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Everything posted by -SZ-Vladimir

  1. -SZ-Vladimir

    Bmp 3 by vladimir

    Oh ! I havn't last answer ! sorry I go correct all this bugs For turret with Smoke Script... I know that and nobody have an answer to this problem I think Vladimir
  2. -SZ-Vladimir

    Operation flashpoint 2

    For info, flashpoint2.com is reserved by BIS http://www.networksolutions.com/cgi-bin....Type=do (all info about this domain name). Vladimir
  3. -SZ-Vladimir

    Operation flashpoint 2

    For info, flashpoint2.com is reserved by BIS http://www.networksolutions.com/cgi-bin....Type=do (all info about this domain name). Vladimir
  4. -SZ-Vladimir

    Mi-2 urn v1.0 released!

    Great add-on ! and little size ! Good job ! Vladimir
  5. -SZ-Vladimir

    Bmp 3 by vladimir

    Thanks for all this comment But, what does "Gori Dushman" mean ? I make modification and I post again when I have correct this bugs/details. If you find other bugs, please post Vladimir
  6. -SZ-Vladimir

    Bmp-3 by vladimir

    Maybe you remember for my BMP 3 ? So... I have a lot of news first new screenshots : ERA Version : Standard Version Gunner Place : Public release in any days (maybe sunday). My BMP 3 in any words : - 100mm main gun (HE rounds or AT-10 ATGMs) - 30mm gun (HE or APFSDS) - 7.62 MG - Amphibious - 7 passengers - and others features Vladimir
  7. -SZ-Vladimir

    Bmp-3 by vladimir

    See here for more new info : http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....t=27963 Vladimir
  8. -SZ-Vladimir

    Trinity island v.1.0 by buggs !

    I have Athlon XP2000+ CPU, but I prefear have a big field of view than a good land detail Vladimir
  9. -SZ-Vladimir

    Trinity island v.1.0 by buggs !

    I play always with land detail very low. Why ? I can put field at 3km play with Anti-aliasing 2x and anistropic filtering 4x So, play with very low land detail and big field of view I find that better. Vladimir
  10. -SZ-Vladimir

    Trinity island v.1.0 by buggs !

    I confirm, I haven't problem with bridge !!! I upload a pic later. Vladimir
  11. -SZ-Vladimir

    Bmp-3 by vladimir

    1 week without news, I know So, maybe this evening... I published this add-on. I start a post when he's ready see too RSS website. Why this delay ? I include 2 demo mission with add-on Greece3 Island ? I don't know that Vladimir
  12. -SZ-Vladimir

    A "global" island

    Right and Sarugao is an very good Island I think. You can find it on ofp.info. Vladimir
  13. -SZ-Vladimir

    Trinity island v.1.0 by buggs !

    I haven't see problem with Bridge.... Vladimir
  14. -SZ-Vladimir

    Trinity island v.1.0 by buggs !

    Great Island ! Very good work Buggs ! Vladimir
  15. -SZ-Vladimir

    Red Hammer Studios

    HitPoint for tank : - hull - gun - turet - PasL - PasP - Cargo - Driver - Engine - L svetlo - P svetlo That's all Vladimir
  16. I want creat a new Hit Point for my BMP3, I explain, that's for ERA version, I want make that : when any projectil (LAW, Roket, Shell, ...) hit ERA, BMP3 don't explode at first impact or second impact, but when BMP3 is hit on another place from BMP3 (back from hull, ...), he explode at first Impact. So, If I take HitPoint from OFP config : </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"> armor=400; // overall armor armorStructural=2.0; // structural dammage class HitEngine {armor=0.8;material=60;name=engine;passThrough=1;} class HitHull {armor=1;material=50;name=hull;passThrough=1;}; class HitTurret {armor=0.8;material=51;name=turet;passThrough=1;}; class HitGun {armor=0.6;material=52;name=gun;passThrough=1;}; class HitLTrack {armor=0.6;material=53;name=pasL;passThrough=1;}; class HitRTrack {armor=0.6;material=54;name=pasP;passThrough=1;}; class HitERA {armor=??;material=50;name=era;passThrough=1;}; armorHull=1; armorTurret=0.8; armorGun=0.6; // hitpoints (relative to overall armor) armorEngine=0.8; armorLights=0.4; armorTracks=0.6; armorERA=??; <span id='postcolor'> How can I understand this values ? If I want add my ERA (named HitPoint "era" in p3d, LOD HitPoint), how I make ? Thanks Sorry for my English... Vladimir
  17. -SZ-Vladimir

    How define new hit point ?

    ok... thanks for info Suma. Add possibility to add new HitPoint in a next patch if it's possible. Vladimir
  18. -SZ-Vladimir

    How define new hit point ?

    Thanks Sigma, I try that now Vladimir
  19. -SZ-Vladimir

    How define new hit point ?

    but... which valu put in "armor" ? I don't understand... if 1 is maxium ? we can put more ? Vladimir
  20. -SZ-Vladimir

    New xbox screenies

    I don't see a lot of difference with PC version... Vladimir
  21. -SZ-Vladimir

    Millions of great addons and almost no missions

    so for my BMP3, I don't make public release without one or two demo mission I make one demo mission... if someone want make an other mission (Single Player), ask me !!! Vladimir
  22. -SZ-Vladimir

    Bmp-3 by vladimir

    About camo, on Nogova he looks good Here a little pic form ERA version on Nogova A beta realese ? soon I wait for any beta tester report, I coorect any bug and I make an beta version Vladimir
  23. -SZ-Vladimir


    Here first screenshots of my BMP3. - amphibious - 100mm gun (HE rounds and AT10 ATGM) - 30 mm gun (HE and AT rounds) - 7.62 MG coax - 3 Crews - 7 passengers http://www.fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/land/row/bmp-3.htm I search beta tester, if you are interessed, send to me a PM. Vladimir
  24. -SZ-Vladimir


    I don't know how attach, sorry Vladimir ------------------------------------------- Here picture : Mailman BMP3 :
  25. -SZ-Vladimir


    For see this screen we muss be logged on ofp.ru forum (I'm not sure...). I can host your picture if you want. But good work Vladimir