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About _FoE_Peacemaker

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  1. _FoE_Peacemaker

    How do i create a list?

    How do i find the coordinates for it? And could it be possible to use a list of tanks like that from gotterfunks Dune Mod Demo?
  2. HI, Ive got a slow computer yet i like to biuld large bases and things like that. The problem is that i lag (only got 677mhz). What i want to do so i can have units and vehicals on my base is place a biulding and put a script or int line on it. Then using a command menu (like radio or goterfunks contrl interface) create the unit i want or need. Could someone show me how to do this? Id need one for creating vehicals (tanks cars and air) and Infantry. PLZ help
  3. _FoE_Peacemaker

    Looking For Addon

    Yo im looking for a tank the has a driver controled turent a friend ssaid he had it but not anymore. Any ideas?
  4. _FoE_Peacemaker


    It still dosnt work i get following error msg Type any, Expected object Anyone wanna help?
  5. _FoE_Peacemaker


    Can some one tell me how i add flares to a grenader or an ammo box i cant figure it out. I think its like in int field this addweapon "Flare"
  6. _FoE_Peacemaker

    Tank Hud Prob

    Is there a beta fix for Gunslingers 1.2 addon. I read about it somewhere but cant find it. it said it was a beta but i wanna try anyways.
  7. _FoE_Peacemaker


    Hey did you play threw the whole thing? You make it seem as if the whole campaing is made up like the first few levels. PPL say it has a bad story line 5$ says that you didnt play threw the whole damed thing! So how would you know!
  8. _FoE_Peacemaker

    Where is Red hammer based

    Wow dude thats realy bad. I dont think this actually happened wede here about it and Ive never heard of an island named Everon (probly be in the med or up near scandinavia)
  9. _FoE_Peacemaker

    New Vehicle Addon Idea

    while a kewl idea it cant work until we get an SDK we have no new modles and a guy burried into a jeep would look kind of weird.