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Posts posted by _Pingu_

  1. I'm working on getting claymores working inside buildings and on rooftops now.

    My config doesn't even TOUCH CfgModels, does anyone have any ideas?

    edit: As for the safety thing, I think it would be worse to have them disappearing as it would be confusing having an already cluttered menu with items appearing and disappearing. I will leave it as is, I hope you understand why. You only need to safety off when you are actually going to blow the claymores so it doesn't really create any more clutter than before.

    edit2: Turns out getpos with buildings is fucked, I've fixed the problem by placing the claymore relative to the player model via modelToWorld. So, nasty details aside the claymores now work as you'd expect inside buildings, on rooftops, anywhere you can stand. Here they are:


    I doubt the config issue is fixed in these but give it a go, I've reworked the explosion mechanism in this version so that you can no longer see the shell dropping and it works while the claymore is floating in mid-air (which can happen if you place it over the edge of a building). Hell, you could hang the things from trees if you could stand in them. Only problem with placing these in building is that like grenades, the actual explosion comes from the ground below so if you're on a fourth floor you have to rely on the shrapnel alone. Not that I recommend placing claymores inside buildings.

  2. No idea what those RPT errors are and how to fix them, extended event handler was causing bugs in multiplayer too so I've ditched it, gone back to the ammo box version.

    The world doesn't revolve around extended event handlers, I think we can do without.

    The tripwire works fine when placed to the rear of the mine for me, try the latest version and let me know.

    DMarkwick, while I do sympathise that this new tripwire method is less versatile, if you use it in in a 'parallel ambush' sort of configuration which you will want to 99% of the time you will not have a problem and it's actually much easier. The old tripwire was not an accurate representation of reality, as stated you would not be able to set up a multi-point tripwire very easily. As a bonus, it allows the claymores to be disarmed if spotted as you can pretty easily guess where the tripwire is and approach from the rear. The old model isn't accurate either as it's just two points "suspended" in space while in real life there would have to be a third leg going from the claymore to the start of the trip which would confuse people.

    As another bonus it makes it harder for people to be complete jackasses with claymores in say, pvp games.

    I'm talking from what I've gathered from people with experience with claymores here, if someone wants to correct me go ahead.

    Those without real experience, please voice your opinions too.

    Here they are without event handlers.


  3. I'll try to get the timer into the next version, I've got to feature freeze at some point though and this feature isn't quite as easy as it may seem.

    Thanks for all your feedback guys, this will be the final version bug fixes aside. Please test it thoroughly.

    It has safety for the clackers, realistic tripwire system, the sights move twice as fast with no accuracy loss (they're more touchy) and lowered texture resolutions. I've also fixed the problem with the tripwire being twice as long as it should be by making it half as long, no idea why I have to do that but it works. Oh, and they now use extended event handlers so you no longer need the crate but you do need that addon.


  4. I'll take a look at the tripwire too large bug, it's always going to have to be a meter or so fat though it shouldn't be WAY off lengthways.

    As for your realsm concerns, I completely agree and will modify it to only allow you to place one end point, starting point always being the claymore. This should also prevent people from doing really stupid shit with the tripwires as a bonus. Would it be possible (however pointless) to attach multiple tripwires to the same claymore?

    I'm concerned about players accidentaly detonating the claymores too, do the clackers have a safety setting? I'm thinking of replacing "Detonate claymore" with "Clacker safety off". Once you hit safety off, you will have the detonate claymores options for 10 seconds or so, then the safety will automatically go back on. This way you can safety off a single claymore, blow that one safely or safety off the bunch and blow them all very quickly.

    Generally, how long are the cables supplied with the claymores? Right now I'm allowing them to be detonated out to about 1200 meters and calling them wireless claymores but I want to change that now.

    Anyone have any clacker sound effects?

    I did get inspiration from the CoC mines, I think I've improved on them too in terms of realism and useability. Unfortunately I can't salvage much of it. I've already written my own implementation of the physics which was the tricky bit, which only leaves the models. The models however, are quite OFP looking. I don't want to put a lot of work perfecting the physics of something that looks terrible in game. If any modellers want a mon-50, 90, 100, 200 or a bouncing betty in game provide me with a mildly nice o2'd textured model and I'll get to work in the near future.

    Also, anyoen know if my textures way too big? They're 2048x2048, which make the addon huge. They don't seem to affect performance but I'm more concerned with filesize. Any way to compress them as paa files?

    Plenty of questions there, hope you guys can collectively answer most. Thanks.

  5. I was thinking, and I doubt this can be implemented by this release, of using two sort of sticks coming out of the ground (like in vietcong if any of you have played it), so that you actually have to hide the end points of the tripwire. Dunno how I'd stretch the tripwire out though, maths gets a little tricky to plot models on a slope too. This is why I quite like the invisible tripwire for now.

  6. http://rapidshare.com/files/92809292/claymore.pbo.html

    I beleive the sound playing over and over is fixed in this version.

    I've also made some ballistic changes after testing in multiplayer, turns out the engine can handle the 700 ball bearings that the claymore actually has (up from 200). Now the claymore is much more likely to hit it's target, I've reduced the damage of each bearing at the same time so you're still going to kill at close range but at longer ranges you're more likely to mame (as less bearings are hitting the same target).

