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Everything posted by -J4F-Thunder666

  1. -J4F-Thunder666

    Virtual Ammobox System (VAS)

    ok seems solved with new v19a
  2. -J4F-Thunder666

    Virtual Ammobox System (VAS)

    hi, long Time ago i ask you for a included Posibility for the Mapmaker to Reset the Loadouts. You said "...oh i forgott, but in next Version..." You never have released this :(. Ok maybe to much work. But now i have a bigger problem like this. I set a Trigger Limitation by Rank. Condion: ("optic_Aco" in (primaryWeaponitems player) || "optic_Aco" in (assigneditems player)) and rank player == "PRIVATE" and speed vehicle player != 0 activation: player removePrimaryWeaponItem "optic_ACO"; so it works good if i get a single Item from the VAS Box. But if i load a saved Loadout nothing is happen, Trigger is broken. This must happen with one of your last updates. Some Month ago all working fine. Please check this and help us. If we can fix it, we must use a other Box. And i like you VAS Box :D thx in advance Thunder
  3. -J4F-Thunder666

    Server.exe crash using Parachutes...

    @BIS so i think i found the Problem which made exploding Rotors,Choppers and Server crashing while using the Parachutes. We have a Base Protection in the Missions and using the "ProtectionZone_Invisible_F" for protection. I have removed this Pprotection now and all is fine. No longer exploding Choppers and it seems no longer Server crashes if we use Parajumping.(30 Jumps without crash). The Problem is we need this Base Protection :) ! Can you Guys please Check this or maybe you have a Solution for this Problem ? thx in advance greetings Thunder PRIVATE ["_R","_marker","_x","_y","_z","_model","_a","_b","_c","_test"]; _marker = _this select 0; _R = ((getMarkerSize _marker) select 0); //Aussenradius _x = ((getmarkerpos _marker) select 0); //Mittelpunkt x _y = ((getmarkerpos _marker) select 1); //Mittelpunkt y _test = "Land_HelipadEmpty_F" createVehicleLocal [_x,_y]; _z = ((getposASL _test) select 2); _z = _z - 20; deletevehicle _test; [color="#FF0000"]_model = "ProtectionZone_Invisible_F"; [/color]// Klassenname der Geometry _a = 30; // Breite _b = 30; // Höhe _c = 30; // Tiefe for "_lx" from (_x - _R) to (_x + _R) step _a do { for "_ly" from (_y - _R) to (_y + _R) step _c do { _pos = [_lx,_ly,_z]; if ((_pos distance [_x,_y,_z])<(_R - (0.5 * _a))) then { _veh = _model createvehicle _pos; _veh setposASL _pos; _veh setdir 0; _veh setvectorup [0,0,1]; }; sleep 0.1; }; sleep 0.1; };
  4. -J4F-Thunder666

    RH Pistol pack

    hi, with a phantastic M4,M16 and M249 Pack right ? :D So when it is Christmas this Year, Septemper 12 ? I really hope so. greetings Thunder
  5. -J4F-Thunder666

    Server.exe crash using Parachutes...

    So there was a Mistake. You guys has fixed the burning Chutes right. But not the second error in public Version. If jump and open the Chute i get the same Error as before from the Trigger for our Choppers. alive player and vehicle player isKindOf "Helicopter" << Trigger condition hint parseText "<t color='#ffff33'>save jump out Altitude lower then 25m, Speed slower then 10km/h (the Water should be deep blue)</t>"; << on activation so why i get this in a Parachute ? Cant be normal right ? Any News about the Server crash or the exploding Rotors ? I have send you Guys a error free Mission for testing ! Can you please make a update. If you release at 12.9. with this errors we can shutdown our C&H Server and deinstall A3 :(. There are no longer Guys connect to the Server with that Buggs. I repeat, the exploding Rotors are since the last update ! And the Server.exe crashes after using the Chutes. http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=12064 << Ticket greetings Thunder
  6. -J4F-Thunder666

    MH-9 Rotor explodes......

    hi, now after the 0.74 only the Rotor of the MH9 Chopper explodes at engine Start not the whole Chopper like before ;). MH-9 not usable atm. greetings Thunder srry iam wrong, the Orca explodes if you try to enter again :( wth Guys ???
  7. -J4F-Thunder666

    MH-9 Rotor explodes......

    http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=12064 i have seen some Guys asking for Gasmasks. Please insert real Gasmasks with the Possibility to set Areas where you must use them. PLEASE. And if you need , so steal them from ACE
  8. -J4F-Thunder666

    Server.exe crash using Parachutes...

    http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=12064 i have seen some Guys asking for Gasmasks. Please insert real Gasmasks with the Possibility to set Areas where you must use them. PLEASE. And if you need , so steal them from ACE :D
  9. -J4F-Thunder666

    Server.exe crash using Parachutes...

    ok Issue Report and Mission/Screens send. Hope you can fix it soon !
  10. -J4F-Thunder666

    MH-9 Rotor explodes......

    since update it happen 2 all Choppers in our Missions. i have send a Issue Report with Mission and hope it will be fixed soon.
  11. -J4F-Thunder666

