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About -ASW-AllShotUp

  • Rank
    Private First Class


  • Interests
    I run multiplayer game sites.
  1. Have you ever wanted to start your own tournament? Â Run it the way you wanted to, but never had the money for servers webspace? Well here is your chance for you and even you and some friends to run your own Tourney. Your own show, that you promote, organize administer and better yet have fun because it is you're baby. Â To play to grow and build your self a good following on the net. A Soldiers War is looking for a mature individual who has played in tournament / clan style play. Â Age is not a factor as long as the maturity and a willingness to work hard is there. We supply the game server or servers depending on how big you get. TeamSpeak, Website Domain, Webspace, Forums, FTP space for upload / downloads for your members, and all the technical assistance you need. Â The best thing isit won't cost you anything, except your time and hard work to build a premium tournament. If you are interested please contact me here via PM or on our main site. http://www.asoldierswar.com The url for the Arma site is: http://www.arma-asw.com I am looking forward to hearing from you, S/ AllShotUp Founder A Soldiers War
  2. -ASW-AllShotUp

    Why are the public servers all empty?

    In the past 24 hour period we have had 80+ people on Server #1 - "A Soldiers War Gaming ARMA Server" which runs all 3 maps in rotation Server #2 Â " A Soldiers War CTI only Arma Server" had 60+ players in 24 hours.. Â Now this is the DEMO only and not the full game. Our servers are located out of Virginia USA since we have a lot of UK/EURO traffic playing our other games, ie: BF2142, IL2 Forgotten Battles, and an MS FLT SIM X, 2004 and 2002. All these are dedicated servers along with our Teamspeak servers. So I guess 140 people total in 24 hours is not too good but not really that bad considering it is only the DEMO and has received very little press here in the US compared to the other Game Titles coming out now. Now as far as time period - traffic is heavy around 10am US EST to the Afternoon, then it picks up again around 6PM US EST and it shows traffic on both through the overnight hours. So I do not know what to tell you except after years of doing this the trueism as one person wrote - 'No One Likes to Join Empty Servers" Â and the other thing is "Very few have the patience to see if people join while messing around waiting on an empty server" It is like we all have ADHD So feel free to hop on anytime and see if that brings in some people. Â You can always join the CTI and get use to the map and stuff. I got to do that more, but between running these sites and another internet service, I havn't had the time to like I wanted... Anyway feel free to join ours anytime with or without people if you have the demo. Â s/ AllShotUp
  3. -ASW-AllShotUp

    Why are the public servers all empty?

    Are those just EU servers or Worldwide? Here in the US I am running 2 to 3 servers at a time. A Soldiers War Arma DEMO Dedicated Servers for those that are interested. Â Click here to visit our site A Soldiers War If those are the number of people playing on-line - it seems the game needs some more PR work to get it out to the General Public...BF2142, BF2 run around 20000 a day, HL2, CS run about 40000+ and even BF42 and Team Fortress classic are still over a 1000 a day... But these are worldwide stats through Gamespy...so "your mileage may vary" so to speak... s/ ASU
  4. -ASW-AllShotUp

    Server Performance

    Thanks Couch Monkey for the info - yeah we are going to switch into a multi-core, raid 1 machines here in the next few days. We finished some network tests last night from Europe and the Mideast, since we have a lot of members in those areas so we believe we are all set now...hopefully...
  5. -ASW-AllShotUp

    Server Performance

    Hey CouchMonkey - What kinda load are those other CPU's pulling when the 1 core is at 25%? I am curious for future reference on an upgraded box we are going to be switching into soon. s/ ASU
  6. -ASW-AllShotUp

    Any Word Yet about the CTI???

