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Posts posted by -ZG-BUZZARD

  1. Quote[/b] ]He wasn't too at ease with Roosevelt either.

    Your point?

    Just balancing the perspective.

    I could go farther and say that ZG Buzzard's appraisal is point blank wrong of course, and that Churchill wrote of Stalin to his wife in 1944...

    Quote[/b] ]I have had very nice talks with the old Bear. I like him the more I see him. Now they respect us & I am sure they wish to work with us.

    Far from being suspicious of Stalin, Churchill famously failed to be suspicious of either Stalin or Roosevelt and they both historically conspired together behind his "too trusting" back to divide up Germany between them at the end of the war.

    Stalin was noted for asking Roosevelt, why Churchill had not been invited.

    The deep seated distrust of the Soviets is more commonly associated with the U.S. than with U.K.

    We fell out with them after the revolution but they were our greatest allies during both wars.

    British attitudes to Russia, the Soviets and even communism have always been significantly softer than those held by our American allies.

    I stand corrected, seems my sources were not too accurate. And yeah, I do remember from Erich Hartmann's book that he told that the US and Soviets were firing at each other during those raids in eastern Europe by the USAAF... Somewhat amusing considering the russians had some american planes...

  2. Why can't Russia do it if RAF and US does it? Hypocrisy again.

    I never said Russia couldn't or shouldn't be allowed to do so. It's just a fact that when "incidents" happen, due to the far reach of the media, such things get noticed and are given relevance in the countries which suffer such "incidents", and they're not at fault for it - the major powers are.

  3. No why would anyone do that? It just makes russia look bad, and they are not stupid. It's not rational.

    Well, there's pictures of it so there's proof and no deniability. Any denial of that would be bs, and Russia, as a major power, has always done such things - in fact, it would rather be more surprising if Russia wouldn't do such things. Wether it is stupid or makes Russia look bad - seems like the heads in Moscow don't share your oppinion, otherwise they woulnd't have sent out the orders, accordingly... whistle.gif

  4. this is a strange story. do the Russian's not have spy satellites that can do the job just as well?

    also Russian fighter penetrated Georgian  airspace


    and thats after Georgia accused Russia of dropping a bomb on them!


    The purpouse is definitely not intelligence gathering, the purpouse is bullying - using the BEAR aircraft for it makes that statement clear. Of course Russia has spy satellites, and if it needs even more intel, I bet it can hack into other spy satellites and pull info from them, just as others probably can hack into russian spy satellites and use them. No, using the TU-95 is clearly just showing a sign of presence, not mere, and definitely not stealthy, intelligence gathering. A sign of presence worthy of the name of that plane, inherent from the nation it comes from - the russian Bear.

  5. hmm intresting, its good that some people put up a little bit against Bush imo so the world gets a little tiny bit of balance but i hope russia wont become a dictatorship  crazy_o.gif

    But things are looking more and more that Putin feeling the chills down his back and that he wants the world to remember him so i think he will remain in power for a few years more probably  tounge2.gif

    You mean it is NOT a dictatorship right now?  wow_o.gif

    Anyways, Cold War 2 sounds like fun... at least should heighten the sense of vigilance of everybody, which is needed to fight terrorism, since "they be out there" (the terrorists, that is). But this time around, I bet it'll be a three-way Cold War, with China as major player as well...

    And, as much as I hate to admit it, don't forget that Churchill was the first to be suspicious of Stalin already during WW2, I think the Brits have a cunning ability to see the express train in the tunnel when it's farthest away, but sure to head in their direction... I wonder what this will bring about... Oh well, I'll be getting my copy of Tom Clancy's "Red Storm Rising" soon...

  6. So, now the tools have come out and QG is supposed to be still v1.08... I must say I have mixed feelings about ArmA II...

    The name is fine with me, no big surprise after Codemasters took the OFP license, in spite of ArmA referring to a game which as is is still far from perfect...

    It is said that ArmA II is supposed to have an entirely new game engine, but the same was said about ArmA in relationship to OFP... So I guess what they mean by that. It will hopefully be what we wanted ArmA to be in the first place... oh well. At least it was possible to port some things over from OFP to ArmA, I'm wondering how it will be with ArmA II...

    If they are going console version for ArmA 2 I wonder if they're going to make it so dumbed down that console players will be able to play vs PC players online... If that be the case then I have only 1 request: Give us the best tools you've got for ArmA and let the community bring ArmA that much further as it already took OFP, which was way beyond anything anybody at BIS could have ever dreamed of happening, me thinks... I just hope more and more patches come out whilst we wait for ArmA 2... Talking about patches and fixing things, I wonder how ArmA 2 will be when ArmA already proved that BIS can break things that worked acceptably well before...

    Quote[/b] ]CanadianTerror: US vs Russia....again?  confused_o.gif

    Yeah, I'm with you, let's have Kanada fight Kazakhstan!  rofl.gif

    J/K... But in a world split between East and West for so long, I think such standard, conventional choices will still haunt us for time to come...

  7. So, now the tools have come out and QG is supposed to be still v1.08... I must say I have mixed feelings about ArmA II...

    The name is fine with me, no big surprise after Codemasters took the OFP license, in spite of ArmA referring to a game which as is is still far from perfect...

    It is said that ArmA II is supposed to have an entirely new game engine, but the same was said about ArmA in relationship to OFP... So I guess what they mean by that. It will hopefully be what we wanted ArmA to be in the first place... oh well. At least it was possible to port some things over from OFP to ArmA, I'm wondering how it will be with ArmA II...

