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Everything posted by [asa]oden

  1. [asa]oden

    Be 32K

    You're trying to animate the pilot. try piloteUS assignAsDriver planeUS; piloteUS moveInDriver planeUS ; piloteUS action ["ENGINEOFF", planeUS] ; vehicle piloteUS animate ["RC_Be32Door",1] ; ( Object animate ["animationName", phase] )
  2. Hi 3. try'n'see in editor. regarding 1,2 and 4 see example from my "server.cfg": <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> passwordAdmin = "roffle"; // password to protect admin access password = "IpreferSFP"; // password required to connect to server hostname="TomJones"; voteThreshold=2; // when one third agrees, this is enough to confirm a vote //reportingIP="armedass.master.gamespy.com"; // private server - no reporting ("armedass.master.gamespy.com" to report to the master server) reportingIP=""; // private server - no reporting ("armedass.master.gamespy.com" to report to the master server) voteMissionPlayers=3; // start voting for missions when 3 players connect checkfiles[]={"HWTL\dta\data3d.pbo","dta\data3d.pbo"}; //list of files to check for identity kickduplicate=0; // do not allow duplicate id equalModRequired=0; // require equal mod maxplayers=20; MaxMsgSend=256; //MinBandwidth=409600; MinBandwidth=307200; //MinBandwidth=256000; logFile="server_console.log"; persistent=1; disableVoN=0; then run server shortcut like: ..\ArmA\arma_server.exe" -config=Server.cfg -mod=neededMods GLHF.
  3. [asa]oden

    Be 32K

  4. [asa]oden

    Noobish question

  5. [asa]oden

    T44/54/55/62 megapack: Need help!

    I like this guy
  6. You are so wise gQ SmartDrv
  7. You are so wise gQ SmartDrv
  8. froggyluv: Sorry. plaintiff1: well thank you. Benreeper: Yes, "don't play" level - for now, depends on who states it and what level he's on. A dev would prolly use the other if he had the "I'm more than you" approach. Anyway, sorry for creating a mess - I have no intention to "out-argue" you guys, I've stated my opinion and will let you others have yours, that's what a forum is for i my little universe.
  9. Good answer Second Hopefully the "If you didn't develop this product you shouldn't be here"-attitude of fanbois will never become a rule.
  10. [asa]oden

    Multiplayer COOP missions with NO addons

    try these Advance and Secure missions, just read the notes carefully. http://web.comhem.se/~u83610294/OFP/OdenAAS6bis.zip (from ofp section at http://thehideout.servehttp.com/)
  11. [asa]oden

    Keep Turning left ingame

    oh darn, better send some tacos over SMS then :/ Do you have a mobile phone near the mouse? Do you have ghosts in ya house?
  12. [asa]oden

