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About -AOE-Maniac

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  1. -AOE-Maniac

    Patch 1.08 doesn't boot thread

    Thanks for bringing up this issue again. There are quite many of us around who all suffer from the new SecuROM version implemented. I still see BIS and Sony in charge here. Had my own conversation with the guys at Sony and they came up with the suggestion to remove the SPTD driver. Let me put a quote: Of course I tried it and it did not really help. Same issue with the launch of ArmA remains. In order to support Sony with digging out a fix, you all might want to send them support tickets and a system analysis as well. To access the SecuROM Analysis Mode, right click on your ArmA Desktop reference and click on "Start Analysis". Then game will try to boot, crash but also create a AnalysisLog.sr0 file. This can then be sent over to them. I got my reply after 2h - let's give them a change to fix their mess. If anybody else found a proper solution or like to share feedback in a mature way, please post. Thanks.
  2. -AOE-Maniac

    SecuROM problem - Error 7001

    Having the very common ArmA fails launch error: German DVD 1.0 -> 1.05 -> 1.08 ArmA does not start, the DVD spins up quickly, then the game launcher dies. No SecuROM error messages. The fix stated above does not work with this error. Assistance is appreciated. Let it be BIS, SecuROM or anybody else. Just fix this thing. Thanks.