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Posts posted by -WKK--SkyQuake

  1. You dont mention what kind of geforce 2 u have! My maks playable resolution with a GF2 GTS 64 MB was 1024*768 with everything on in normal detail-settings.

    On my GF4 TI4600 i can easy run the game in 1600*1200 with 4*AA. My Screen dossent like it though sad.gif

    As i see it, if u use a 17" screen, you dont need higher resolutions than 1024*768, maybe 1280*something at maks. So figure out how much resolution u actually need/want and maybe save some money for a faster CPU and new mobo. On the other hand a good 3d-card boosts other games, but we ofp'ers dont play other games tounge.gif

    As i wrote somewhere else, if u want viewdistance, upgrade CPU. Going from a Athlon 1200 to a XP1800 gave me 4-500 meters more, without experiencing stutter ingame!

    The detail-settings are very Ram-restricted! I have 512 MB of ram. Running the game in "normal"-mode results in my PC using 380 MB's of ram.

    In "high" details (nice realistic world) it uses 490 MB's of ram and playable if I turn the viewdistance down to 1100.

    In "very high" detailsettings (over-bumpy world biggrin.gif i wuld hate beeing a farmer on nogova), not tested this much, laggy as hell for me! But a 2 minutes alt-tab to windows explained why. OPF was using 830+ MB on my machine, meaning it was swapping on my harddrive.

  2. A GF4 TI4200 shuld easily be able to run OFP in 1600*1200, even with 4x Antialising on!

    Dont expect your viewdistance and detail-settings to change! Viewdistance is mostly a matter of raw CPU-power!

    Detail-settings (not resolution) is mostly a matter of Ram (and its speed).

    OFP isnt a game like CS or other normal FPS-shooters where u gain a huge advantage with a kickass 3d-card. So dont expect a huge boost in performance, the game will only look nicer, not go faster!

  3. Dont expect OFP to become faster if you only change a 3D-card!

    The grapichs-outcome, depends on what hardware u change!

    My conclusion over the last to years is ( in normal detail-setting and best possible framerate ):

    The viewdistance is only a matter of raw cpu-power!

    Dont matter if u have a geforce2 GTS 64 MB or a geforce4 TI4600 128 MB! It will be the same if the CPU is the same! Going from a athlon 1200 to a XP1800 gave roughly about 400-500 meters more..... If u like to fly and see the mountains before u crash into em??? Get a kickass CPU!

    The resoultion (640*480, 1600*1200 etc) is where the 3D-cards count. And all the nice stuff like antialiasing.....

    Want OFP to look relly good? Buy a top-notch 3D-card!

    Framerate? Must be a fixed setting, like 20-25 fps maximum (little to low for my taste). There is (for me) no difference in framerates running 640*480 no AA or running 1600*1200 with 4xAA on.


    The speed of the ram counts for obvious reasons I dont want to point out tounge.gif

    One thing is for sure, the RAM-ammount counts. But there is no reason going out buying 1 GB of it hopeing OFP runs any better!

    My system only uses 380-400 MB of ram when running Resistance, windows tounge.gif, ICQ, RogerWilco + some explorers ! Always have 100 MB free........

    256 MB of RAM is to little, Resistance will swap on your harddrive. 512 MB is excelent. 1024? Buy it if u have the money, but OFP wont run any better (not tottaly true).......

    A fast harddrive also help alot in loading speeds, defrag your harddrive alot when playing OFP biggrin.gif Ingame it dossent matter to much, unless u fly very fast (600+) around nogova! Wish i had SCSI.........

    Someone said, "im waiting for a geforce FX". I wuld to if i had 500 dollars, but dont expect OFP to run any better than on a Gefore4 ti4200. Other games might/will benefit from it but not OFP smile.gif

    All my conclusions are based on running the game in "normal" detail setting. If u want to use the "high" and "very high" settings. Its not a 3d-card u have to look for, every card from geforce4 ti-models and higher shuld easy manage this task. But u need alot of CPU-power, ram, and very important, a damn fast harddrive, because loading takes alot longer time!

    Last word of advice, dont buy top-notch stuff for to old PC's. Try keep the hardware-stuff from the same century  tounge.gif Or the relative speed increase will be to little.

    Fubar: go buy a gf4-ti4600! U wont regret it, have a Creative myself and had no problems at all. Though a ti4200 wuldnt be bad either, only slightly slower (not notizeable in OPF though). Prepare to run OPF in insane resolutions with 4*aa on! Looks so nicely!


  4. Im still curious about the maximum range on the SA-13?

    And why the lights are red and green on the sides? Culdnt they at least have the same color? This im asking without actually knowing anything about the lights on a real MT-LB's.

    If the lod-thing is getting fixed, will you make the ambulances carry passangers to? biggrin.gif

    And make a snowversion of the steel sheet! please please biggrin.gif

    And damn im disapointed. I went into the wreck, dont ask me how. There was noooooooooo lenin-cup or Coke tounge.gif I looked everywhere!

  5. Great addon guys!

    Vikingo: get some of your point. Dont think it has any thing to do with makeing the ruskies look foolish, just a creators final touch and freedom (must have been hilarious making biggrin.gif ). The gasstation's on nogova give u a headache to? It got a funny logo also (some czech gascompany's logo tweaked into having a more feminin touch). Surely ruins my gameexperience every time i refuel tounge.gif

    But i agree that the magazines might be a little to much, not the playboy-magazine though. But a cup? naaaaah........ either way I mostly look through the scopes anyways.....

    Make the resistance-version have a cup with Reagan or Kennedy, to satisfy everyone.

    Some thougths:

    1. Wuld it be possible to change the lights on them? It looks like a runway when the lights are on   biggrin.gif Either keep em green or red on both sides.

    2. Wuld it be possible to cary one or more wounded soldiers in the Ambulances? Correct me if im wrong. Just diddent seem possible.

    3. The minimum range on the SA-13 is 600 m., correct? What is the maximum-range?

    4. No complaints about the rusty-barrels tounge.gif

    5. Its possible to walk through the window in the Barrack -Courrugated Sheet. - And make a snowversion of this. Wuld fit so nicely into a arctich map!

    About the "not seeing driver/commander from the outside"-thingy: I dont know of any vehicles with the "turn out"-option where one can see the driver/commander from the outside. The BRDM is no example of this because it hasnt got a "turn out"-option.

    But it wuld be nice yes biggrin.gif

    Very nice textures and beautifull models. Looks so nice when u have 2 SA-13 firing at a target during nighttime....... And the wreck uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.................. details details..... awesome!!!

  6. I have a problem.

    Just editet and old mp-map of mine. Never had any problems with it before.

    I put 5 small cars (mascot) into it, changed uzi's to ingrams, added 7 bikes and added 4 huntingrifles. I have no problems previewing it. I have no problems running it on my own pc as server. The map dont use any addons whatsoever, only BIS-upgrades.

    But this is the problem:

    Our v.1.85 server dont want to load it. Ofcourse there is the problem, that you can browse the maps as admin before you have votet a map, but that another story. When i vote my map-version2 and double click on it just hangs "wait for server". If i try vote another map there isnt any problems and vupti you are at the pool-screen. Cant you make maps under the v.1.85 that works in multiplayer?

    Can it be the name of the map? CTF - Bikers v.1.2.Noe?confused.gif that makes it hang? dont understand why it shuld though.

    Is it some addon im not aware of? From the missions.sqm

    class Mission



















    kolo = bike?

    Hope someone can help. Not that it took much time reediting. But wuld be cool if it worked.