    So far so good (fingers crossed) no complaints yet from members or visitors to our forums...also only one crash, but we believe it might be server releated..still checking that one out. The funny thing was I had sent a PM asking about it's status, got a reply of real soon, and then went back in the forums and saw the post and link...talk about real soon! Anyway, I will keep the community updated and Support also as comments etc come in. s/ ASU
  7. -ASW-AllShotUp

    Server Performance

    Since that time, they built DataCenter2 which qualified for direct to Peer1 and skipping the Cisco networks. That alone dropped 4-6 hops to every member of our group. They have several DataCenters, but most arer for web hosting..i,e L.A./Dallas/ Virginia #1 datacenters. You would be suprised at the larger companies that rent from SB. They do not support gaming, just the boxes on their fat pipe. At 1 point, I was going for a 2nd box in L.A. for my guys on the west coast, but I was refered back to Datacenter2 for gaming. CouchMonkey.... Since you have 4 cores, have you tried to pin ArmA to 2 of them and pin other apps to the others? Good Point Big_Bear, Server Beach got bought out a year or two ago by Peer1, which I believe is a Canadian company. Good service etc even before they got bought out. Alot of the lag problems was traced out to crossing over the different lines that were owned by Cogent and other companies. We have no problem using them since they gave fine service, but at the time we were going through an upgrade of our servers, we went to a different provider with better specs at a lower cost. Most of our traffic comes out of central and eastern North America (Can / US ) and Western Europe. In fact we are getting ready to go through another upgrade again. So we are exploring all our options now for what is most cost effective. s/ ASU
  8. -ASW-AllShotUp

    Server Performance

    Just so we are on the same page and in case terminology is different. "Unmetered" usually means in amount of bandwidth used not speed. Hence an 10mbps "unmetered" conn. is still 10mbps - it is just you are not charged for an overage's since you do not have a limit. We run a 100mbps conn, which means we are going out 10 X as fast as a 10mbps machine...You do not need to ask your server provider this unless you do not have "remote desktop" access. Like any windows machine, you go to SYSTEM - read your CPU type and Memory, go to Device Mgr - look up all your onboard equipment, then go to network connections and read your bandwidth connection. It will say either 10 or 100mbps. We do not even come close to using 2000gb per month and that is with running a BF2142 Tournament Server, MS Flt Sim 2004 / X server and a PAC Fighters server off the same box. Even our BF2142 and BF2 ranked servers never pulled that much with a good load. Since 2003 when we started running BF42 we never went over 2000gb... So see what you are running and if you do not need it - save your money. BTW - 10mbps "unmetered" is usually around $275.00 US extra versus a 100mbps link out for $20.00 As far as "Quad Cores', I thought you had "dual core", my bad for not reading correctly. However the procedure I gave you was an actual fix from EA"s Tech Dept. last year for server and client machines when we had a problem with BF2 and "dual core" before they released a patch.
  9. -ASW-AllShotUp

    Any Word Yet about the CTI???

    Well, you were saying that you need a super internet to host 60 players, but that's not true, the connections that proper dedicated servers are on, are not super connections, but just 'normal' connections 'for servers' Anyway, not really important anyway Not something that the average person would spring for, i.e. super-connection. The avarage person also doesnt host a 64 player server in BF2, thats why we have servers, to handle stuff that the average person cant do/host Agreed...I can't imagine running a large game off a DSL or Cable connection...you might as well use dialup...HAHA...and unless you want to spring for a T1 or T3 connection, then leave the large stuff to the people who run these servers like us...
  10. -ASW-AllShotUp

    Server Performance

    Are you running a seperate firewall on your box then what your provider has? Best is to open the ports needed for each game and leave it at that. If you have a dual core and a windows machine...you might be able to just use one core for your ArmA by changing the AFFINITY. Use your Task Manager - from RUN - type in taskmgr Then when Task Manager opens - go to processes, and highlight ARMA - then right click on that and you should see a dropdown block that says SET AFFINITY - there you should be able to select core #1 or core #2. Then you can use your TASK MANAGER to see what is your performance before and after besides hopping in the game and checking it there also. BTW - that was the "fix" that was out for BF2 when they came out without dual core support.
  11. -ASW-AllShotUp

