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About -SoF-Max

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    Private First Class
  1. -SoF-Max

    Why the fascination with Evolution?

    What the hell type league a freaking Evolution League? I want to join a league but it doesn't appear to me enough clans or servers are playing anything but EvoFreakingLUTION!
  2. I am just wondering why is everyone so fascinated with this Co-op evolution crap? This isn't the OFP I started playing years ago where there was tons of CTF, Hold, and Deathmatch maps on a majority of the servers. I mean right now there is nearly 107 servers playing some version of evolution. 3 Hold, 1 DM, and 1 CTF. And just a few other scattered game types. So at my count right now a 107 playing evolution co-op crap and 17 servers playing some other game type. What happened to the Hexenkessels, the St. Peirres, Urbans, Bunkers, and other close quarter competitive maps that actually require some skill in killing another person not some crappy AI. Don't get me wrong I love a little Evolution or Berzerk but like 95% of the server playing evolution? I don't get it. There is almost zero competitiveness right now and I only see about 350 players plus or minus a few playing right now. That is ridiculous for a video game only a few months old, and less than that in the stats. Seems this game is DOA (Dead on Arrival) Seems like the same things that plagues OFP and Resistance have plagued this game but even worse this time around. No real admin interface, horrible dedicated server setup (LOAD THE WHOLE FREAKING GAME?), and horrible marketing. I was hoping they would have changed some of this stuff 5 years later but no, this is OFP:RESIS with different Islands, a little better graphics, and couple new things. I have to say I am very disappointed in a game I loved to death and hope they would make some major changes that would be for the better, guess I was wrong.
  3. -SoF-Max

    Patch 1.08 doesn't boot thread

    Well I have fixed my problem, just wanted to let you guys know just in case it might help anyone else. I play another game, Supreme Commander, and had the same issue basically except in that game I got a splash screen then back to desktop with no error. Well I had given up on this game and decided I would troubleshoot that one, while in the forums a guy mentioned he fixed his issue by turning off a program he had that forced his refresh rate to a certain amount. I started thinking, wait I have an ATI tweaking program I use and I think I have changed a couple setting and forced the refresh rate on one of my monitors, I have dual monitors. Its called ATI Tray Tools and it has all sorts of options and tweaking options and basically an easier way for me to changed my settings as I am an avid FPS gamer and like the most frames per a second I can get. Well I right clicked on the program and exited it, and both my programs work now. I haven't gone through and messed with each setting, but I was so happy I will leave that for another day. Things I would suggest, if you have any video tweaking programs, Riva Tuner, ATI Tray tools, or anything else, disable it or set it back to defaults. Also trying changing some resolution, AA, AF, and Refresh Rates in your current Nvidia or ATI control panels. See if any of this helps. I hope it helps someone besides me because I was just about to uninstall this game forever. I am a little ticked that Arma and my other game worked perfectly before and I still have used this program for a long time, but o well.
  4. -SoF-Max

    Patch 1.08 doesn't boot thread

    What? Â You had the game running and then after your next step of intervention it didn't run? Wait, i'm gonna try to find a way to make it not run on my system so i can come back to complain about that software too. Sorry if i misunderstood you because of the language barriere. ~S~ CD Chris is that all you do is flame bait? I have seen you give no meaningful post in this thread what so ever. If you are going to be rude to be people please go do it somewhere else, we are all a little sick of this problem and not being able to play a game we all payed for.
  5. -SoF-Max

    Patch 1.08 doesn't boot thread

    OGM I JUST PLAYED FOR LIKE 2 HOURS, now back to the same thing..... Wow, just wow. Well it was fun. I keep clicking on my icon every so often just for the hope of it, and it started and worked fine. Now back to no boot no errors. That probably makes me more pissed than if it just never worked again.
  6. -SoF-Max

    Patch 1.08 doesn't boot thread

    That stinks... I want to play so bad, but I am so tired of reinstalling and patching from scratch with the same results. Now I am waiting patiently hoping BIS or Securom can figure something out.
  7. -SoF-Max

    Patch 1.08 doesn't boot thread

    That stinks... I want to play so bad, but I am so tired of reinstalling and patching from scratch with the same results. Now I am waiting patiently hoping BIS or securom can figure something out.
  8. -SoF-Max

