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About _noone_

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  1. _noone_

    Invasion 1944

    Before I start, this is not intended to harm the mod at all, it's intended to help. People are losing interest in the mod, Invasion 1944 team, because you are not going to release anything, going by your replies to this thread. This file is purely intended to let people see what you have done. Note it will not reflect the quality of the final work, the final mod will be better than this, but it gives a good indication of whats to come I'm sorry, but some of the files are curroupted, so they are not included in this, ammong these, sadly, were the config PBO's. I strongly recommend the Inv44 team releases these, as it could leave a bad impression, just a load of models, when there has been work put into making configs for everything. Q. Won't people just steal the models for their own mod? A. They could just as easily do this for a released mod, but they don't. It could happen when you release the mod, which if you are, this whole thing shouldn't be an issue. If you are not going to make a release, this post is all the more important. Q. The files are passworded, WTF?! A. Correct, this is to get the files away from me, with them on megaupload, it is out of my hands, and into yours Q. How the hell is it in our hands? A. If you disagree with this "action", it is simple, the file will expire if it is not downloaded within 30days. Disagree? Dont download it, and the file will disappear. Q. I'm going to delete this post, okay? A. Your slowly desroying the community, the community shouldn't be left in the dark. Your also killing the Inv44 mod off, interest is slowing dying out, they need a release to keep people interested, this is that release. '"This mod is great" what an idiot. Never ever played it. All he has seen is photoshop screen shots of gameplay.' - Link removed. Finaly, stop flaming, you have what you want, un-photoshoped "evidence" of what the team is doing. No more secrets, no-photoshoping Good luck to the Invasion 44 mod team, keep up the good work, and keep in mind about the config PBOs if you want this to leave a good impression on your fans Almost forgot, the mod is free _NoOne_