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Everything posted by -23rd-_2Lt_Griff

  1. -23rd-_2Lt_Griff

    1.05 Slight Delay - Read News

    Good stuff BIS. You have put in alot of work into this patch, and it shows that you do listen to feedback from your community. Another thumbs up from Griff.
  2. -23rd-_2Lt_Griff

    Infantry, prepare to be amazed

    My love in BIS is restored. Damn fine work. Love the whole smoothness and movement..it just looks and I am sure will feel so much more realistic. Great for moving in towns etc. Big thumbs up from me!
  3. -23rd-_2Lt_Griff

    I shot the eagle...

    Your on patrol. Clearing buildings, checking the area is secure. Your LCpl looks up to the sky - suddenly BANG. He is down...you run for cover. Look to the sky...is it a Su35, is it an Mi17, NO its a wedge formation of Pigeons. They drop there 'load' on you, and all those who are touched by it explode. An awesome idea...a mate of mine Redhouse was working on a scrip for attacker pigeons - I shall see how far he got on it. What a class mission, forget zombies, explosive excreting pigeons are the way to go. *Slaps himself for going off topic*
  4. -23rd-_2Lt_Griff

    co12 Refuge aka The Outpost

    Good mission. My lads play it often on our server. Only one issue as already mentioned - it is impossible at the moment to loose. But still awsome mission for atmosphere, and a good old final stand. Good work
  5. -23rd-_2Lt_Griff

    Windows Vista Finally Released (Drivers too!)

    *Nudges Sickboy* Wouldnt mention about installing it on 2Pc's, tis not legal, and you dont want to get spanked by a mod, unless you enjoy a good spanking. Cant wait to get vista - New Pc arrives next week, with Vista installed. Yay Shall go to other thread to give feedback when I get it.
  6. -23rd-_2Lt_Griff

    I shot the eagle...

    *Hands around a copy of Deer Hunter 2006* Mwhahaha
  7. -23rd-_2Lt_Griff

    I shot the eagle...

    *Hands Chill Pill*
  8. -23rd-_2Lt_Griff

    official complaint to BIS

    My personal view is that BIS have made mistakes yes. Some things that have happend over Arm A publishing make the consumers feel as if it was rushed, and poorly planned. We will never know the full reasons and stories behind the way they chose to release it the way they choose. All we can do is accept it was released the way it was. Same goes for the bugs. I am angry over some of the bugs that have cropped up. However I must accept the fact the bugs are there and not winge about them. Instead I wait and, play the game as it is. I wait untill the patches slowly work through the bugs and polish the game. Yes it is a rubbish thing to say, and the fact is, yes you have payed money for the game and expect it to work out of the box. All I can say to that is that, there is nothing we can do about it now, apart from put up with it, play the game, and let BIS sort out the problems. Those who choose not to play the game, and leave the community, well thats a big shame, but we must learn to accept it and move on. Basically a summary if you cant be bothered to read this post is, yes there are problems, accept it, enjoy the game for what it is now, and soon in the future, with the magic of pathing, we will enjoy the game even more for what it becomes.
  9. -23rd-_2Lt_Griff

    Does your rig meet requirements?

    Passed minimum - Failed Recommended though. Usefull tool there thanks for the post. I shall test it again after payday, when I get a brand new uber PC. Cannot wait. At the moment Arm A looks a bit rubbish to be honest, got it on low settings. But in a weeks time that will all be different. Thank god for that!
  10. -23rd-_2Lt_Griff

    The Game

    The game - The purpose of the game is to forget you are actually playing the game. When reminded you are playing the game, you loose, and must inform those around you that you have just lost the game. By doing this you set of a chain reaction of "oh I just lost," which should continue to spread througout the room. There is no possible way to actually win the game. But those who survive longest without loosing will never know about it because they have forgotten they are playing the game. A word of warning, loosing this in any form of Pub/Bar will result in you most likely buying alot of people drinks. PS. - By reading this post you have just lost. PSS - Hopefully this post will go down to the bottom soon otherwise I will keep loosing when I look at the forums at work.
  11. -23rd-_2Lt_Griff

    Goodbye Placebo

    Placebo - What can I say. Our relationship is very special. I shall miss the way you check our threads. The way you take a disciplined hand with all of us nooblets... My love for you is undying and I have just one question... Placebo will you marry me? PS Please don't Ban me... PSS If Smiley Nick comes on and starts saying we are already married after that game of Nogville its ALL LIES! PSSS On a serious note bye Placebo and good luck with whatever you do.
  12. -23rd-_2Lt_Griff

