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Everything posted by _Pingu_

  1. Here they are, features are: - Simulated shrapnel as well as blast damage. - Peep sight for sighting in. - Safety mechanism so that you can safely blow a predetermined set of mines. - Command detonated up to 200m and tripwire (Illegal in many armies). - Anyone (including enemies) may rotate, attach tripwires or disarm any claymore. - Scripts included for mission editors to place armed claymores anywhere (pointing anywhere too) with thier own triggers. Please note! This script does not use extended event handlers and will require you to place a claymore ammo box in the mission somewhere to have them work properly. I consider this release quite stable, it has gone through two betas and private testing. All mods are free to use and modify this addon, all I ask is that credit remains mine and any useful modifications are made avaliable to the community again under the same pretense (I'll incorporate any good changes). I'd suggest that vietnaam mods take out the night vision for the peep sight and modern warfare mods remove the tripwires if it's not legal. Night vision can be removed in peep_sight.sqf, tripwires can be removed in proximity_loop.sqf. If you need help, PM me. Here's the mirror for now, will update when someone mirrors it properly. Please call it 'claymore', the version is 1.0. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=2624 http://armed-assault.de/downloads/claymore-10.html http://prison.tibet225.server4you.de/ww2pn...._id=425
  2. Thanks to the newly released models I've stuck an ACOG on the MAG 58 and created a calibrated sight based off NWD's scope fix (thanks) which goes out to 1 kilometer. I've also fixed the ejection port, now the casings come out the bottom of the weapon (no link out the side though unfortunately). The weapon is more accurate too, an 8 round burst at 500 meters should not be going wildly off to the side by up to three meters, or maybe it's just simulating American marksmanship? Finally, I've fixed the recoil which now goes up instead of down. Sounds come from our (AACF's) sound mod. Do whatever you like with it, it's got that BIS licence whatever that is I suppose, so long as credit remains mine. Class name is m240_acog, addWeapon it to a weapons US crate. Here it is, mirrors appreciated: http://www.armedassault.info/index.p....lang=en http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=2813 edit: Oh, and the reticle is for the 1.09 patch. Not sure if ballistics have changed so it may not work in 1.08 as well.
  3. _Pingu_

    MAG 58 with ACOG (M240)

    Thanks alot Robalo! I will use that.
  4. _Pingu_

    MAG 58 with aimpoint

    You should know very well that the technical prowess and sheer effort that goes into a mod by no means corresponds to the quality and usefulness of a project. If I give a retard O2 and he puts out a sub-par modification, sure it may be an acheivement for him (and I am by no means belittling your work) however! This does not make his mod any more impressive through the eyes of the user. I don't appreciate you insinuating that I am incapable of that which you claim you are.
  5. Same fixes as my other mod, this one has an aimpoint with an aimpoint texture that doesn't look like a retard with a crayon stabbing a pane of glass. Edit: Oh and the name is m240_aimpoint Mirrors welcome, again: http://rapidshare.com/files/94565819/m240_aimpoint.zip.html
  6. _Pingu_

    MAG 58 with aimpoint

    For the last time, I am not saying that this looks like a MAG 58 from the factory, or an australian one, or a belgian one or ANYONES MAG 58. It is a MAG 58 that has been modified and called an m240. I call it a MAG 58 because that is still what it is! The classnames are all m240_acog, m240_aimpoint. Now if we could all shut up about these stupid different ways of communicating the same fucking thing that would be great. And yes I'm swearing, and I hope you're all relsilient enough to withstand such abhrasive language and not try to use it as an argument. You, vilas and many others don't seem to be interested in the fact that I at no time said this was not an M240. To reiterate, it is an M240 which is a MAG 58. I like to call it the latter when just talking about it, however if you look at all the classnames, descriptions and even go so far as to look at the damned pbo name half of you would realise I'm calling it an m240 anyway.
  7. _Pingu_

    MAG 58 with aimpoint

    Will do, for both tags and the wrong name.
  8. _Pingu_

    MAG 58 with aimpoint

    Look, we don't use FN MAG 58s as they arrive from the factory in australia either, we modify them. We even call them GPMGs. We just call them MAG 58's, it's like calling a shortened barrel m249 a minimi. Who honestly cares? All the classnames are m240 so can we please just agree that I'll call it a MAG 58 and you all can call it whatever the fuck you want. I can't stress enough that it REALLY DOES NOT MATTER.
  9. I've been working on a tripflare, everything is done and working aside from the effect. I currently have it spawning a flare a couple of hundred meters above the tripflare, which isn't right as it's a ground based tripflare not a parachute one. I'll probably end up releasing two versions of the flare (ground and parachute based) but I need help with the effects for the ground based one. I have no idea how to do effects at all, does anyone know how to get something looking like this? The smoke is important, multiplayer compatibility is imporant too (though if it's hard I can probably get the detonation code to run on all clients as it isn't as imperative as it is with claymores for them to detonate at the exact same moment). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3FCDM0kF8w
  10. _Pingu_

