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Everything posted by _William

  1. Tonny, your "CAS test" mission works for me. I plotted a HE mission close to the SF unit's start position and saw the HE impact 5s after the 'SPLASH' radio message. (SADARM missions may not show a visible result when armored targets are absent in the target area). I tested with a recent ACE and Mando enabled. CAS commands aren't available in the radio menu at this time but CAS missions will be triggered once your SF units reaches the forward assembly area.
  2. PlannedAssault generates "single player" missions. I'm not able to test coop missions at the moment, and don't have a good understanding of what is required for coop missions. So I really appreciate your question and look forward to any answer that shows up here. ---------- Post added at 07:48 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:46 AM ---------- Please provide me some more information: - what OS - where did you place the downloaded mission - how did you attempt to play the mission
  3. I've updated PlannedAssault with HEXAgon Team's French units (infantry, tank, helicopters and fighter jets). More importantly, I've added mission editing guidelines for two types of missions: - tank gunner in a large tank battle - Forward observer in support of a mechanized attack These guidelines might answer some of your questions or point you towards different mission set-ups. In the past two weeks, PlannedAssault has seen you create over 300 unique missions! Keep the missions and questions coming...
  4. The artillery module is automatically set-up. Targeting is done via the radio menu. All artillery units have minimum ranges, as defined by the Arma II artillery module and physics. The guns won't be able to target positions within this range: - mortars: 0.1km - howitzers: 2.4km - missile launchers: 3.3km The minimum range and maximum range are in the mission editor as part of the unit descriptions. They also are shown in-game when targeting an artillery mission. If the artillery unit is closer than minimum range to the objective to attack, PlannedAssault cannot use it for pre-planned artillery missions against that objective. This seems the case for your ALPHA M119 unit in 'Rolling Thunder'. To fix this, simply move ALPHA in the bottom right corner of the map. All map areas available in PlannedAssault currently are 4km x 3km. This effectively restricts the use of MLRSs to artillery missions from one of the map's corners to the opposite corner (map diagonal length is 5km). Myself, I'm unable to properly target a gun (mortar, howitzer or MLRS) as a gunner in vanilla Arma II. Targeting as an observer, using radio calls, works fine. Please let me know if you continue having troubles getting the artillery to work as part of your mission.
  5. Defensive calculations are done with very rough indication of the enemy's position (center-of-mass calculation). Other than that, plans for the attacking and defending force are constructed separately, without any knowledge of each other. Using the rough enemy approach direction, all approaches from 2km out within 120 degrees of the main approach direction are considered. The result is a weighted set of enemy approach sectors. See the image on this page (requires login). This result is in concept comparable to your idea: Defensive planning allocates the most suitable type of unit to the right sector, and can assign multiple units in depth. This all is done depending on the expected threat type (vehicles or dismounts) in the sector and unit capability available. Dynamic multi-group behavior currently is hard to create with vanilla Arma II primitives: you can place 'guarded-by' triggers on areas to be defended, and put units on stand-by using Guard waypoints. What you cannot do is control which units respond to what 'guarded-by' trigger. And dynamically creating or removing 'guarded-by' triggers doesn't affect the 'guarding' groups. If BI would be able to improve here, it would be great. Currently, I'm unable to have forward defensive units fall back once the enemy penetrates the outer sector. What would be possible for mission planning is to put mobile reserve elements deep in the objective's rear area and trigger their counter-attack when spotting hostile elements in certain zones in front of the defensive sectors. That's on the list. Thanks for raising this discussion.
  6. By default, these T-72 tanks feature a 3-digit random unit designation ('310'). Here is how to set a specific unit designation: Save the following code as file 'set_t72b_unit_designation.sqf' in your mission's folder: comment "Script to set T-72B/T-72BA unit designation after initalization."; comment "Usage: scrdummy = [this, 127] execVM 'set_t72b_unit_designation.sqf';"; private ["_unit", "_designation"]; _unit = _this select 0; _designation = _this select 1; comment "Wait for unit to be initialized with random designation..."; waitUntil { time > 0 }; comment "Now replace the random designation with the intended designation."; _unit setObjectTexture [0, format ["\T_72B\data\numbers\n%1.paa", floor(_designation / 100) % 10]]; _unit setObjectTexture [1, format ["\T_72B\data\numbers\n%1.paa", floor(_designation / 10) % 10]]; _unit setObjectTexture [2, format ["\T_72B\data\numbers\n%1.paa", _designation % 10]]; exit Then add to each T-72's init line (and replace '127' by the number you like): scrdummy = [this, 127] execVM 'set_t72b_unit_designation.sqf'; This line will replace the random designation by your designation in the opening second of the mission.
  7. Joe, thanks for your feedback. Would it be OK if I quote you on the site to provide a user's perspective on the missions? Wrt AI: the generated mission relies as much as possible on vanilla Arma constructs (waypoints, triggers, ...), in order to be compatible with the widest range of mods. The exceptions are: - defense AI using a trigger on hostile spotted to call in CAS/artillery, and fire support controller script to ensure that CAS and artillery aren't called in simultaneously - some scripts to deal with mounting a single group across multiple vehicles or empty guns Most of the AI I wrote is busy during mission generation to figure out where and how to attack/defend with whom. From there, I try to make things as standard as possible for compatibility reasons. So feel free to enable GL4 and see what happens. The extreme artillery accuracy you've suffered is most likely due to SADARM munition being the default mission for M109/D30 guns. SADARM is smart munition, targeting vehicles. The mission is fired using the default Arma 2 artillery module. ---------- Post added at 08:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:44 PM ---------- Yes, no, yes and yes. Don't know when, but these are on my list. I've experimented with other parts of Chernarus: however, most of the terrain isn't very suitable for vehicles and Arma's vehicle AI, due to the mountains and woods. I've generated missions for the Larenga area only to see units getting stuck or refusing to move to a next waypoint. However, if you know good and interesting tank country elsewhere on Chernarus, please let me know. ---------- Post added at 09:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:55 PM ---------- Thanks for the feedback. I don't compile downloaded missions to .pbos but instead copy the mission folder into c:\users\william\My Documents\ArmA 2. Then I launch the game with all mods required, and load the mission into the editor. Shift-click on preview to start the mission with the briefing. Your 20 minute march gave me a good laugh. You won't forget to add some transport next time! The downside of coordinated assaults is that you often rush to stand in line again (hurry up and wait). For some that's realistic, for others that's boring (hint: speed up the game). ---------- Post added at 09:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:06 PM ---------- I'm surprised you remember that. Impressive! Between AQ2 and this, I've worked on tactical shooter AI; the most visible result was a presentation at GDC2005 with the folks from Guerrilla Games on 'Killzone’s AI : Dynamic Procedural Combat Tactics'. That presentation explains how to create (or compute) terrain specific small-unit tactical behaviors. In PlannedAssault, I'm exploring AI solutions for larger scale combat behavior.
  8. Thanks for all these reactions. It seems I'm happier with the response than my server... Thursday 15/4 afternoon CET the server became unresponsive due to running out of memory. I've restarted the server 15/4 in the evening and disabled planning for Arma1 missions. Accidentally, Arma2 mission planning also got disabled. This morning (16/4) Arma2 mission planning has been enabled again. Memory is being ordered...
  9. _William