    Armed Assault Squad Directory

    Squad name: The Rifles Squad acronym: [Rifles] Squad location: United Kingdom Squad webpage: www.theriflesregiment.co.uk Squad contact: 2Lt Griff,Sgt Chris- [email protected] Satus: Active and Recruiting in Arm A
  13. -23rd-_2Lt_Griff

    Dedicated Server Software

    I have The Rifles Arm A server running nice and smooth. Question however - my server cfg works fine. But I was wondering how do I increase the the difficulty settings through my server.cfg? Anyone know what to add on to the end of the server.cfg I tried using the programs above but they didn't seem to work.
  14. -23rd-_2Lt_Griff

    Dedicated Server Software

    Ok finall result..you are all right no you cannot host a 1.01 server using the legal downloaded version from Germany. I spend a good few hours trying to get it to work but it wouldnt have any of it :-(
  15. -23rd-_2Lt_Griff

    Dedicated Server Software

    With the German download release now it should be piss simple to get an Arm A copy on a server. *Crosses fingers* The way I think of it is..pay for the download of the legal game, download it from your box with its 100mb connection or whatever. Install the full game on the box which needs no CD as its a bloomin download. Then run the server as the way suggested before with the cofig line thingy. I tell you what lads. Because I love you all I will give it a try and then post back telling you if it works. If it doesnt..there goes 45 euro's..teee heee
  16. -23rd-_2Lt_Griff

    WarGames League v.5.1 (WGL 5.1) Full Release

    Love the update..the new animations add so much..being able to fire and move makes urban combat, and full out bayonnet charges so much more fun! Our server is up running WGL 5.1 and we are rocking and rolling. (Litterally in the animations case.) Thanks again!
  17. Hello all. I just had a crasy idea while at work. Me being a Thunderbirds fan since I was a little kid. Do any of you think it would be truly possible for a decent mod to be realsed based on the adventures of Thunderbirds. Tracy Island, all the thunderbirds with there release mechanism, all the characters, other islands with different landscapes and oil rigs etc allowing for a great wealth of missions. It would make a refreshing change to have a mod about saving people directly, with the ability to have some cartoony, light and fun gameplay. Would definatly make multiplayer co-ops interesting. I am afraid I have no modding know how and cannot make islands or such. Which I know is a sin. I just wanted to run it by people see what they thought. Thanks for any reply's.
  18. -23rd-_2Lt_Griff

    Nogovan Light Infantry

    Thats right. But what a fine army that would make. Farmers are hard buggers, ;-) I should know been caught tresspassing to many times in the past.
  19. -23rd-_2Lt_Griff

    Nogovan Light Infantry

    Ok fine scrap earlier post. Was only posting an idea, it being a forum and all.
  20. -23rd-_2Lt_Griff

    Nogovan Light Infantry

    With all due respect. I think you will find, countries have armes fairs for a reason. Lots of small island countries have a small naval unit. With light destroyers, and small aircraft force. What is the point in having a militia, or military force on a seperate island. The power of defence is prevention. Preventing invasion is the aim. Not dealing with it when it happens. + Who said death start not me. Low budget aircraft and out of service light role ships are not as expensive as you would think. Like role battle patrol boats only require around 30 crew. All I am suggesting is that maybe they would have a more naval borne force than a land borne force. Yes all I agree that the chosen FN FAL equipment and suggested abouve camoflage is great. But again refering to my abouve points it would be cool if maybe there were naval capable troops. No not battle ships, but small water borne craft, and beach defense capabilities.
  21. -23rd-_2Lt_Griff

    Nogovan Light Infantry

    Rememeber that Nogova is and Island. So there light infantry may be low equiped. But after an invasion. If I was budgeting defence. I would be putting money into a damn fine Navy, and a damn fine airforce. 2 top Quality light role battle ships + some state of the art aircraft. With a low budget but damn fine trained conscription force. Nogova would be laughing.
  22. -23rd-_2Lt_Griff

    WarGames League v.5 (WGL 5) Full Release

    Hi Pathy. What we did with The Rifles is we just added add-ons on top of the current WGL. By putting them into another mod folder and running them at the same time. Then it allowed us to use both at the same time, UKF, Rebels, the lot. However if there could ever be say an edit of WGL, (done legitimately of course) that contained UKF troops weapons, and rebels etc. That would be truly awesome.
  23. -23rd-_2Lt_Griff

    UKF Major Release

    The Rifles will now be able to train with BFA's. SWEEEET!
  24. -23rd-_2Lt_Griff

    Your Best Shot

    Why shoot people when the UKF Bayonet is sufficient. Gentlemen Charge them straight on, screaming, and you shall be victorious.