    Patch 1.08 doesn't boot thread

    Do you think that we are complaining having shitty computers? Have you bothered to read the PC specs in this thread? All of us had ArmA running, either 1.05 or 1.06, depending on the country. I can fucking assure you that my PC can run arma without any problem, with and average of more that 30fps. We are not complaining about a new release game that doesn't run, we are complaining about a fix(1.08) that screws the game for many of us. So before posting silly comments take your time to read what is this about, because we are enough irritated to have also to read nonsense comments from those who have not problems with the fucking patch! Hey, screw you guy, I was just trying to help. I aint got the time to read through 8 shitty pages. I just posted what I had a problem with and how I fixed it. Settle down now... You have to understand that most of us, including me, in this thread can't play a game that we paid for and that we love. We are getting no answers from BIS or Securom regarding the issue. Our other versions worked fine, yet most of us have spent hours upon hours trying to fix this issue, troubleshooting everything we can, trying every possible angle, most of us have reinstalled several times and some of us have reformatted. Thanks for your suggestions and I am glad they worked for you, but when you brought up the "Is your PC good enough" that would tick a lot of us off. Since I think I can say 100% of us in this thread could play 1.01-1.07b just fine. Anyway, thanks again for trying to help and sorry for any aggression towards you, we are all just a little high strung in this thread with very valid reason. [soF]Max©
  9. -SoF-Max

    Patch 1.08 doesn't boot thread

    PC is fine ran all the other versions just fine. Speaking of securerom, I can't even find it in my Application Data folder.
  10. -SoF-Max

    Patch 1.08 doesn't boot thread

    Well I got a little further for a second, well maybe a millisecond I saw the arma screen, then gone bye bye.
  11. -SoF-Max

    Patch 1.08 doesn't boot thread

    I have tried everything. I have the downloaded German version. I have removed all my virtual drives and reinstalled the game completly. No error, get the check marks the hour glass and nothing. Really pissing me off. I have spent hours and hours trying to fix this issue with no luck.
  12. -SoF-Max

    ArmA Patch mirrors

    You do know that we could as a community provide a torrent? Or any of the mirrors could create a torrent file in like 2 seconds and put it out there.
  13. -SoF-Max

    Dedicated Server Tipps, Tricks and Tweaks

    Or you can just get microsofts srvany.exe program and make it a service add it to registry correctly, then in your services console go under "recover: and choose when fails restart. (not looking at it at the moment so I am paraphrasing)
  14. I have a dedicated server. Just reinstalled the US version and added 1.07. Now my server no matter if I run it on 1.05 or 1.07 in the server list there is a Red X instead of the Green dot that shows I can join the server. Question is, is my install completley screwed up or is it something in my configs or addon files? Can I fix it without a complete overhaul? Which I already did last night. Thanks, Max
  15. -SoF-Max

    Dedicated Server Running as Windows Service

    Do you reply much with our reading the original post??? And no there is no instructions on the wiki. There is a link to Microsoft which shows you how to do only one thing. Add an application as a service. If you would have read my post you would see I have done that part. My post refers to actually getting it to work as if I were using a shortcut with the switches. Such as -config=server.cfg. and so on so forth. Yes I did read your post, exuse me for thinking you had a brain. If you would follow the instructions on the microsoft page and put the extra swtiches you need in the registry keys you could get it to work like I have with out having to use 3rd party programs. All you have to do is add an Application key in the parameters of the ARMA_SERVER key and make it equall this or something that fits your set up.. C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA\ArmA_Server.exe -config=server.cfg -port=2302 Use your head... Actually you are wrong. That is my point. The Microsoft page refers to Microsoft switches. I tried what you just posted way before I ever posted here. Thanks I did use my head and figured it out. For everyone else who reads this post you will need to add two more Registry entries. "AppDirectory" the value for this will be your Arma directory. Example: C:\Program Files\Bohemie Interactive\Arma\ "AppParameters" the value for this would be your switches. Example: -config=server.cfg -port=2302 etc etc etc. Now if I may be so bold..... Please use your head! Welp that is odd. I followed the microsoft directions to the T and it worked fine. I only added the keys that is said. I did not have to add the AppDirectory value just Application. So it worked for you just doing the AppDirectory then adding a key like: C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA\ArmA_Server.exe -config=server.cfg -port=2302 ? If it did then I will stand corrected and apologize. I tried that though on 2003 and it would start yeah. But there was no way for me to run my configs. And the server wasn't in the server list(At least not that I could see since it was executing my config). When I did it the way I finally figured out it was.