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About -)a)(

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  1. -)a)(

    Berzerk Map Pack

    @Batstats Sorry mate, but i'm out of the scripting business due to the fact that i don't have the time anymore @All others Don't get me wrong guys, i'm happy that some people convert the old ofp-missions to arma...  And i play berzerk sometimes... I just couldn't deny myself this little side blow... And usually i would leave it at that, i just thought why should i care about it... But now i feel a little bit pissed off, because Zap insist on beeing the creator of the "zap engine"...  code rewritten... redesigned... blabla...  I feel a little bit incited to give you just some info... The corescripts like C&H-Scripts, Vehicle-Respawn-Scripts, Player-Respawn-Scripts, Dialog-Scripts, Score-Script, Mine-Limiter-Script and some others are unchanged or just slightly changed... They are nearly the same like in BF1985. Or did i get you wrong Zap, and you just mean with "rewritten" that you just changed all the variable-names and the jump labels?!    Ok, maybe you spent some time to make Berzerk that what it is today, but believe me i spent a lot more time to bring BF1985 from V 1.0 to V can't remember. But why should people just believe my words, everybody is free to convince himself...  Just compare the scripts from BF1985 and Berzerk... And now that's what i would call that “Someone†is taken with the underwear down here...  Â
  2. -)a)(

    Berzerk Map Pack

    Zaphod, There is a small bug in the mission... You just forgot to take into consideration the fact that grenades now uses the room of the pistol mags and not the room of normal mags as they did in OFP... (Bug occured on AK74 + GP25) But i think you just forgot that when you transfered the scripts from OFP to ArmA... I hope you know where you have to change 'YOUR' script... So, have a nice day...
  3. I´m not having an issue with the usual approach of unpacking/using stuff from others with the appropriate mention of script origin and credits in readme or notes section. What I indeed have a problem with are people who copy/paste complete missions or parts of them, add some ripped off scripts and promote them as their work only while they did only very little then stealing others work and trying to get a reputation by doing that. Some of them are even editing the scripts, delete the author lines and insert their own tags and promote it as their own work. Once you have spent a considerable time implementing stuff, creating new stuff and seing it copied without further comment, even editing out the author disclaimer you maybe understand that not everyone in the community is a respectabe person and I will of course not hesitate to point out those who do abuse the good sharing spirit of the OFP/Arma com. There also have been cases where community stuff was used to sell inofficial expansions and campaigns, so I guess following the basics of mentioning the original author should be nothing that should have to be discussed here. It should be natural to give credit to the original authors. If that is not done noone should be surprised if he get´s a mail where the original author asks for either modifying the mission or removing the content. I go totally along with you Balschiow! It's not ok, if people steal the work of others, even small parts, build it into "their" missions and present it as their wortk... Even some popular projects / mission designers did it in the past and doing it nowadays... What's wrong about spending some credits to those people who did the work?
  4. Oh yeah, maybe i should just wait for the "FLASH FLASH"... Very good idea... Â Â Hmmh, why do we talk about other vehicles which go into the water... let me think... hmmh... ah, because probably they do so?! And maybe that's the reason why there is no "FLASH FLASH"?! I guess the "Flash Flash" signal is an sripted event, activated when all vehicles had crossed the bridge. Yes, that would be really nice. Then we know how the mission should run, but unfortunately it wouldn't help, because this mission/game is buggy, we're not too dumb to play it... Greetz
  5. Selbstverständlich... PROCESSOR: P4 3,2 Ghz MEMORY: 2048 MB Ram SOUND: SoundBlaster Audigy 2 ZS GRAPHIC: Gainward 7876-BLISS 7800GS+ AGP 512MB GS SFX MAINBOARD: MSI 875P NEO-FIS2R OS: Windows XP Home SP2 (latest updates) Resolution 1280x1024. All settings in ArmA are set to 'normal'. Framerate in this mission ranges from 15 to 25 fps.
  6. Hi, i found a really annoying bug in the map Dolores. Unfortunately the AI is too stupid to cross the bridge, which i have to blow up. Sometimes any of the tanks don't cross the bridge, some of them drive in the water and explode, the BMPs usually drive through the water, but they are too stupid to drive on the steep shore... The soldiers in the truck usually deboard before the truck crosses the bridge. The soldiers ran along the shoreside outside the city... Besides that, the tanks loves to crash together and then they fly hundreds of meters through the air. I guess it's because of the wired physic engine... So BIS what's wrong?! Not only with the map, but also with you guys?! This game is a real disappointment, not just because of this bug...
  7. -)a)(

