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Posts posted by -PTG-chef_uk

  1. Cause i can't get it to work for love nor money sad_o.gif

    Im sure i had a problem with it in the demo and must of forgpt. Now my pc can handle ArmA i went and brought it hoping for it to finally work.

    Does the game pick up all controllers connected to the pc? That question will help me i feel because i have the following options to use and wonder if they conflict with other controllers or whether they are independent to controllers found connected.

    x+ x- axis

    y+ y- axis

    z+ z- axis

    x+ x-rotate

    y+ y- rotate

    z+ z-rotate

    Slider +1 -1

    Slider +2 -2

    My other controllers connected is Logitech Momo Racing Wheel and Logitech Wingman cordless.

    Any help would be much appreciated.

  2. Cause i can't get it to work for love nor money sad_o.gif

    Im sure i had a problem with it in the demo and must of forgpt. Now my pc can handle ArmA i went and brought it hoping for it to finally work.

    Does the game pick up all controllers connected to the pc? That question will help me i feel because i have the following options to use and wonder if they conflict with other controllers or whether they are independent to controllers found connected.

    x+ x- axis

    y+ y- axis

    z+ z- axis

    x+ x-rotate

    y+ y- rotate

    z+ z-rotate

    Slider +1 -1

    Slider +2 -2

    My other controllers connected is Logitech Momo Racing Wheel and Logitech Wingman cordless.

    Any help would be much appreciated.

  3. sorted, read all that before numerous times.

    Problem i was having was i kept trying to run the server.exe and not the demo.exe. The demo.exe needed a .dll file and a quick google found it for me. Installed it and the .demo ran as the other .exe does but this time the server shows up smile_o.gif

  4. Can't seem to run a CTI server with that new binary. Server crashes on game start.

    Please could any of you provide us with crash dumps?

    Files arma.bidmp, arma.mdmp and arma.RPT are created in place like this:

    C:\Documents and Settings\*_yourusername_*\Local Settings\Application Data\ArmA Demo

    I would if more info/help on how to set a dedi server up was given icon_rolleyes.gif

  5. Also having problems running it. Being new to this game and it's setup most of us are a little in the dark about it so would appreciate a short guide on how to do it please smile_o.gif

    When setting the server up as told in the DS-admin.rtf file it dosn't work.

    Is the server.cfg file the only file that needs creating for a server to run?

    Should more than 2 lines pop up in the little dos type box ie:

    dedicated host created

    host identity created

    And is this server config workable or does it need anythign adding to it?

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">passwordAdmin = "****"; // password to protect admin access

    hostname="PTG www.clanptg.com";



    "Welcome to ARMA server.",

    "Hosted by [PTG].",

    }; // Welcome message


    voteThreshold=0.33; // when one third agrees, this is enough to confirm a vote

    reportingIP="master.gamespy.com"; // default

    voteMissionPlayers=3; // start voting when 3 players connect

    checkfiles[]={"ArmA_Demo\dta\bin.pbo","dta\core.pbo"}; //list of files to check for identity

    kickduplicate=1; // do not allow duplicate id

    equalModRequired=1; // require equal mod

    I can appreciate current working server admins not wanting to help so their servers stay full and if thats true then at least post up saying so so we know we're not being ignored wink_o.gif

  6. About ArmA Demo dedicated server hosts:

    it's currently not possible to play using it nor using the -server commandline argument (and readme is incorrect in this part for the 1.03 demo exe).

    We're going to adress this soon (by releasing a new exe needed for that), hopefully tomorow.

    That will be why it dosn't work for me then wink_o.gif
