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About -UMPC-Hunter

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    Private First Class

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  1. -UMPC-Hunter

    San Sahrani

    @Armatec: Thanks for the issue. I will update the Addon tab with the next version and make a separate link from the "notes" tab. I hope so that all major bugs are fixed. The next version is planned in middle of december. I have requested a bug tracker for the mission. Currently I have no answer but till christmas there will be definitly a bug and a feature tracker for this mission! [uMPC]Hunter
  2. -UMPC-Hunter

    P V P

    Links: ESL Mappack v1.0 Download powered by UMPC ESP Mappack Bugtracker ESL Mappack Wiki ... just press "Yes" to enter the https page Hunter
  3. -UMPC-Hunter

    Arma Hall Of Shame

    BLI Black Lion Italia Player NinjaDX could not lost and assumes that UMPC is cheating. Then he write he will came back in 3min with a better cheat. Then he quit and come back with cheats. Server was "Russian Legion server". His Player ID is 23276039. We do not cheating.
  4. -UMPC-Hunter

    Cheater Clan found

    BLI Black Lion Italia Player NinjaDX could not lost and assumes that UMPC is cheating. Then he write he will came back in 3min with a better cheat. Then he quit and come back with cheats. Server was "Russian Legion server". His Player ID is 23276039.
  5. -UMPC-Hunter

    v1.07beta Issues

    Hello BIS, please PRIO1 turn off each engine if no player oder AI is inside it. A multiplayer game is unplayable if only 10 players get out of their jeeps and these eniges are running. It makes my crazy if I hear each running engine from everywhere. And do not switch off aiming targets for light tanks like 1.07beta. German [uMPC]Hunter PS: Im wondering about many bugfixes for minor bugs. But what about the major problems like verifySignature??? Please do not forget the multiplayer mode!
  6. -UMPC-Hunter

    Main balancing

    Hello, Ive played ArmA and OPF since release and if I only compare these both games I found following main balancing problems: - choppers fly too slow and have only a small armor, so it is very easy to destroy a chopper by plane tank or noobly easy by AA. No tactics needed for shot down a chopper by an AA. - tanks have the same problem, but not so strongly. The mission designer can only use M136 and RPG, not Javelin. Tank fights are very boring because a tank is down with 1 or sometimes 2 shot. You can destroy a T72 with 2 PRGs... I do not need a new OFP, but why should someone use a tank or a chopper? The answer is: You got killed... mainly in a chopper... @BIS: Please raise the choppers armor points to a value that nobody could destroy a chopper with one AA. For example: The big Mi17 shall be eat one AA without problems. Please raise the tanks armor points to 150 - 300%. No heavy tank shall be destroyed by an other with one shot. For example: Give the M1 armor points to get down by 3 T72 shots. Give the T72 armor points to get down by 2 M1 shots. Sorry for my english :-) German [uMPC]Hunter
  7. -UMPC-Hunter

    Balancing in ArmA

    Hello, Ive played ArmA and OPF since release and if I only compare these both games I found following main balancing problems: - choppers fly too slow and have only a small armor, so it is very easy to destroy a chopper by plane tank or noobly easy by AA. No tactics needed for shot down a chopper by an AA. - tanks have the same problem, but not so strongly. The mission designer can only use M136 and RPG, not Javelin. Tank fights are very boring because a tank is down with 1 or sometimes 2 shot. You can destroy a T72 with 2 PRGs... I do not need a new OFP, but why should someone use a tank or a chopper? The answer is: You got killed... mainly in a chopper... @BIS: Please raise the choppers armor points to a value that nobody could destroy a chopper with one AA. For example: The big Mi17 shall be eat one AA without problems. Please raise the tanks armor points to 150 - 300%. No heavy tank shall be destroyed by an other with one shot. For example: Give the M1 armor points to get down by 3 T72 shots. Give the T72 armor points to get down by 2 M1 shots. But pleeease PRIO 1: Turn off each engine if no player oder ai is inside it. A multiplayer game is unplayable if only 10 players get out of their jeeps and these eniges are running. It makes my crazy if I hear each running engine. ... and do not switch off aiming targets for light tanks like 1.07beta. Sorry for my english :-) German [uMPC]Hunter
  8. -UMPC-Hunter

    ArmA Anti-Cheat Framework

    Teamkill detection is very easy if you use event handlers: Have a look into in of the following missions: My official ESL missions The design is simple: Check if a object was hit or killed. If the killer was a player and inside the base then broadcast the players object via publicVariable. Of course the script can changed to detect a TK always. This missions have many functions. But you can find the TK code detection in files contains "*EH*". This will be executed by the server. The punishment is executed on each client and coded in "ClientMiscSlow.sqf". Base raping could be detected fine, too. But not if a vehicle was moved and no player is inside it. TK by a driven vehicle cannot be detected fine. A workaround is if the killer is nobody search a vehicle around 3-10m and punish the driver. But this could lead to punish an innocent player! The last issue is not included in these ESL missions. Hunter PS: @MaddogX: Im very intrested for kick a player from the server, but I cannot find a command for this. Could you please help me?
  9. Hi all, is it possible to show a content of a variable in the briefing? The mission.sqm is executed before the briefing is shown. So in the mission a variable could be declared :-) Or by the way: Is there a way to communicate variables between description.ext and a script? Thanks, Hunter
  10. -UMPC-Hunter

    Populating Sahrani

    @Frans: you can configure this btw: My system (AMD 3200- 64bit, 1GB RAM) runs fine with up to 64civilians and 10 busses in all towns of west sahrani. Without debugging infos for me (deactivating all hints and sidechat infos) 256 are possible. Debugging is very strange. You get all the infos the civilians will do :-) Hunter
  11. I think the command "vehicles" do not return ai soldiers.
  12. -UMPC-Hunter

    Populating Sahrani

    Hi togehter, Im working on a fully populating script for the western half isle of sahrani. If its working 100% I will use it for the whole isle sahrani. It is very configurable at the moment. You can set: - maximum numbers of towns - maximum numbers of civilians - maximum numbers of busses - maximum numbers of cars The busses have their own defined or random routes. They are using the bus stops. Civis are able to use all the things and much more In the final version there will be only two triggers who starts the scripts. Actually I need town markers for spawning the civis. Beta testing and final configuration is in progress. Release will be soon!!! Hunter PS: This scripts will be included in a new style of mission by Chillmasta
  13. -UMPC-Hunter

    Map template for C&H missions

    @snakebyte85: In this first revision of my template isn't a parachute script The old OFP script used in the C&H mission from Chillmasta dont need a lift into arma ;-) In my opionion this feature is not needed - but if one mapper use it - ok. [uMPC]Hunter
  14. Hello, now I will release the first version of my map template. Details: Map Template - schön verpackt in einer C&H mission Lief 3x15 Minuten auf unserem UMPC-Server laggfrei Features: - 3 Sector Control - Locations - 1 Flag Taken - Locations - optimized score systeme - one kind for all locations - configurable functions - many helpfull comments - 100% JoinInProgress functionality / Killevents - You can add/remove Players in the arma editor. The names of the players are not used in the scripts! - many helpfull Scripts *** At the moment Im working on a better konfiguration. Not yet implemented is a GPS systeme und vehicles. *** DOWNLOAD [uMPC]Hunter I'll hope you have fun with it and with my beta test version on a ranch ;-)
  15. -UMPC-Hunter

    C&H Mappack

    Hello, this C&H mappack is from cHiLLmAstA. DOWNLOAD [uMPC]Hunter Have fun with it.