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About -WKK--SkyQuake

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. -WKK--SkyQuake

    My old cd has given up :(

    Well I installed it from a friends cd with my own key. So it works Maybe BIS shuld add this on their games: "Deteriorates with heavy use" SQ
  2. -WKK--SkyQuake

    My old cd has given up :(

    Thanx m8. Looks around for a unsuspecting clan-members cd
  3. -WKK--SkyQuake

    My old cd has given up :(

    Can anyone confirm this? Can my old installation access code (serial) from Cold War Crisis work on OFP GOTY-edition? And is the ID bound to the code/serial or to the cd/copy? Because i have acces to multiple GOTY-editions. Just dont wanna use another persons ID.
  4. -WKK--SkyQuake

    My old cd has given up :(

    After a reistallation of windows this weekend - the time has come to install OFP again. Its my good old cd since release, so first I have to install cold war crisis and then Resistance. + latest patches. Problem. After 10+ attempts to install cold war crisis the installer just gives up on the voice.pbo and exits. The CD got quite some marks, but nothing i havent seen before. Ive cleaned it and even tried my cd-burner who ussually reads every thing given enough time. But no luck Any workarounds? Wuld like to keep my old ID and not make the resistance-cd tottaly obsolete. SQ
  5. -WKK--SkyQuake


    Without reading the full thread. One shuld not be able to turn off cloudlets (fog) in MP. Like viewdistance is fixed or set by mapeditor, same shuld fog be. Smokeshells is one of the small tactical advantages in ladder-ctf's. Right now they are useless. SQ
  6. -WKK--SkyQuake

    Beer thread

    Ceres Royal
  7. -WKK--SkyQuake

    Ask a mod

    I have question. I know its not allowed to post messages anti-(race/sex/religion etc). And i agree this shuld be dealt with hard and brutal. BUT. I see some people actually can do this without any intervention at all. Why, they somehow back their views up by religion or politics. My religion says this, and there for it is so, shuld be like this and so on. While others are mutilated hard because they dont have the "book" on their side or use it to backup their views. So do we follow any specifik religous concept? If we respect all religions, we shuld respect those without to. SQ - non-beliver
  8. -WKK--SkyQuake

    Ofp moments in gameplay

    I have multiple moments and thats why i still love this game! 1. Beeing called a cheater on a mp-servers for killing to much. I always get alot of satisfaction and joy out of this comment. 2. Beeing called a camper on mp-servers. Somtimes i enjoy this comment even more. 3. Makeing dead precise and fast chopper-landings on roofs. 4. Extracting someone carrying a flag from a rooftop with my chopper. Hearing gunfire hitting the chopper! Better than sex-experience when i finally get away and succesfully return the flagcarrier to score! 5. Multiple times killing the same ex-counterstrike enemy player. Especially after his peptalk in the lobby "Ill kill u all" and "gogogogo" And ingame after his multiple deaths starting to complain about lag on a superserver. 6. Running home with a captured flag on the back, with the inscriptions; "here i am, shoot me, i cannot hide in a bush, you will still see this flag". This makes me sweat every time. I inhale multiple cigarets and press my forward button harder and harder before im home. 7. Seeing other ofp-players evolve/get better. (not actually any specifik moment). 8. First time i used the editor. Never played the campaigns since. And lots more SQ
  9. -WKK--SkyQuake

    Big brother is watching.

    Whats the big deal? Since i recived a mug-shot of me and a fine for speeding 83 km/h (in a 70-zone, next to a school i attend) I seldom leave home. I was speeding because i was getting late for class When I leave home I wear mask and 2 times a month I change hair color. I try to speak with a different accent when i meet new people (german or the standard "no, hablo danish"). When i drive home from school ( i only drive in reverse now, no chance of speeding) i leave in the opposite direction of my home to make sure im not beeing followed(driving backwards also makes it easier to keep both eyes on the potentiel followers) . It takes a little extra time, but im sure, ive lost some echelon-guys a couple of times. Other than that, here is some good advice. If you see a big mobile van parked somewhere close to a road and a big white flash blinks when u drive past it, your marked for termination!!! SkyQuake - soon to change name because all of this is beeing logged!
  10. -WKK--SkyQuake

    I need a loan...

    Well the ship is big, but with 23755 registerd ofp-users playing paintball on the deck i guess it will be a little crowded. And knowing some of the ofp-community's flying skill i hope we all can agree, that using autohover and 3rd-person view is a must when landing choppers on that thing btw. how strong is the radar? can it be bought separate?  does is come with aa-canons installed? I searched the Avon's Lady's faq but culdnt find any answers for those two questions  Might be me dooing something wrong. Looking thorugh my bankaccount i think i just have enough for it, but what worries me is the fuel-consumption. I want to be able to fill her up just once. And do i want to know how much juice/money it uses pr. hour? Please help me out, what wuld the average cost be pr. hour? In the meantime i will go tjeck what it will cost me to get all of Nyhavn - Copenhagen to dock my ship in. Cant be that expensive, i always see alot of nice yachts there. SkyQuake - a interested buyer
  11. thx will go test it out And the AND-command example u gave works yes, but i was refering to my OR-example. SQ
  12. -WKK--SkyQuake

    See whos in control of city?

    C&H = Capture and Hold - maps.
  13. -WKK--SkyQuake

    See whos in control of city?

    Sounds like a C&H-map. No easy or short way to to tell how to do this. I recommend to go to a server, play some C&H maps -- Unpbo them, tjeck their scripts and triggers out. or tjeck some C&H tutorials out at ofpec. SQ
  14. Well tried it, and it dossent work And its not the AND-command i want to use, but the OR-command (II) Ive made a small-scale map triggerprob.Noe.zip trying to show what i need. I have 2 triggers that can be activated when entered. The 3rd trigger is controling a waypoint and shuld kick in once one of the two other triggers is activated. SQ
  15. -WKK--SkyQuake

    My repawn dont work

    You cant test respawn in preview-mode! You have to export to multiplayer-mission and load the map in multiplayer to test it. But it will work if you have done as stated. SQ