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Everything posted by -22SAS-Psych

  1. -22SAS-Psych

    22nd SAS Regiment

    22nd SAS Regiment A British Special Forces Coop Clan Are you looking for a clan that places the emphasis on group tactics and teamwork? Are you looking for a clan that uses up to date military tactics? Are you looking for a friendly, structured clan which is organized and experienced? Are you looking for a clan that has serious and mature members? Then apply to join 22 SAS. Who are we? The members of the regiment are mainly based within the United Kingdom. We will accept applicants from other countries providing their spoken English is understandable. We are serious coop gamers and take all situations in-game as a role-play scenario. We make our own addons and in addition to downloading the best of the addons released to the public. What we can offer you We offer our members the very best in training. Our training maps have been custom made by ex British forces members and will enable you to become a vital member of a small 4 man patrol. You will be given a role within a patrol and the training will be tailored to suit your needs. We offer other serious, role-playing and mature members for you to enjoy your gaming experiences with. The Regiment owns a dedicated server which is available 24/7 to member only, plus a dedicated teamspeak server. We make our own missions ensuring good firefights are common place and the scripting involved takes the AI and Armed Assault to a much higher level than the BIS release. You could find yourself parachuting behind enemy lines, driving through hostile cities, calling in artillery on enemy encampments, swimming to location, managing ration packs to replenish health and stamina levels and much, much more. What do we expect from you? We have an age limit of 16 plus, that said if you really believe you are mature enough to cope with being a member of the Regiment then feel free to apply. Most will fail to complete selection and only those who show they have what we are looking for will be considered for membership within the regiment. What we expect from you: You will respectful towards everyone within the regiment. You are able to be team player You are able to role-play (take the game seriously) You will be able to listen to and carry out orders You will act like an adult You will contribute towards the regiment in any way possible You will attend meetings and training sessions regularly What you need? You must have a teamspeak client (www.goteamspeak.com) You must own a legal copy of Armed Assault & Queens Gambit. How do I join? Visit our website at http://22regiment.co.uk/ and click on the join us link, there you will be asked a few simple questions. Once submitted your application should take no longer than 48 hours to process and you will receive more information about the next steps in joining the Regiment. Selection ALL new members are required to pass a selection course which is based on the real SAS selection. Selection and Continuation Training lasts a month roughly. Each month we will update this post with the next selection date available. Next Selection Date - 01 July 2008 @ 8pm (UK time) Please do NOT post replies in this thread. If you wish to communicate with us please visit our website or send a private message to me via these forums. This thread will ONLY be used to post updates about the Regiment.
  2. -22SAS-Psych


    great addon, finnaly a compass thats worth using.
  3. -22SAS-Psych

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    hiya, i've downloaded the euro mod and have patched it too, i have also downloaded the islands pack aswell. All of them are great, however i am having troubles with the m16's with 203s, i also am running the SJB wepaons pack, but have tested without and same problems occurs. Basically when i fire a grenadelauncher i get the sound of it being fired but no sound on impact, any ideas? I know this has probably been raised before, but i dont have time to read all 200 pages of replies, i wish i did tho. thanks in advance
  4. -22SAS-Psych

    UK island

    after much discussion we have decided to release the island as is there are a few final adjustments being made and it should be released soon. we have a couple of images on our website and a public forums where updates if any bugs are found will be released. our webiste is - http://www.22regiment.co.uk or http://www.22regiment.org.uk
  5. -22SAS-Psych

    UK island

    i see ur point! fair enough! but hopefully people can take a trip to our site and have a look at the gallery and imagine what they might be able to make on an UK island ?? there are also a few videos on our site using the island too .... so people can see what its like ingame
  6. -22SAS-Psych

    UK island

    really, i would have thought the best symbol of the SAS is the winged dagger? However what the hell do i know? Plus i added the equipment we actually use, not just stuff that the SAS have used once or twice. The SAS tend (from my knowledge of extensive reading and watching shite on tv) not to carry respirators out on the battlefield, if you are refering to the counter terrorism wing, yes they use them, but we have opted to not include such a force in our replication, due to the dodgy buildings for ofp. Ofcourse you know this as you are friends with several SAS troopers, i tell ya what, if you give one my email i'd be glad to talk to someone who has served with the regiment and then i can add the final details to our clan?? no?! Back to reality .... The island was not intended to be released and therefore was only made as an island for our mulitiplayer games, hence why we didnt add addon packs and textures from a million other sources. There are pictures! On our site - see the gallery (more added) I have no plans on staging nice photos to show this off, i havent the time or effort, i might ask a few of the guys from the regiment if they want too, but i wouldnt hold out too much hope, we're about playing ofp not taking pics of it!
  7. -22SAS-Psych

    UK island

    hmm ok, well iraqi we might as well just send it privately to you since the lack of interest. There are some more screenies up on our gallery now. It'll be probably another week or two before release
  8. -22SAS-Psych

    Be a hero...

    cant you use player1 distance player2 <= 3 : player1 addaction ["",""] or something like that? is it possible to get a copy of the script as you have it so far plz? i'm very interested in using it in something i'm making at the moment
  9. -22SAS-Psych

    United Kingdom Island

    Well after editing this about four times. I have decided not to get into a flaming war with anyone. your all entitled to your opinions. I like many others see this as a game! Yes copying the real SAS might be a issue for some. However if someone decided to emulate my former regiment, i'd be honoured! As for the island, thanks for all the positive comments, your views and thoughts will be considered, the way it stands the island will not be released to anyone outside the clan. It may in time after a few edits though so who knows. Finally, lets remember what this community should be about .... Is it right for you to call my clan walts without knowing anything about my members? Yes most of us, like Volcbat have served! Have you? topic closed, discussion over.
  10. -22SAS-Psych

    United Kingdom Island

    Since receiving this post on our guestbook, I have decided to keep our UK island for our clan. For those that want to read it, here it is ..... Arsehole (209.80-203-19.nextgentel.com) Text: You are a bunch of fucking Walter Mitty's, replicating a real regiment. It's disrespectful. I wouldn't count on those that haven't served to understand this, but people like GS2RGJ, who I assume served with 2nd Batt. Royal Green Jackets, to understand. You're probably nice people in the real world, but online, to me, you are a bunch of Walter Mitty's. Misunderstandings can happen if you gob off about you "having served in B Squadron, 22SAS", especially if you run into "the wrong kind of people". You've been slagged off before because many people pissed off about the way you organise this. Lots of love Arsehole In response, Yes how very dangerous of us to emulate the regiment. OMG i expect the PIRA are watching my house now. Freak! As for disrespectful, what about Royal marines (obvious), RAAB (para), 23rd (para), Voclbat (british army), UKF addons (emulating british vehicles), plus the many many other aspects of the british army that have been copied in the media. Grow up your childish dick. Yes many of us have been in the forces like GS2RJG, including myself. So go back to whatever TA unit you came from! Screw you and your opinions. For the rest of you, sorry but if this is the kind of response we are going to get from the community, we'll go back to keeping ourselves to ourselves!
  11. -22SAS-Psych

    United Kingdom Island

    well we are thinking of making two versions, one for us and one for the ofp community, the one for us being based around what we want ingame for our clan missions and one for you that is more realistic. We'll think about it!