    Trip flare effects

    Looks awesome, thankyou. I'll put my flicckering in and release them. Tomorrow, probably.
  11. _Pingu_

    MAG 58 with aimpoint

    Yeah, I will release a whole mod with all the 58s and the tripod mount when I'm done. It'l even have a crate.
  12. I'm trying to create a tripod mod for a MAG 58, so that we can get some real direct fire support out to 2 klicks or so. I'll need to be able to pose the gunner though, it seems that BIS does it via .rtm animations. Does anyone know how to create a (I guess single frame) animation for a gunner position?
  13. After input from the beta testing of my claymores, I've done some work one them and here they are (mirrors appreciated): http://www.armedassault.info/index.p....lang=en http://www.wglcti.com/addons/claymore.rar http://rapidshare.de/files/38597570/claymore.pbo.html http://prison.tibet225.server4you.de/ww2pn...._id=425 Conflicts with the instant view distance mod should be fixed, I personally haven't tested as I'm capped just now and barely able to upload the pbo. Thank you to DMarkwick for help with effects, I wasn't able to get them perfect for this version but will probably incorporate them in a later version. New features: Easy to adjust with peep sight. New sound. Minor ballistic changes. Old features: Approx 15 meter blast damage. Realistic shrapnel effective out to 100 meters, dangerous out to about 300. Multiplayer compatible, other players can turn your claymores around and disarm them. Using the claymores Drop the pbo in like any other mod, go to the mission editor and place a ClaymoreBox from the Ammo section. Note: There must be a ClaymoreBox on the mission for the claymores to function, the scripts are initialized via the box (so you can't just addMagazine a soldier, you must both addMagazine and place a box somewhere). If you wish to put the claymores in your own boxes and such, use the classnames "ClaymorePrimary" and "ClaymoreSecondary". With these you can store claymores in primary and secondary ammo slots correspondingly. To place a claymore, simply use your menu to place it. Once that is done any time anyone is close to the claymore they will get two menu options, to disarm and to sight in the claymore. Disarming is as simple as selecting disarm claymore, you will get the claymore back as a PrimaryClaymore in your primary ammo slot. Sighting in is easier and much more accurate than in the old version, simply select sight in and you will get a peep sight view from the position of the claymore. In this view you can use the w, a, s and d keys to rotate and pitch the claymore. You can switch on night vision using n. Once you have your claymore sighted in, hit escape and it's ready to fire. I'm releasing this to get some feedback before the 1.0 release which I want to get out within the week thus I'm not likely to accept any major feature requests at this stage. When I do release these, everyone will be free to use them in thier mods (I'd love to see these in Vietnam) so long as any major changes implemented are made avaliable to the community (which I'll incorporate if they're good) and credit is given. Thanks for testing guys.
  14. _Pingu_

    Trip flare effects

    Thanks for that dmarkwick, works great. I'm just getting it flickering right now, I tried to play with the smoke but failed utterly. Is it easy to get it to originate from a much smaller point? Right now it looks like it's smoke blowing out of a large hole in a ground, I want a thin stream making an inverted cone coming from the top of the flare. Check the video in the first post, that's exactly what I want, is it possible? If not, can we at least make the particles smaller and the cloud itself less fat?
  15. _Pingu_

    MAG 58 with ACOG (M240)

    In Australia we use elcans, aimpoints and custom ACOGs that look like the ones provided. I thought the ACOG was the most useful and that's why I used it. Just clarifying that this isn't some imaginary weapon.
  16. _Pingu_

    MAG 58 with ACOG (M240)

    There's already an m249 acog in the AimPoint desert weapons pack. Reguardless, I'm not going to work on the minimi while the MAG 58 is still found wanting. I've still got an aimpoint and tripod to do.
  17. _Pingu_

    MAG 58 with ACOG (M240)

    I'll certainly give it a listen, maybe we can even use it in the next version of the sound mod if it's better. From what I understand though the m60 is a much louder and beefier sounding weapon. It should be twice as loud as the stock arma sound, perhaps try listening to it from a distance? I suppose you mean the volume of the actual sound though. Thanks for the feedback.
  18. _Pingu_

    MAG 58 with ACOG (M240)

    OH! Sorry, I really should have mentioned it. Class name is m240_acog, no box for it or anything.
  19. _Pingu_

