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Posts posted by -ZG-BUZZARD

  1. Heheh, ever since I've tried the beta GDI Titan mech from OFP's C&C Mod, (the Wanzer wasn't walking by then yet) I knew it was possible and that BIS and Mechs would forever be bound to be possible... And I've been hoping to see one for ArmA2's prequel... so I hope the Wanzers will make a comeback after OFP...

  2. And the facts that ArmA looks a little bit abandoned by the developers does not really help to raise it's image...that largely depended on OPF that was brilliant in it's days...when it had no real competition.

    Still doesn't have any, and I dunno why, but I still prefer OFP inlove.gif over ArmA sad_o.gif ...

  3. Thanks for the file, Panzergrenadier3!  thumbs-up.gif

    The Chaparral is actually Sidewinder missiles mounted on top of  an M113-like chassis but this will do - finally gives the West a mobile SAM... Will try this out when I get home tonight! Many thanks again!  thumbs-up.gif

  4. I agree with the oppinion that the "harmonic ensemble" is what made OFP a better game than ArmA. Maybe we're just so spoiled by OFP that it's easy for us to find fault with ArmA - Although we had to wait a long time to have ArmA... and some of the faults of OFP were not corrected in ArmA, and some things that were good in OFP were changed for the worse in it's sequel.

    And sickboy, if you've never played single-player OFP, you've been missing a damn good game... as for MP, I know one thing that's better in OFP compared to ArmA: OFP didn't have that many cheaters ruining the experience for everyone... crazy_o.gif

  5. ... and the C-130 Hercules from DKM.

    Take a look here

    But I cannot find the ADATS there.

    And if I remember right, the Chaparal was realy released. I think it was in a "desert storm" addon pack / mod.

    It was? Where? wow_o.gif Could you post a link plz?  help.gif

  6. AFAIK Gux is still working on bringing the Gripen to "Wings over Europe"  thumbs-up.gif

    What I'd like to see in OFP would be the Chaparral SAM launcher (I think someone from TOW made one - saw a pic of it on one of the pictures thread), and my beloved GAZ-3937 Vodnik...

    As well as Shinkansen's AN-2 Colt...

    Actually... come think of it... the list is quite endless...  biggrin_o.gif

  7. So it's fine to be a lying warmonger then? As long as you don't believe your own lies? I'd hardly call it foolish to expect elected representatives conduct themselves with honesty and integrity. If democracy is just a vehicle for the rich, powerful and disgraceful to get obtain more power still, if it is so flawed, why is it so vital it be forced upon Iraq?

    I stand corrected, and Chops, you posted what I actually meant (that the US and british went into Iraq without any UN baking).

    But I must say Baff1 is right on the issue of political righteousness. Politicians in any democracy are bullshitters by nature because the only interest they work for is their own - everything they do is for their gain, in one way or the other. Why it is necessary to bring democracy to Iraq, in the view of the U.S. and U.K., methinks, was because since it wasn't a democracy, it was an important country (due to the oil) that could not be "manipulated" by the most powerful democracies as much as if it were a democracy itself. That's the only truth of it. And Saddam was even against the power of the western democracies, so in order for the west to be able to secure their hold on Iraq's oil, they had to "liberate" Iraq from Saddam. It is so true as to be proven by 1. the lack of bogey WMDs that were supposed to be found and 2. the lack of any realistic knowledge and planning of what would happen to Iraq once it got "liberated" from Saddam. For once, the "Forces of Freedom and Liberty" found no simpathizers (spelling?) amongst the people they were sent to "liberate"...

  8. Quote[/b] ]Your comment sounds to me like you really think you can make the situation in Iraq better by going there as part of the U.S. Military. And if people aren't ready to do that, they are cowards?

    Not standing up for something someone believes in defines a coward to me.

    Poor americans who actually think that their country has no business being there in the first place (just like the rest of the world, remember, the UN didn't give any green light for the invasion)... whistle.gif

    As for your reasons, so far no WMDs have been found, nor any other substantial reason proven correct as to why Iraq should have been... "liberated". Well, at least now the iraqi people is now "free" to be blown up on their streets at any given time, and not the entire U.S. Armed Forces collective there present can do a damn thing about it... I have seen so many testimonies now from iraqi people actually wishing Saddam back... I bet you must be proud about that too... I just wonder what the heck your army is thinking that it's going to achieve... it'll all go to hell when you leave anyway, bet on it...

  9. An insurgency is a direct result of an invasion not a civil war. A faction unhappy with their conditions simply, and logical, cannot attack the other faction of the same social population simply because one or the other is an analog of the invading/occupying force. So therefore, the faction within the country is conducting asymmetric warfare against the occupying force to present their ideas. Do you understand that?

    AFAIK the percentage of people that actually do like the fact that US and other foreign troops are in their country is insignificant - so according to your theory, all the iraquis fighting each other, excluding the attacks of Al-Qaeda terror trainees, are just insurging themselves against the minority that likes the invaders? That's a good one... icon_rolleyes.gif

    They are fighting amongst themselves because Iraq is a country with many ethnic and political groups which took a heavy-handed dictator to put under control and in line, kind of like Yugoslavia under Tito. When he left, things pretty much got out of control there, as we know it. In the case of Iraq, it's even worse, because the dictator was ousted from power by a foreign invasion...

