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Everything posted by -MT-

  1. -MT-

    Opf engine based photography 3 -no pics > 100kb

    Addons : Operation Flashpoint : Resistance 1.96. Not modified at all if you exclude the "false" grass I used to remove the RPG7 of my Resistance soldier. (Under the reticle.) Here.
  2. -MT-

    Is it OFP or OPF ?

    The Truth. Heil OFP !
  3. -MT-

    Get your OFP fix while travelling!

    Frenchman was not American?
  4. -MT-

    My mouse pointer is going crazy!!!

    How about plug this mouse in the USB ?
  5. -MT-

    Opf engine based photography 3 -no pics > 100kb

    DXDLL. WWII Collection Mod pack.
  6. Anyone having a big FPS Decrease whit the new ATi Drivers (4.8) ? I was having about 75 Regular whit nothing exept a Soldier on Everon and now I get like 25-36. Vehicle Shadows = OFF Object Shadows = OFF Terrain = Very Low Resolution = 1024x768x32 T&W is on Viewdistance = 900 Visual Quality = 11.90 (Max) Sound Hardware Acceleration = OFF EAX = OFF AA = OFF AX = OFF Made the Auto-Detect Thing and I get a 4360 Benchmark. When I was using the 4.7's I could play whit 16-25 Regular FPS whit 48 Abrams on Desert Island and now when I add more than 4 soldier and 1 Jeep, I get only about 13. my Rig : AMD Athlon 2000xp+ (1633mhz). ASUS A7V333. ATi Radeon 9600 256mb. 1024mb PC2700 DDR/333mhz Kingston Ram. Hardrive 80 GIG Western Digital. CD-ROM LG 52x max. CD-Writer LG 52x32x52x Volcano 9 360wt whit 3 Fans. Windows XP Pro.
  7. -MT-

    OFP videography

    Erm. It's real dude. Whit the new Ruskie Radars, the F117 is only "stealthy"...
  8. -MT-

    Get your OFP fix while travelling!

    This game is way better than OFP2 ! Let's start making some addons for it. a DXDLL could be cool too. lol j/k.
  9. -MT-


    Atlantis is nice too. Think I'l reinstall UT2k4 now that 2.0 will be out in 4 days..
  10. Finally Fixed. Back to 4.7's and I can have my 48 abrams whit 50 FPS's regular !
  11. -MT-

    Anim.pbo replacement pack

    Explore your CD, all Game data is there.
  12. -MT-

    Who would win a fight?

    Viktor Troska, Ex-Unidentified Special Operation Operative, Leader of the FIA Resitance. "Mess whit the best, die like the rest"
  13. Also, I'm using Keg's DXDLL and I have been using it till It was released.
  14. -MT-

    Yipeee! German army to lift sex-ban

    on the first pic, it's a Women ?
  15. -MT-

    The Iraq thread 4

    Not sure of this but I think it was the Ubelfezen (Sp?) Kommando's that guarded the Death Camps.
  16. -MT-

    The best war movie ever

    I have like 100,000. But my Favorite is The Pianist. My Big List. -Casualties of war. -Amen. -A Bridge to far. -Le Pianiste. -Battle of Britain. -The Desert fox. -The Bridge over the River Kwai. -Nuremberg Trial. -Guns of Navarone. -Hitler : The Rise of Evil. -Black Hawk Down -Behind Ennemy lines. -Under Fire. -The Longuest day. -Das Boot ! -Tora Tora Tora ! -Midway. -The Patriot. -We Were Soldiers. -Braveheart. -The Lost Battalion. -Red Dawn. (Good War Comedy whit loads of Yank propaganda)
  17. -MT-

    OFP Lag

    Maybe his friend only owns CWC?
  18. -MT-

    OFP Crashes

    - No Could you post a Pic whit your addon list in it ?
  19. -MT-

    Opf engine based photography 3 -no pics > 100kb

    Addons ------- Battle Over Hokkaido Kegetys' Special FX
  20. -MT-

    OFP Crashes

    1-Re-install DKM-UK pack. 2- Did you install new anims ? If yes, did you correctly installed them ? O.pbo in RES/Addons/O.pbo Anim.pbo in RES/Data/Anim.pbo
  21. -MT-

    Best add-ons list

    -Operation Frenchpoint- Download Picture Picture Picture Picture
  22. -MT-

    Ubisoft to Buy Codemasters...........

    And you think Codemasters dosen't ?
  23. -MT-

    Opf engine based photography 3 -no pics > 100kb

    ------- Addons ------- WWII Collection Mod. : Here. GMI Camera Tool. : Here. ------- Edited ------- Photoshop CS. : Here. Gimp 2. : Here.