    Server Performance

    We run a 100mb metered port since which you are correct in saying, Unmetered is better but expensive. I am unsure how many game sites run like that though. However I have no problem running 2 BF2142 servers and MS FLt SIM /PAC Fighters off of a 100mbps line. We used Server Beach a couple years ago, great people but we did experiance lag even with a 100mbps port out just running BF42/DC however the best location we found with them was to have our server in VA, since it helped the people here in the US and Europe the best. I would not go back to a 10mbps line - it would not be worth the hassle. s/ ASU
  12. -ASW-AllShotUp

    Any Word Yet about the CTI???

    You know what he's complaining about? If you'd looked at the demo at all you'd know that there is no MPmissions folder and that the 3 missions BIS included are it. There is also no mission editor included in the demo so how the hell is he supposed to help build a new version. He raised a valid point and only 1 person has even tried an answer so far. My guess is that BIS will be working on the second demo update as soon as they are all back from end of year holidays. Or at the very latest it will be updated to the same core as the 505 release in Feb. Just for the record...All I want is to be able to run the demo with a map that will allow 60+ people on so they can explore the game more. I could care less if we called it "Joe's Map" as long as we could at least get 60 people on it (or more) and the gamers here in the US could see what potential a game like ArmA has... I have "tore" apart the .pbo files looking for some sort of clue that I could change to get the CTI to work...if I could I would have and either had another map out or helped you guys get some more maps out. It is kind a hard to say to players we got this massive FPS but we are stuck to a 16 player demo... This is not a complaint, because I prefer action to complaints...sorry if you guys took it that way.. s/ ASU
  13. -ASW-AllShotUp

    Any Word Yet about the CTI???

    Just wondering if any word is out about the status of the CTI - as in fixes, patches etc, foir the demo? I know it is a demo, but it will be hard to keep the interest up with just CTF and COOP especially with the small numbers of players allowed. People keep asking me where are the massive maps and massive players with Armor and Aircraft? Â I hate telling them that we had it but it crashed the demo...doesn't build confidence up, you know what I mean? Â - This is not a flame just a viewpoint from a marketing perspective... BTW - I posted a link to my dump files last wek and emailed a link in this week also. Thanks, s/ ASU
  14. -ASW-AllShotUp

    Maximum Number of Players

    Do you know this for absolute certainty? Have you had 65 people on the server and then had the 66th one be unable to connect? Until someone can PROVE that, this all just seems to be panic over hearsay and assumption. Yes, I can prove it. Â 1. Â Start up a dedicated server. Â 2. Â Edit the server config file to reflect maxusers = 99 3. Â Start the server 4. Â Note that in gamespay, it will say 65 players. Â The 66th cannot join. Â We just tried it. Â Please read the inital post for more details. Â It is not panic, it is fact. Also, please keep the other kid crap out of this post please, I want to keep this thread productive. Thanks Couch Monkey - Was this in the full version or demo? I noticed in the demo, when the server (dedicated) is sitting idle I show the same - 65 players max. I thought maybe this was a "demo only" limit. However when a map starts in the demo, we seem to be stuck with the map limits COOP - 8 / CTF - 16 which I think are just the limits (I hope this is the case) they put on the demo maps. Heck I can get 64 players on a BF2142 server and if I tweak with the BF2 server we have I can break the 64 limit on that one. I believe those two games are more bandwidth intensive then ArmA. That's why we liked the idea of 100+ players... s/ ASU
  15. -ASW-AllShotUp

    Demo Dedicated Server

    Teaser - I wondered about those too because I would like to boost up the max players in CTF and COOP. I got my MOTD set to 1 and only see it in the beginning (maybe between rounds but I will check to confirm) However I did eliminate the player Vote Admin command - and all I put in the beginning is this: and I took out any reference to vote anything...The admin stuff still works with no problems. This way your server admin can only administer it and no player can. If you get any more info pass it on and so will I. s/ ASU