  10. I think you're confusing things a bit, Brattacas... I mean, of course, the Internet is the best dimension for people to be someone else they're not in real life, I believe that many, if not most, act in a "genuine" way as if they'd act in real life, meaning their thoughts and attitudes on the internet are coherent with their thoughts and attitudes in real life. Of course, you have exceptions, as in the case of role-playing games (and of course there are such fun events where real-life people do cosplay and act like their online character would instead of their normal real selves), but I don't think you should feel any different about online entities than the real persons behind the monitors typing on the keyboards smile_o.gif

  11. I agree with Balschoiw, Iraq is in a state of civil war, albeit a limited one, but it seems that there are agreements being made between warring factions to reduce fighting, probably to prompt a faster withdrawal of US and british forces from Iraq, so that they can go at it again when there's nobody there anymore... Because neither the british nor the US forces are going to stay there forever, whilst the iraqis aren't going anywhere (except those fleeing their own country) and those who stay will probably solve the problem by force...

    As for the war itself being news issue, the problem is even with the bomb attacks that kill more than 20 people, they've become so regular, it's hardly news-worthy, since such attacks have been going on... for years now... confused_o.gif

  12. I can remember some years ago at the very start of the invasion of Iraq I predicted exactly the scenario we have today with turkey in this thread along with other predictions that also became true, like the civil war in Iraq, the clash of the fractions, the interference of Iran, etc, etc.

    By that time I got laughed at and noone believed that this would ever happen...

    Funnily enough all that guys and girls today avoid this thread like the devil avoids holy water.


    Well, it definitely sounds like a good deal to me... Let Turkey take over the whole country, finally allowing full withdrawal of U.S. and British forces out of Iraq... I wouldn't know why the U.S. would criticise it in any way - I'm sure they'd just pull their troops around the oil fields to insure that they keep the oil - and that's when it starts to get interesting...

    P.S.: Balschoiw, you wouldn't know the number of the next lottery win, would you? wow_o.gif I could use it... tounge2.gif

  13. Thanks, but it's not mine, it's from Capun's Skunkworks department, and a beta at that, but there are some cool "what if" addons available, and more in the works, including the "Sr-51" like you posted in YSflight pics wink_o.gif

    Wings over Europe is a sim, that is the latest modern development of a game called "Strike Fighters Project", and all versions - "Strike Fighters Project", "Wings over Vietnam" and "Wings over Europe" are over 99% compatible with each other, and there is only 1 patch to patch them all up to the latest stage of development. There's also a "First Eagles" flight sim that also uses the same engine and is officially the latest one, but since it's centered on WWI, not everybody has jumped on that latest train. I picked up "Wings over Europe" because it seems to be the most stable and also was at the time the only one available in shops; a new sequel, whose working title seems to be "Wings of Israel", seems to be in the works, and if tradition is kept, will be backwards compatible to the previous titles. "Wings of Israel" is set to be in the 1982 time frame, whereas "Wings over Europe" still stands as the most "modern" covering a 1985 timeline.

  14. Hey Sanctuary, that YSFlight looks good, though is there any organized website which has all the addons? I took a peek at that forum which u indicated where all the addons were but it's somewhat confusing to see where they are...

    By the way, here's a nice cheap sim with also a huge amount of addons, as seen in these pix... it's called "Wings over Europe".

    Not Mozilla, but still... tounge2.gif


    Also available in white...


    In any case, it's a really slow bird...


  15. BUZZARD @ Oct. 15 2007,11:29)]There is one essential truth to this issue - ArmA's air power is screwed up compared to OFP, so it would just take BIS to revert it back to OFP-style, and that would be it - and I bet the majority of us would be finally happy again. As it stands, I don't care to fly as much in ArmA as I do in OFP, and that is sad...

    The OFP flight model is worse compared to ArmAs. At least for helicopters, helos now preform way better and can things that helicopters can actually do(like banking, maybe not barrel rolls or loops, but they can bank damn it!wink_o.gif. And reverting back to the old one is just a step backwards, all that needs to be done is improvements on this one.

    Helos may be more realistic, although their rudder performance is still not acceptable, but the FIXED-WING AIRCRAFT (read the thread-title?) is without a doubt WORSE than in OFP. In OFP planes performed better, whilst maybe not really realistic, but at least people got used to it and with a joystick their performance was fully acceptable. In ArmA it is neither realistic, nor acceptable. Heck, I hereby dare BIS to implement OFP's fixed-wing FM in ArmA with patch 1.09 just to be able to prove it to you.

  16. Hailstorm, of course I'd prefer a more realistic flight model (something approaching "Wings over Europe" would be just fine by me), but taking into account that it would take too much effort, keeping it simple, a change to OFP standards I think is not too much to ask for for patch 1.09... I think anything more revolutionary will only be realistically expectable for ArmA 2...