    I absolutely cannot be fucked going through and rewriting all of my scripts to have tagged everythings at this point, your suggestion is noted though.

    Realistically, you're not going to see a decent tripwire. I do understand that it adds to gameplay though and if anyone has a relatively easy way to draw a thin rectangular prism of variable length going from one point to another, speak up and I'll see about adding it.

    The trigger is actually 1 meter wide, any smaller and it does not work reliably. If someone lags through the trigger, it won't go off.

  7. I've just implemented a tripwire feature, you can set a beginning point and an end point, a thin trigger then goes between the two points and blows the claymore when anything gets inside it.

    There's a five second delay between placing the tripwire and it becoming active, I'll release it as soon as I'm finished polishing it.

    If that mon-200 model is good, I can use it.

    I'd love the effects DMarkwick, let me know if you get them working. (Also, could you please put the textures and such in textures folder? aaaaaaa is rather confusing or whatever it was).

  8. It's not actually the sound you sent me, I liked it so much I went out and found the source then edited it to be a bit more scary.

    I'd love for you to get effects working, I very much liked them too.

    As for proximity detonation, I'm seriously considering including them as an optional detonation method. I think you guys are old enough to decide if you can or want to virtually breach several international treaties. I'm thinking of having an option to lower and raise a seismic sensor sensitivity up to about 30 meters and being able to place that sensor anywhere then get the fuck out of there. It will not have friend or foe identification as realistically it can't.

    As for the opfor MON-50 and MON-90, I'd love to implement them and if anyone can provide o2'd textured models of at least comparable quality to the current claymore I will implement the physics.

  9. After input from the beta testing of my claymores, I've done some work one them and here they are (mirrors appreciated):





    Conflicts with the instant view distance mod should be fixed, I personally haven't tested as I'm capped just now and barely able to upload the pbo.

    Thank you to DMarkwick for help with effects, I wasn't able to get them perfect for this version but will probably incorporate them in a later version.

    New features:

    Easy to adjust with peep sight.

    New sound.

    Minor ballistic changes.

    Old features:

    Approx 15 meter blast damage.

    Realistic shrapnel effective out to 100 meters, dangerous out to about 300.

    Multiplayer compatible, other players can turn your claymores around and disarm them.

    Using the claymores

    Drop the pbo in like any other mod, go to the mission editor and place a ClaymoreBox from the Ammo section.

    Note: There must be a ClaymoreBox on the mission for the claymores to function, the scripts are initialized via the box (so you can't just addMagazine a soldier, you must both addMagazine and place a box somewhere).

    If you wish to put the claymores in your own boxes and such, use the classnames "ClaymorePrimary" and "ClaymoreSecondary". With these you can store claymores in primary and secondary ammo slots correspondingly.

    To place a claymore, simply use your menu to place it. Once that is done any time anyone is close to the claymore they will get two menu options, to disarm and to sight in the claymore.

    Disarming is as simple as selecting disarm claymore, you will get the claymore back as a PrimaryClaymore in your primary ammo slot.

    Sighting in is easier and much more accurate than in the old version, simply select sight in and you will get a peep sight view from the position of the claymore. In this view you can use the w, a, s and d keys to rotate and pitch the claymore. You can switch on night vision using n. Once you have your claymore sighted in, hit escape and it's ready to fire.

    I'm releasing this to get some feedback before the 1.0 release which I want to get out within the week thus I'm not likely to accept any major feature requests at this stage.

    When I do release these, everyone will be free to use them in thier mods (I'd love to see these in Vietnam) so long as any major changes implemented are made avaliable to the community (which I'll incorporate if they're good) and credit is given.

    Thanks for testing guys.

  10. If you're adding the claymores to equipment, be sure to add the box somewhere on the map or the scripts won't be initialized.

    As for sighting, I've been thinking of simulating the peep sight on some models of the claymore, just a slit optic thing that points in the same direction as the claymore.

  11. That looks pretty good DWMarkwick, with a little tweaking I think that could look about perfect. Is there a way to get that some a little more billowing? In your example it goes a bit high too fast.

    I'm looking for something as close to this as possible:


    The wind in that video is quite strong though, so it would probably linger in most arma winds a lot longer.

    The one thing that seems quite unnatural about your explosions is the immediate smoke plume that's way above the rest of the smoke. I'd want it to billow up there eventually, not immediately.

    If we can tweak that out, I'd love to use your effects. Can we get the smoke to linger for a while too?

  12. I am personally not going to add trip wires any time soon, however I do acknowledge that some countries still use them and if someone wants to script them I'm happy to include it, it would probably be a seperate ammo box with the tripwire claymores. It shouldn't be too hard to script just a trigger between two points, if you want to do this and need some help just let me know.

    I've been trying to get the effects a bit more realistic but I'm not finding it easy. I wanted to have lingering smoke from the explosion however I just can't get the cloudlets to do anything useful, if anyone's done any effects before I'd love some help here.

    Yes the bearings are just decreased in number and increased in damage. The ball bearings do make sounds, the sound is that of a normal bullet hitting the dirt. There's no larger peices of shrapnel scripted however.
