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Posts posted by -ZG-BUZZARD

  1. Ehh? How can you put the act of filming something with a camera and a teacher installing software on computers in a school in the same bag? I mean, in the case of the teacher, he was just doing something the russian ministry of education should have taken care of by itself, but someone filming a movie with a camera, actually should be shot (j/k) - the quality of such videos are crap, and it really isn't good to do that... The fact that that guy got 8 years, well, that makes me laugh! rofl.gif

  2. Sounds good! Meaning probably that any community-made improved versions of the terrain and planes for WoV will also work with WoE, right? Meaning, I'll be able to have everything that WoV has (well, more or less) whilst only buying WoE? yay.gif

  3. Quote[/b] ]Why oh why did they have to change the flight model since OFP? Definitely didn't follow the rule: If it ain't broke, don't try to fix it!!

    I think you have a gas leak in your house. The OFP flight model was most assuredly broken.

    The OFP flight model was freaking terrible, ArmA has come leaps and bounds since OFP. ArmA's isn't realistic or perfect, but it isn't that bad, for the most part I can get the helicopter to do what I want without noob restrictions. I have a feeling that most of the guys that say OFP had a more realistic and/or better flight model are using a keyboard and mouse. There are tons of players out there online that can fly great in ArmA now, but there are still a few incompetent ones that are pissed because they use to be the shit in OFP, now they crash all the time because there is no more noob-by-wire flight model.

    As I stated before, the helicopter flight model I can live with, except for the rudder issue, but the PLANE FLIGHT MODEL, as it currently exists in ArmA 1.08, is way less realistic than in OFP, besides being almost useless because of that!!! mad_o.gifpistols.gif

  4. Hmmm, seems that there will be more deaths, seems to be a trademark of Transformers movies (and this is only the second one!  tounge2.gif ) . Well, I'll be seeing it this Saturday... Got the tickets for free and all!  yay.gif

    Edit: And the Must-Have accessory to see the movie, for all true decepticons at heart, to spread the goods:



  5. I'm planning on getting LOMAC for myself but for the sake of the sheer MP LAN gaming with my friends which are more expert at beat-em-ups than anything else, I'll guess I'll go easy on them and get Wings over Europe...

    Now I only need to know which terrain and extras to get since I've already discovered a plethora of great extra planes to fly! biggrin_o.gif

    Shadow, you said that WoV and WoE play as one game, would that be like OFP and Resistance? wow_o.gif I just hope that the WoV terrains etc are also available for WoE, from third party that is, and better than the original! thumbs-up.gif

  6. I must find it strange that most people are complaining about the helicopters (yes, they're more difficult to fly than in OFP, but they're more or less bearable except for the rudder issue), but the plane flight model is so insufferable and so incongruous with all my previous flying, that I can't help but stick to helos in ArmA... and beg for a change to OFP fixed-plane flightmodel in the next patch! help.gif

  7. Well, the problem is they are mostly arcadey players (playing lite PC games and mostly console games) so getting them to play Wings over Europe by itself will be a challenge... Heck, I'll bet I'll see them flying planes with gamepads...  crazy_o.gif

    Shadow, which extras do you recommend to get? Since I bet there are better terrain things etc etc etc with which to use in WoE?

  8. Thanks for all your work and time, yours was always the source of the odd addon which one couldn't find anywhere else, and you always kept hosting the files in your server which was great...


  9. Actually the F-19 was the Stealth Fighter from the Microprose simulation, rumoured to have preceded the official use of the real deal, but that appears to be all lore...


    Ahh, the nostalgia... I remember flying that on my 286! rofl.gif

    But there was an F-19 lookalike, I think it was called X-19... That one I never owned though... smile_o.gif

  10. Not only that, but also what's been done by the community seems to be pretty cool as well... covering even WW2 whilst the game series only include WWI, Vietnam, and Modern eras... Some addons seem to work for more than 1 game, which is great! And the F-19, F/A-37A Talon (from the movie "Stealth) and the VF-0S from Macross Zero are already provided by the community! biggrin_o.gif

  11. I was just thinking since I got a new flight controller recently that I needed something to replace my aged Jane's Fighter's Anthology, something on the lite side of realism which my friends could also play in a LAN without much hassle or knowledge (well a little bit of knowledge is always required, but oh well), so I searched around a bit and decided to go with the Strike Fighter Project successor called Wings over Europe (US Release: Cold War gone Hot, European Release: Cold War Soviet Invasion), and, as I learned more and more of the game, it reminded me of the openness of OFP and ArmA with regards to addons & stuff, so I was wondering if anybody was into this also from this community? thumbs-up.gif

  12. Yeah I had a Logitech Wingman Extreme 3D which also gave up after some time, was superseeded by the Gravis Blackhawk Digital, which was the last Joystick I've seen that enables you to have the middle finger also with a button to press...  sad_o.gif  I wish every joystick would have a button for the middle finger instead of so many for the thumb which besides two or more other buttons also has to handle the now universally standard hat-switch...  crazy_o.gif

    I just recently got the Speedlink Black Widow because I acknowledge that it's necessary to have twice the axis of a normal joystick, to besides direction also handle thrust and rudder control, also it is USB, so it should simplify my life finally... yay.gif

  13. Yeah, I've discovered that too whilst testing out my new Speedlink Black Widow controller, Aircraft yaw is completely insufferable and unrealistic, and then it dawned on me that they had helo yaw... All I can say is: This needs to be fixed, because planes don't yaw like that!!!  mad_o.gif  banghead.gif

    Why oh why did they have to change the flight model since OFP? Definitely didn't follow the rule: If it ain't broke, don't try to fix it!! sad_o.gif

  14. Oh come on. Its clearly a copyright infringement, as the GTASA EULA (End User License Agreement) states:

    "The unauthorised reproduction of all or any game part of this product and the unauthorised use of registered trademarks are liley to constitute a criminal offense."

    And crime is what GTA is all about!!!  rofl.gif  rofl.gif  rofl.gif

    Edit: Well ok maybe the default car is bad having in ArmA (although I must say that I love it! ) , maybe make a slight change in something to get away with it (so that it's not 100% the same)...