    Keep Turning left ingame

    I put 4 tacos on that you've got a joystick connected? My X52 does that sometimes when it has no profile loaded.
  13. try: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> sleep(3); hint "Add unit"; _convoyGroup = createGroup Civilian; ;**_convoydriver = "Civilian7" createUnit [getpos convoystartpos,_convoyGroup,"_convoyDriver = this", 1.0, "PRIVATE"]; convoyDriver = objNull "Civilian7" createUnit [getpos convoystartpos,_convoyGroup,"convoyDriver = this", 1.0, "PRIVATE"]; @!isNull convoyDriver _convoyDriver = convoyDriver processInitCommands; sleep(2); hint "move"; _convoyDriver doMove getpos convoyendpos; removeAllWeapons _convoydriver; _convoyDriver addMagazine "15Rnd_9x19_M9"; _convoyDriver addMagazine "15Rnd_9x19_M9"; _convoyDriver addWeapon "M9"; hint "end"; 1. no use of local vars in init string 2. addWeapon after addMagazine 3. processInitCommands only for JIP players to see inits on already created units (works a bit crappy if you ask me)
  14. For OFP one have to rearrange it so the ammo type runs with the mode - downside is a total of 38 rounds in a T-62 ends up to be a BM or BK by needs so one cannot sim. actual loadout but I see this as a far minor problem than having ai shooting sabots all the time. in ArmA one have to use muzzles - this time one have to add a player muzzle so ppl dont shoot faster than the 8rpm average tankgun rate. Exempel: ai weapon/muzzle (carries magazine) <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class Oden_125_BK21M : Oden_125_BK12 { // 125mm HEAT 19kg 750mm RHA 905mps 1985, DU displayName="125mm HEAT BK21M"; magazines[] = {Oden_125_BK21M}; }; player weapon (carries all types of mags.) <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class Oden_125_2A26 : CannonCore { // Basic 125mm 2A26 for T-64 scope = public; displayName = "125mm 2A26"; sound[] = {"\ca\Weapons\Data\Sound\gun120", db50, 1}; reloadSound[] = {"\ca\Weapons\Data\Sound\gun120reload", 1.0, 1}; magazines[] = {"Oden_125_BM9","Oden_125_BM12","Oden_125_BM17","Oden_125_BM22","Oden_125_BM29","Oden_125_BM32","Oden_125_BM42" ,"Oden_125_BK12","Oden_125_BK14","Oden_125_BK18","Oden_125_BK21","Oden_125_BK21M","Oden_125_BK29","Oden_125_BK29M" ,"Oden_125_OF19","Oden_125_OF26","Oden_9M112","Oden_9M119","Oden_9M119M"}; minRange = 1; minRangeProbab = 0.1; midRange = 2500; midRangeProbab = 0.7; maxRange = 5000; maxRangeProbab = 0.1; dispersion = 0.002; reloadTime = 7.5; // est. 8rpm magazineReloadTime = 0; // keep, splitting loadouts in 6 round blocks maxLeadSpeed = 100; // max estimated speed km/h autoReload = true; }; player muzzle evolved from above, no real use. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class Oden_125_2A46M_1 : Oden_125_2A26 { displayName = "125mm 2A46M-1"; // T-64BV, T-72B, T-80BV and T-80U }; Main battle tank weapon, with ai and player muzzles. ai muzzles are single mags ones and player muzzle have the lot as per above to access, depends on what mags one add to the tank later on. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class Oden_125_T80BV : CannonCore { scope = public; displayName = "125mm 2A46M-1"; muzzles[] = {ATGW,SABOT,HEAT,HE,PLAYER}; class HE : Oden_125_OF26 { ShowToPlayer=false; aiRateOfFire = 7.51; }; class HEAT : Oden_125_BK21M { ShowToPlayer=false; aiRateOfFire = 7.51; }; class SABOT : Oden_125_BM32 { ShowToPlayer=false; aiRateOfFire = 7.51; }; class ATGW : Oden_9K112 { ShowToPlayer=false; aiRateOfFire = 7.51; }; class PLAYER : Oden_125_2A46M_1 {}; }; Example of T72B config <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class Oden_bis_T72B : Oden_bis_T72A { vehicleClass=OdenBISVehicle; displayName = "T-72B"; //T72B, Turret540/850, glacis485/910 (armor=520; classes 1.6 and 1.9) (T-72BV actually) //armor = 750; armor=540.8; // 520^2 /500, hitHull and hitTurret inherited from T-72A, this is not T-72BV class Turrets : Turrets { class MainTurret : MainTurret { class HitTurret : HitTurret {armor=1.1;}; weapons[] = {"Oden_125_T72B","Oden_PKT"}; magazines[] = {"Oden_9M119", "Oden_125_BK21", "Oden_125_BM32" , "Oden_125_OF26", "Oden_125_OF26", "Oden_125_OF26", "Oden_PKT", "Oden_PKT"}; class Turrets : Turrets { class CommanderOptics : CommanderOptics { weapons[] = {"Oden_DShKM"}; magazines[] = {"Oden_DShKM"}; }; }; }; }; class UserActions : OdenUserActionsVehicle {}; class Library { libTextDesc = "T-72B from 1985 (rated 520mm RHA it gets Oden Armor=540 and cheramic armor on hitHull=1.1), Improved T-72 series with BDD armor, better FCS, lead-target and AT-11 'Svir' ATGM. 2A46M Main Gun/Launcher firing 125mm BK21 rated at 550mm RHA (hit=605;indirectHit=605;indirectHitRange=1.230;), BM32 rated at 460mm RHA (hit=327.4;indirectHit=0;indirectHitRange=0.9047;) and its primary ammo OF26 HE"; }; }; all in all this runs better in ofp using modes but i find it fairly good in ArmA though the muzzle solutions needs a ded. player muzzle. Haven't done extensive tests in ArmA (since ArmA failed me so many times it grew old on me) but in ofp it sure runs ok with ai shooting HE on infantry and HEAT on armored targets, even missiles from T-80B simulated tanks. This ai behavior is basically managed from cost and hit values for the ammo.
  15. [asa]oden

    Project: UK Forces

    Splendid! This alone would bring back joy in ArmA.
  16. [asa]oden

    Switching mods to fit the mod

    There's lots of work involved. Personally I'm contructing a huge config, for selected units from WWII pack and libmod, ranging from ammo to vehicles (and hit scripts making increasing hit from side and rear). To make all addons work together you need to copy all selected pbo's into your own folder and remove their config.cpp if present, then pinpoint these fine resources from your new huge config. Shame is, one will need to mail some 3 brazillion people before even thinking of releasing it officially (and a nogo from one single author will stop that so I guess the releasefactor is close to zero).
  17. [asa]oden

    Position soldier

    Person playMove "moveName" http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/playMove
  18. [asa]oden

    Script to remove bodies.

    Since no one responds.. No link, but I can show you all that's needed. To each unit created, add to their init string: this addEventHandler ["killed",{_this exec "eventKilled.sqs"}] and make a small textfile named "eventKilled.sqs" and put it in your mission folder next to mission.sqm after you pasted the following lines into it: ;** eventKilled.sqs ** private["_unit","_killer"] _unit = _this select 0 _killer = _this select 1 ~200 deleteVehicle _unit Exit ;*** Good luck.
  19. [asa]oden

    United ArmA Community

    LOL @ Falcon parallell Still that way we'd endup with one good setup, just like RV :P OpenArmA - 5 key sequence to fire M16 AlliedArmA - C4 your comp, it still runs. FreeArmA - only looks, definately nothing "under the hood"
  20. [asa]oden

    Mods !!

    My favourites are SFP, UKF (with DKM and FLK), OFrP and to some extent BAS.
  21. [asa]oden

    Challenger 1 mbt

    oh sorry vektor Imma mainbattletankgeek so I had no idea on these kinda vehicledetails
  22. [asa]oden

    Challenger 1 mbt

    M109 by the good old DKM: http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=10196 Never seen a Challenger 1 - guess I'm, off to do some search.