They constantly shoot way over their targets. It's like they line their sights up on the target and then just hold down the trigger, causing all but the first bullet to fly over the target. I would expect recoil to cause a dispersion around the target, not a tight grouping 6 feet over the target. Just set up an ambush mission with a machinegunner and a bunch of enemy trucks and watch him not take out a single one. Note: the solution to this is NOT to reduce the recoil, it is to model recoil more realistically.
  6. akdavis

    Patch 1.91 beta/final feedback

    I'm sure this has been brought up elsewhere, but I don't really know what to search with. I'm wondering if BIS plans on doing anything about the AI's inability to handle recoil on automatic weapons? They constantly shoot way over their targets. It's like they line their sights up on the target and then just hold down the trigger, causing all but the first bullet to fly over the target. I would expect recoil to cause a dispersion around the target, not a tight grouping 6 feet over the target. Just set up an ambush mission with a machinegunner and a bunch of enemy trucks and watch him not take out a single one. Note: the solution to this is NOT to reduce the recoil, it is to model recoil more realistically.
  7. akdavis

    Please insert cd bug

    I have this problem also, but only since installing 1.30. Never a problem before.
  8. akdavis

    Problem with 1.30

    Ever since I installed 1.30, I'm having problems with getting the CD to read on start up. When I do finally get it working, the sound on my computer cuts out after I exit. Does not come back until I restart computer.