    Trip flare effects

    Sure, remember it needs to be MP compatible! http://rapidshare.com/files/94151260/tripflare.pbo.html
  20. I dunno how to detect that. Was the action stuck on your screen?
  21. You can definately see a flash of flame as the claymore blows in videos, as for the smoke particles... Wouldn't it be possible to create an initial expanding smoke effect with a very short duration and as it is expanding place the static smoke in there? So you get the illusion of billowing smoke?
  22. I don't want to over clutter the screen of normal users just so mission editors can sight them in perfectly, though you have a good idea. When I release it I'll include an optional scripts/peep_sight.sqf drop-in replacement that hints. I'm unclear as to what you mean by claymore layer, as for tripwiring doors, sure it's possible and it's the way I'd want to do it anyway. Put the claymore off to one side of the door and run the tripwire to the other, if you put the claymore in the middle of the room and the tripwire to it's front rotated 90 degrees across the doorway it'd be obvious you don't want to walk in there as there's a claymore looking at you. You mentioned 3 point system, the way I had it wasn't actually a three point system there's only a trigger going between the two points you specify, nothing coming from the claymore to the first point. I suppose I could implement that and I'd be slighly happier with it, I actually really like the ease of use of only having to specify one point though. Idunno, I'll have a think about it.
  23. Okay, I've lowered the number of shrapnel bits to 400, still more than before and upped the damage of each bearing a tiny bit to compensate. This should help out you guys with slower computers. The damage that the shrapnel does is just a guess from what I've read, if anyone here knows it should do more or less damage please let me know. Basically I aim for near 100% dead at 30 meters and from a quarter to a bit over half of the enemy dead at 50, most others being injured. I've also included two scripts to allow mission designers to place already initialized claymores in missions and create thier own triggers for them, from simple tripwires/proximity trigggers to having the enemies intelligently blow claymores around thier perimiter when they spot you. Players can fully interact with these claymores placed by the mission editor disarming them, even turning them around. You can set the position, pitch and direction with the scripts so we can even hang them from trees. Here's how to use them, let me know if it's intuitive enough for you all. Easy way to get started: 1. Place a claymore ammo box (always do this or claymores won't work!. 2. Create an empty helipad or any object you want to be able to place easily. 3. In the init field of the empty helipad make a call to the included script: x = [position this, 40, -2, "claymore_1"] execVM "claymore\scripts\manual_initialize.sqf". Note, first argument is position, second argument is direction in degrees, third argument is pitch (negative numbers denote pitch up) and the final argument is the name of the public variable you want the script to assign your new claymore to. 4. Create a trigger, activation code being: x = [claymore_1] execVM "\claymore\scripts\manual_detonate.sqf" That's it, do you guys think it's easy enough? So, I'm going to release them as this version most likely I just want to make sure there's nothing outstanding. Did anyone have any desperate last problems? I undestand there's still unrest about the new tripwire system, if many more of you have a whinge or even better provide me with good points why you can't use the newer realistic tripwire system for whatever it is you want to do I may consider putting it back. I'm pretty deadset on it though as I don't think you can set up a tripwire in such a fashion in a short amount of time (It's a short enough time as is but who wants realism when it involves waiting?). Plus, those tripwires were sort of suspended in space with nothing leading back to the claymore which is rather shit. edit: Forgot to actually post the new claymores, here. http://rapidshare.com/files/93464141/claymore.pbo.html edit2: Just saw your post dmarkwick, is multiplayer going to be possible? What's involved? As for the effects, looks great. I actually thought it looked more realistic as you had it before (with the custom explosion textures). It was just a bit jarring as you had the explosion then smoke suddenly appearing.
  24. That looks good DMarkwick, can you make more smoke and have it delayed a bit so that the original effect sort of fades into it? How are you going with multiplayerness? I don't think it's going to be that easy.
  25. Can you please turn your graphics down to make sure it's not a graphics issue? I'm thinking it might just be the fact that you're rendering the effects from close up. So there's definately less delay with the fragments turned down? I'll see if I can make the individual pieces of shrapnel stay alive for sorter periods so they don't need to be calculated as long. Edit: Can you go to your config.cpp please and try this? class B_BallBearing : BulletBase { hit = 4 indirectHit = 0; indirectHitRange = 0; visibleFire = 0.07; audibleFire = 0.07; visibleFireTime = 2; typicalSpeed = 1100; timeToLive=1; } Not the timeToLive, should allow the round to travel a good 800-1000 meters then stop simulating. Let me know if any of those things make a difference. I personally only have a tiny FPS drop and a very slight delay which I attribute to creating all the shrapnel. I could create the shrapnel over a larger amount of time but that'd sound and look weird.