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Everything posted by -myg0t-Azide

  1. -myg0t-Azide

    Crazy Alien.. He thinks he's invisible.

    I am pretty sure the only way he could see me that way is with a map hack or one of the new DLL injects. Oh well.
  2. -myg0t-Azide

    ArMaTeC Dedicated server

    I guess thanks for the app. I ran in it in VMware on my Debian box and it tries some crazy net traffic. One packet had the MD5 hash for a my virtual login account. I think there might be more to this program than the author is telling. Can anyone confirm this?
  3. -myg0t-Azide

    server admin duscussion

    Yeah, A remote server manager that allows server restarts (not map restart) is definitely needed.
  4. Most of the burden on my server stems from AI calculations being trhrown in on top of server management. Â Would it be possible to code a "stand-alone" AI client that could be run on a separate machine (no graphics, just behavior) and have that data sent to the server as if it was a collection of clients logged in? In this way, the server job would not have the burden of AI calculations and perhaps people could have custom AI clients running that log in as "teams" to servers.
  5. -myg0t-Azide

    Problem with Server Config

    Hello, I have generated a custom user profile as described above. **Note: Â Having "illegal" characters in the name of the server seemed to prevent the file from being created *** When I open "MYNAME.ArmaProfile" Â I see server settings, but not the ones listed in your example. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> version=1; blood=1; viewDistance=1200; terrainGrid=10.000000; volumeCD=7; volumeFX=7; volumeSpeech=7; singleVoice=0; playerVoice=0; gamma=1.000000; brightness=1.000000; fovTop=0.750000; fovLeft=1.000000; uiTopLeftX=0.000000; uiTopLeftY=0.000000; uiBottomRightX=1.000000; uiBottomRightY=1.000000; sceneComplexity=300000.000000; shadingQuality=7; shadowQuality=2; soundEnableEAX=1; soundEnableHW=0; Am I in the right file? Â May I add the lines in your code? I am running Arma_Server with an uploaded install. -A
  6. -myg0t-Azide

    New Gang In Town To Clean Up Campers!

    Wow, just wow. -A
  7. -myg0t-Azide

    wtf happened here

    LOL at the long fingers.
  8. I am attempting to start a server from an "uploaded" install. During the start, after about 4 or 5 "check marks", the start fails with the error "File Too Short: addons\sara.pbo" I also get a similar error with "sounds.pbo" if I mod the game to have better sound (as a client). Is there a way to turn off whatever checking is being done so I don't get these errors?
  9. -myg0t-Azide

    Suggestion for Better Server Performance and AI

    aight. Thanks.
  10. -myg0t-Azide

    Realism soundpack v1.0

    Bump for New Error (I think, this thread is a beast). I purchased the download, it came with the 1.02 patch, i patched from german to english, then tried the soundpack. installation went okay. But when i ran the game, i got an error telling me that sounds.pbo was too small (or something similar). A friend with the same settings has the same problem. However, another buddy, (who bought the DVD and patched it to 1.02) said the soundpack is excellent. Any ideas? -A
  11. -myg0t-Azide

    Suggestion for Better Server Performance and AI

    I am waiting for official response.
  12. -myg0t-Azide

    Suggestion for Better Server Performance and AI

    so, any thoughts on the AI teams?
  13. -myg0t-Azide

    Suggestion for Better Server Performance and AI

    I don't understand. Please keep this thread on topic.
  14. -myg0t-Azide

    Suggestion for Better Server Performance and AI

    I thought it would be cool for people to come into a server with their custom BOT posse. Only controlling the bots or setting their AI tweaks as a client.
  15. -myg0t-Azide

    Demo Server Manager Available?

    I have a dedicated demo server running. I was wondering if there was server manager software available that will work with the demo and the retail version? I am considering buying the game when it's released in the US, but probably won't if I can't run a server easily. -A
  16. -myg0t-Azide

    Demo Server Manager Available?

    Thanks. That is what I was looking for. -Cake Baker