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About _51st_Pappy

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  1. _51st_Pappy

    1.85 error on startup

    Anybody know what this error is after installing 1.85 and as OFP is loading Private|#| : Error Invalid number in expression
  2. _51st_Pappy

    Gamevoice, ofp and xp

    Here is a site that may help with some of these problems. Â http://forums.gameclubcentral.com/postlist.php?Cat=&Board=tech I had the same problem with BattleCom and XP. Â It can be solved by using "Alternate playback and record" setting in coms setup. I also had a problem in that I could not independly control coms and game volume. Â I solved it in this manner. BattleCom Setup For Separate Game and Coms Volume Control Enable onboard sound system on mother board. Connect onboard line-out to line-in of your addon sound card. Select onboard system for play back in BattleCom. You can use either your onboard or sound card for recording. Connect mike to the system you choose and select in BattleCom. Now you can independitly control volume of game and BattleCom. Note, that under windows volume control, Options, Properties you can select which sound system you want to set sliders on. This works great on my system and voice sound quality on BattleCom is improved over using the alternate playback and record modes. Asus mother board with AMD 1.7XP 512 meg. ram Sound Blaster 5.1 Live CFS2 and OFP games _51st_Pappy Email [email protected]
  3. S! Suchey, please send me the code. Thanks
  4. _51st_Pappy


    Thanks for the info Using the benchmark command in the init.sgs file seems to work fine. It can be as simple as setviewdistance benchmark or setviewdistance (.75 * benchmark) or the conditional ?benchmark <2500 benchmark 1000 It sure is great not to see roads and other objects generate out in front of you. Also makes the A10 cannon a real weapon as you can see far enough out to lineup. Thanks again
  5. Can the SetViewDistance command be used like ?(benchmark < 1000):setviewdistance 400 in the description.ext file or some other position the have it apply to all units in the map. I know it works in the init field of each unit but would like to enter it once. Thanks for any response