    Operation Hanghuhn

    Hi, thx for the feedback. I will fix it as soon as possible. Unfortunately this mission is only playable on a dedicated server at this time.
  8. -)a)(

    Operation Hanghuhn

    BTW, i'm still looking for someone who can help me translating the briefing! Plz mail to: mueller.patrick@web.de
  9. -)a)(

    Operation Hanghuhn

    Thanks for your feedback! If you play alone you'll get several error-messages, i'll fix this. But who wanna play alone... Unfortunately there seems to be a problem with the respawn. I misused the group-respawn feature in ofp, to make soldier-model-changing possible. But it seems to not work properly, so i have to remove this feature, if i don't find a properly working solution.
  10. -)a)(

    Operation Hanghuhn

    Thx Placebo, but you should wait with that. Bcs i'm not sure that all big bugs are eliminated. It could be that with many players bugs appear which would not appear with a small number of players. So we should do some more tests first. :-)
  11. -)a)(

    Operation Hanghuhn

    Menus and Ingame-text are english/german.
  12. -)a)(

    Operation Hanghuhn

    ***DOWNLOAD*** Hi, in the beginning of this year (and because of the lack of time, it took a while to finish it), i started a new project. A mission for mp with combined elements of the Battlefield1985- and the CTI-Mission. Unfortunately i did not have the time to test it in greater detail on a full server. With a few people on server everything seems to work fine. But a real stress-test is missing. My call to the great community here, test this mission and gimme some feedback and bug reports. Â In the past were some bugs with the respawn and the global factory-queue, but i hope i fixed them. Unfortunately, and i'm very sorry for that, there is no english briefing, only german. My english isn't bad (Isn't it?! ), but it would take me a lot of time to translate it. So if some people are out there who are able and willing to translate it, please do it. You would do me a great favour. The GUI and all ingame-text is in german and english. Some Mission-Features: - C&H-Mission with RTS-Elements, 5 positions to capture - 2 of this position placeable by each team - extra admin-menu for changing many mission-parameters - new respawn --> soldiertype changeable - in the positions factories and other stuff can be build - factories has a global queue - income by holding positions and destroying vehicles - tuned police-jeep - dynamic weather and accelerated day/night-cycle - NO ADDONS needed! Some Pics: Adminmenu http://home.arcor.de/np.mueller/pictures/adminmenu.jpg Buildmenu http://home.arcor.de/np.mueller/pictures/baumenu.jpg Factorymenu http://home.arcor.de/np.mueller/pictures/factory.jpg Respawnmenu "Account management" Ammocratemenu Greetings, Dax ***DOWNLOAD***
  13. stringtable: STR_Speedlimit, "Attention, speedlimit is %1kph!" Script: hint Format [localize "STR_Speedlimit",speed plane]
  14. The dimensions of the image are wrong, they has to be 2^n, f.e. 64x64, 128x128, 256x128, 64x512! But i recommend that you don't use some too exotic dimmensions like 256x16, bcs that could crash an dedicated server.
  15. -)a)(

    Many Cheats Revealed!

    Sounds interesting....because this is absolutely impossible..... Moveindriver and setfuel are local commands, they will only work on the cheaters PC. The cheater can create the boat because createvehicle is global, but he isnt able to move you in. It isn't impossible, believe me...