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About -42k--firefly

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. -42k--firefly

    Car Addon

    cool, well if rar'd up all the pics n the model (its in a bit of a mess sry link to jeep n stuff
  2. -42k--firefly

    Car Addon

    cool, well if rar'd up all the pics n the model (its in a bit of a mess sry link to jeep n stuff
  3. -42k--firefly

    O2 has gon reatred on me :o help!

    weer i opend it yesrarday to edit something and its working maybe i had scrole or num or caps lock on maybe thats would make a deffrence?
  4. -42k--firefly

    Car Addon

    well i have some pics, yes,, but geting more is easy the ,real car is outside my house
  5. -42k--firefly

    Car Addon

    well i have some pics, yes,, but geting more is easy the ,real car is outside my house
  6. -42k--firefly

    Car Addon

    well to be homest iv no idea , took me a while to make,, but unless some 1 can give me a hand with the texturingit probbaly wont be finished ,, i got pics and stuff bit they jst need editing and put in to a good format etc for puting onthe model
  7. -42k--firefly

    Car Addon

    well to be homest iv no idea , took me a while to make,, but unless some 1 can give me a hand with the texturingit probbaly wont be finished ,, i got pics and stuff bit they jst need editing and put in to a good format etc for puting onthe model
  8. -42k--firefly

    Car Addon

    hears a pic of the vehicle in question
  9. -42k--firefly

    Car Addon

    hears a pic of the vehicle in question
  10. -42k--firefly

    parachutes, snipers and more

    yes i can help but not rigt now im at school so dont have any if my uber txt docs,but sniper poss:iv done this through the use of ofp's camera function then setting the poss of the unit from that para guys: easly done though a simple script and triggers, although if u dump a full load of guys out of a chopper at once many will die coz ofp is retarded and the chutes stick in side eachother but with a little delay between em there fine il post again when i het home to help properly or check out: www.ofpec.com very good site for every thing about ofp editing
  11. -42k--firefly

    Car Addon

    hear's the story,, i decided to make a addon for ofp baced on a off-road racing vehicle- iv made the model it looks pritty good (in my opinion) and its pritty much finished. i started to texture it and it all went down the pan, i couldent get it to look right , i have pics of the car its baced on but i dont have the skills to modify them and apply them ,, also i was gona write the config my self but i dont have the patience to get it to drive as i want it,,, so if any 1 is intrested in helping me out you would be more than wlecome im at shool at the mo but when i get home il put some pics of the model and the RL vehicle cheers
  12. -42k--firefly

    Car Addon

    hear's the story,, i decided to make a addon for ofp baced on a off-road racing vehicle- iv made the model it looks pritty good (in my opinion) and its pritty much finished. i started to texture it and it all went down the pan, i couldent get it to look right , i have pics of the car its baced on but i dont have the skills to modify them and apply them ,, also i was gona write the config my self but i dont have the patience to get it to drive as i want it,,, so if any 1 is intrested in helping me out you would be more than wlecome im at shool at the mo but when i get home il put some pics of the model and the RL vehicle cheers
  13. -42k--firefly

    O2 has gon reatred on me :o help!

    maybe a do have a infestation of trolles or pixxies
  14. -42k--firefly

    O2 has gon reatred on me :o help!

    well il have a prod at my keyborad but i dont thinks it's that got aa new kb like a few weeks ago ,, i have already red/led /reinstaled o2 i even deleted all the registeries so it came up with " this is the first time uv opend o2" but no joy,, are there hot keys or combanation keys to change controles or view that i may have pressed??? its jst like buggerd, holding down ither left or right mouse button jst moves the view in the x or y direction
  15. hey every 1 ,, i tralled though the fourm to try and find a solution to my prob but found nothing ,, if its ther sry for spamming ok what it is is that i opend o2 to continue work on my new project and i discoverd to my horor thats the controles changed some how maybe me being a n00b i duno but: when i left click and drag usualy creating a box to grab vertexes to objects what ever,, now it moves the view and the right click dose the same,,:S plz some 1 tell me how to fix it sry for my n00bishness,,cheers