    Server.exe crash using Parachutes...

    where is the report Issue Button ? cant find them :( must be logged in or somthing ? lol found him ---------- Post added at 15:50 ---------- Previous post was at 15:24 ---------- is the same Account like this right ? If i login i get .... So how much Accounts i must create to send a Feedback ? ok i have created a new account. the confirmation Mail needs longer then 24 Hours ? cmon guys !
  12. -J4F-Thunder666

    MH-9 Rotor explodes......

    so we make Missions since OFP and never seen this before. That must be a Joke ! You can only start the Chopper if a squaremile room around and no other Chopper "close" or other Objects. tested the indep. Trans. Chopper with same result, so i think it happen at all Choppers now. All the Missions work before Patch 0.74 (with random exploding Choppers). some examples should swow what i mean. If this is not enough room to start, something is wrong with the Game for me ! And in future we need Miles for a Base with some Helicopters. http://abload.de/img/ex_1ah8j4a.jpg http://abload.de/img/ex_1buwksz.jpg http://abload.de/img/ex_2a20kg6.jpg http://abload.de/img/ex_2bfijm0.jpg http://abload.de/img/ex_3a6qkuz.jpg http://abload.de/img/ex_3bhkkzr.jpg
  13. -J4F-Thunder666

    Server.exe crash using Parachutes...

    really nice Patch again and both Problems are solved(burning Chute and Cute is Helicopter) but the Game/Server crashes again while jumping :( greetings Thunder
  14. -J4F-Thunder666

    =BTC= Logistic [A3] - BETA

    yes I have already did it. thx again. find it very useful, but miss the opportunity to let his Squad Show / Hide. Greeting Thunder
  15. -J4F-Thunder666

    =BTC= Logistic [A3] - BETA

    tvm for quick answer. i tried your vehicle.sqf but no chance. All vehicles respaning after given Time in init Line. Thunder P.S. the init Line is the same like before right ? ---------- Post added at 15:22 ---------- Previous post was at 14:07 ---------- ok solved , my fault. used the old init line. tvm ! other Question. I found in Source a Dir called scripts/groupsMenu. So this is useable ? And how and where i must call it ? thx in advance greetings Thunder
  16. -J4F-Thunder666

    Server.exe crash using Parachutes...

    Parachute and anims looks really cool after last update ! But Server.exe(and the Game at Client) crashes again and again(and for the 1st Time in Editor to). So i added a Option to Choppers for the Divers(jumpout) ? alive player and vehicle player isKindOf "Helicopter" jump = player addaction ["<t color='#ffff33'>jump out</t>", "moveout.sqs"]; hint parseText "<t color='#ffff33'>save jump out Altitude lower then 25m, Speed slower then 10km/h (the Water should be deep blue)</t>"; if i have a Parachute and i open the Chute, i get this hint Message like a Chopper ?! But iam not in a Chopper. The Chutes are included in "Helicopter" ? second thing is. If i land with overspeed in the Chute, i die and the Chute is burning like a explosion !? That should be ? Maybe that helps for fixing the Chutes. yes i will do this now. greetings Thunder
  17. -J4F-Thunder666

    =BTC= Logistic [A3] - BETA

    Hi, really nice Script, thank you for that. 2 Questions. We using 0.12 and if a Vehicle is lifted and empty it is respawning after the given Time(in simple Respawn Script). This happen in 0.13 RC2 ? Where i can get the 0.13 ? Link are broken :(. Can ysomeone please reup the 0.13 RC2 ? thx in advance ! greetings Thunder
  18. -J4F-Thunder666

    RH M14 pack 1.0 for OA / CO

    another amaizing Pack tvm 4 this
  19. hello, i used the V 0.8 at this Moment and tested 0.9 now....amaizing : ) ! Can i use this in a Coop with a Trigger Start and set the Warhead in Trigger too ? THX in advance
  20. sounds good but i dont understund it. I must start ARMA 2 or OA with the Addon. I tryed Arma 2 with the Addon and "EXPANSION" . SO how i can activate the Flir in the AH-64 ? If i try to start Expansion without your addon i have Error "error compiling Pixel shader pSpecular Alpha ? Greetings
  21. -J4F-Thunder666

    Halo altimiter gone? (AO)

    opened now with "Eliteness" works for me. But the Jump action is called in the mission.fsm via Functions and i am not confirm with this procedure : (. Also i cant add the steerable Parachute to the Player or as Cargo : (. Hope the Guys here have a quick Solution for happy Jumps : ) Greetings
  22. which is the latest Version of depbo.dll and where i can find it please ?
  23. -J4F-Thunder666

    Halo altimiter gone? (AO)

    it will be easy if we can extract the Practice Missions. I tryed it (Missions_e.pbo) with cpbo but it is not possible. Someone knows a Possibility to extract the Missions ? Greetings
  24. -J4F-Thunder666

    RH SMG pack 1.0

    excellent :yay: and noooooow ??? :) which is the next. Please a G3 Collection:) Greetings