    ArmA 2 Game Launcher

    In my case (dual screen setup, 2x 1600x1200), the launcher does save incorrect location values (-32000 or -23000 for x and y) when I move the launcher to the secondary screen left of the primary screen and quit the launcher. The next time I start the launcher, I get the same behavior as described by eosteric. I fix it by editing the user.config file in c:\users\<user>\AppData\Local\Spirited_Machine\ARMA2_Launcher.exe_URL<...>\ and setting the winposx and winposy values to 0. Despite that bug, I'm really really satisfied with your launcher. Great job!
  10. - name: USAF F-15C CAP fighter (grey) resource: f15c_grey_mesh - name: USAF F-15C CAP fighter (camo) resource: f15c_mod_mesh - name: USAF F-15C CAP fighter (blue) resource: f15c_blue_mesh - name: USAF F-15E fighter-bomber CBU (grey) resource: f15e_cbug_mesh - name: USAF F-15E fighter-bomber CBU (camo) resource: f15e_cbu_mesh - name: USAF F-15E fighter-bomber MK84 (camo) resource: f15e_mk84_mesh - name: USAF F-15E fighter-bomber LGB (blue) resource: f15e_blue_mesh
  11. _William

    Viper Artillery

    Viper, thanks for your mod, effort and assistance. I'm building a quick battle generator and I'm using your Viper artillery to deliver fire missions (and cool radio messages) from the mission script. This works (I'll happily send you the .sqs scripts) but I'm running into two issues: - radio messages and hints are played to the player even if the player is part of the opposing force (an OPFOR fire mission generates radio traffic to the BLUFOR player). Would you be able to make these hints and 'say's conditional to the player being of the same side in a next revision? - D30/M119 DPICM rounds seem ineffective, except against soft skinned targets In addition, an ability to perform area (rather than point) fire missions would be great.
  12. _William

    Land Rover Defender 110

    TheSun, thanks for your work on these Land Rovers. I've had great fun combining them the UK forces. However, while doing so I ran into a bug. The AI won't be able to enter the SF1 and SF2 using a 'assignAsCommander' + 'orderGetIn' command from a script, because of a mismatch between the config.cpp and proxies used for the co-driver MG. Specifically, the vehicle advertises to have a commander, but instead figures and defines two gunner proxies. I've repaired the p3d file by renaming the codriver proxy to proxy:commander.01 and fixed the config file accordingly. I'll be happy to send you the fixed p3d and matching config file, so you can review and publish the update.