    If they are going console version for ArmA 2 I wonder if they're going to make it so dumbed down that console players will be able to play vs PC players online... If that be the case then I have only 1 request: Give us the best tools you've got for ArmA and let the community bring ArmA that much further as it already took OFP, which was way beyond anything anybody at BIS could have ever dreamed of happening, me thinks... I just hope more and more patches come out whilst we wait for ArmA 2... Talking about patches and fixing things, I wonder how ArmA 2 will be when ArmA already proved that BIS can break things that worked acceptably well before...

    Quote[/b] ]CanadianTerror: US vs Russia....again?  confused_o.gif

    Yeah, I'm with you, let's have Kanada fight Kazakhstan!  rofl.gif

    J/K... But in a world split between East and West for so long, I think such standard, conventional choices will still haunt us for time to come...

  8. That's great news! I'll definitely sign up for a new round of Reserves! biggrin_o.gif

    I wonder if my previous medals will be available again or if I'll have to start from scratch... But you're right, there's nothing comparable to the huge scale of what's going on out there - everything that moves is human, no NPCs out there (well, except the blasted turrets tounge2.gif ) .

    They should make the reserves program a permanent!

  9. this is outdated (aka there is way more ships and objects now) list


    Lol, someone really put the Nimitz in an almost unchanged form there... Kinda reminds me of "Space Battleship Yamato"...

    But I think neither JumpGate nor Infinity will be free, right? Anybody know of any such games but free? I mean, I heard of Microsoft Allegiance, for some time in the community, being hosted in servers where they had more than 200 users connected at the same time... that must have been a space battle...

  10. The only way I'd like to see "Game 2" be an MMO would be if it were like Planetside, where the ranking would have an inherent balance system, the bases would be persistent instead of destructible, and vehicle construction upon request from players. Instead of nannites one could have fuel trucks and ammo trucks, as some bases could have WMDs for the forward commanders to order to be launched. Like Planetside, only selected bases would be airbases which had the ability to spawn large airplanes, whilst bases could still spawn helos.

    This would only work on the premise that the MMO would not be limited to BIS-created content, but also community-created content, with complete harmony in terms of armor values, ammunition etc. Actually, I think it wouldn't be as utopian as it sounds...

    But no RPG stuff - well, only in the sense of Rocket Propelled Grenades... pistols.gif

  11. BUZZARD @ July 22 2007,21:19)]IMHO, a MiG-37B Ferret-E is still King of the air, even better than the F-19...  nener.gif

    Edit: Runner's up is most definitely the PZL-230F Skorpion (aka the Micro-Sr-71 Blackbird rofl.gif ) !!!

    Wtf is a F-19...




  12. IMHO, a MiG-37B Ferret-E is still King of the air, even better than the F-19...  nener.gif

    Edit: Runner's up is most definitely the PZL-230F Skorpion (aka the Micro-Sr-71 Blackbird rofl.gif ) !!!

  13. I also own and played Guild Wars, still have it installed but haven't played in a while (ArmA & WoE... inlove.gif ) and having first been used to Project Entropia I was kind of disappointed since not the whole scenario contains "everybody possible", and the cities/outposts are able to be real lagfests, though it is possible to choose a different server, so it's not too critical, though I must say I was VERY dismayed by that... since Multiplayer should be GuildWars' strength, though mostly the game is set for only a limited number of players, which sucks... Parties are also not unlimited... I must say I prefer the ability to roam in a world where everybody can be everywhere and se everybody else there at the same too... Anarchy Online seems to be my current poison in that area... smile_o.gif

    EVE Online - now that must be a cool game, though I also read alot about it being somewhat very complex... Still waiting for an MMO Space Fighter game, something like Planetside but for Space Fighters... now THAT would be AWESOME! Anybody know of any such game?

  14. I took part in the "Reserves" program that let you play Planetside for a year for free. Must say I loved it, it's a pity that SOE didn't continue the reserves program, unlike other MMOGs which have started as pay-to-play only and then have let free participation with limits be part of the game, like Anarchy Online, which has the base game and first expansion for free, but some more advanced expansions are only available for play. The sheer feeling of participating in a siege in Planetside is awesome indeed. Anarchy Online is a nice MMORPG, looking also a bit dated but nice to play, relatively simple, and you're bound to find lots of people playing it online. I've had some experience in Project:Entropia, also a free MMORPG, but the fact that one can't really take off without injecting cash into it (yeah, just like Second Life, Project: Entropia has it's own currency with a fixed rate bound to the dollar) made me drop it after some time in favour of Anarchy Online...

  15. that was an LSD(?) - US thing but they used it in the red hammer campaign as a russian one too

    An LSD? Maybe I hallucinated it then     biggrin_o.gif

    I dare say you were...

    The ingame ship was the useless Landing Ship Tank, or LST for short, which wouldn't do anything, could barely be landed on with a chopper, and wasn't friendly to walk on either, and was 100% static.

    There was a community-made addon, the LSD 48, called U.S.S. Ashland... now THAT was IMHO the most beautiful made ship for OFP, simply because in spite of its size it was mobile, and you could walk in its interior (albeit carefully, otherwise you'd find out that it's alot more "transparent" than it looks, thanks to OFP's collision model) - and it could be used both for helicopter landings and even boat-departures!  inlove.gif
