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Posts posted by _FoE_Peacemaker

  1. HI,

    Ive got a slow computer yet i like to biuld large bases and things like that. The problem is that i lag (only got 677mhz). What i want to do so i can have units and vehicals on my base is place a biulding and put a script or int line on it. Then using a command menu (like radio or goterfunks contrl interface) create the unit i want or need. Could someone show me how to do this? Id need one for creating vehicals (tanks cars and air) and Infantry. PLZ help

  2. mad.gif Hey did you play threw the whole thing? You make it seem as if the whole campaing is made up like the first few levels. PPL say it has a bad story line 5$ says that you didnt play threw the whole damed thing! So how would you know! mad.gif