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Everything posted by -J4F-Thunder666

  1. -J4F-Thunder666

    adjustable Respawn Script

    @Woodstock21: i know this Scriptpackage and it needs nearly the same Ressources like Norrins. I know this Package because i use the search Funktion !! I asked for a small Script and this you cant find direct with search Function. But thx for the Tip. @Rommel: :yay: thats exactly what im looking for ! tvm ! greetings
  2. Hi all, creating a Coop at Celle and have a respawn Problem. I used the Norrin Revive Script(phantastic) but it needs to much Ressources if i use it together with ACE2, GL4,M.Missiles . The Point is i need a small Respawn Script for 8(or adjustable) Players and 5 Spawnpoints(or adjustable) where the Player can choice a Respawnpoint after died. Hope someone can help me ! THX in advance ! Greetings
  3. -J4F-Thunder666

    using hcsetgroup ???

    thx but i tryed this of course. Dont works with Trigger for me : (
  4. hi all, i try to give Players the HC of different Groups with a Trigger and ""<HCO> hcsetgroup [<group>,""];"". Can someone please explain how i must set the Modules ? I tryed something but all with a Result that isnt ok :confused:. Please help me . Greetings
  5. -J4F-Thunder666

    Hybrid Commanding System

    Hi Guys, i try to create a Coop at Moment. It should be possible to select the HC about different Battlegroups (Inft, Tanks and so on) for Players with some simple Triggers. I tryed something with the HC Modules, but im not good enough with scripting. Can you help me please ? Greetings
  6. -J4F-Thunder666

    Group Link 4 Special FX Edition

    other Question: enemy AI no longer uses Arti. Using Terrorists from Schnapsi and FFAA. global.sqf settings for Arti ( true, 100%, Grenade). tested 10 Times, they dont use Arti :(((. Need Help
  7. -J4F-Thunder666

    Group Link 4 Special FX Edition

    hello all, 1st, no i havent read the full Post. We using in our Coops now V.87 and can no longer recruit friendly KI`s. Our Fold ? << solved, only Leader cant recriut ? Please can someone upload the old .87b PLEASE THX in advance !!
  8. Hiho, 1st of all, a phantastic Arti Script !!! Using only this for Coop`s and all works fine for me. But now we use Gl 4 and we have a big Problem. If i have the "recrute friendly Soldiers" Option = true (default) and i rerute a Soldier, i have no longer a Arti Menu :(. I "pinned" my Arti at Radio Operators and Hummers but no more Arti after recruiting at both Positions. :( Maybe someone has a Idea or a Solution ??? 1st Part solved, dont know where was a Error. ------------------------------------------------- other Question: is it possible to use with a Distance option to class "radio" ?? Someone can help please ?! Greetings Thunder
  9. -J4F-Thunder666

    RH Mk18 1.0 pack

    @Robert: so which Pack you must finish before ? :cancan: @Christian.1987: Isnt right. I am not a Fan of your SG1 :p. Some Month ago i tryed to release a own SG1 G3-1 G3-2 .But i am not a Modder, only a stupid Shooter i think :) Now i have only a Modell :( . Greetings Thunder
  10. -J4F-Thunder666

    RH Mk18 1.0 pack

    yeah but 1st the G3 Pack please :bounce3:
  11. -J4F-Thunder666

    RH Mk18 1.0 pack

    Your Packs are absolutly amaizing ! i ♥ the M14 ! still hope for a G3 Pack made by RH ! : ) greetings
  12. hi all, urgent Question: editing a coop. at one Point Civ`s in a Trigger Area should have a new WP and move to the new WP. I tryed this >> {_x addwaypoint[getmarkerpos "e3",10];} forEach list Area3; but nothing happen :( . Please help me ! Greetings
  13. : )) Sounds good will try this. THX
  14. Hi, thx for Answers. @Fuzzy: yeah thats ok and i tryed this before but the Problem with "do move" is , the Guys then all at same Point. With WP i can set a Radius. @ruebe: the Problem isnt the WP, it is only one WP and i set this to "move" and so on. The Problem is the Syntax in {_x addwaypoint[getmarkerpos "e3",10];} forEach list Area3.I am not good with scripting.But i think this Order must be possible. Greetings
  15. was it a stupid Question or is it impossible ? Please someone cmone. Greetings
  16. Hi all, is it possible (maybe via Script) in Multiplayer Mode (Coop) to switch in different Ki`s. The problem is i have Battlefield with much Units and the Player should have the free Choice of a Unit ?! That`s what i need. If it is possible, someone can give me please a sample Script ? Please ! TXH in advance !
  17. Hi, somewhere is explained the ACE Arti and virtual Arti Mudules ? Or maybe someone can give me a little advice please ? THX in advance
  18. -J4F-Thunder666

    Evolution V1.0 Large scale respawn coop

    Please fix the S&R Mission, the Marker is in the Ocean !
  19. -J4F-Thunder666

    Evolution V1.0 Large scale respawn coop

    Whats up ? V1.4c The S&R Mission where the Pilot is at the NE of the Island cant be completed. The Locating Point of the missing Pilot is in the Ocean ! Then i have choose the other S&R Mission for 20 Points,after extraction the Pilot at Evac Point i become only 10 Points Thunder
  20. -J4F-Thunder666

    Evolution V1.0 Large scale respawn coop

    THX for quick Answer but what the hell is ? 666
  21. -J4F-Thunder666

    Evolution V1.0 Large scale respawn coop

    What a Coop ! The best Coop Map we[J4F] have ever seen. But 2 Questions : First : What the Hell does the Phone ? Second : How i use the Ammonition Truck ? We cant reammo Strikers, Tanks and so on ! 666