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Everything posted by -TU--33ker

  1. -TU--33ker

    The Iraq Thread 2

    Welcome back Fallen! Haven't seen you for some time. It's pretty sad that no one is talking about the WMDs now. This issue should be in public discussion everywhere, but none cares that Bush lied. they're trying to ferget it and to become friends with him again.
  2. -TU--33ker

    Military Humor

    I'm still trying to forget that picture, but it's burned into my mind! I need the therapy thread!
  3. -TU--33ker

    Military Humor

    You've gotta love the Aussies... ... no comment...
  4. -TU--33ker

    If god would go to buy a pc...

    I think that's the only rig you can play Resistance with full settings and viewdistance on! gimme!
  5. -TU--33ker

    Behind the scenes...

    WTF? Edit...
  6. -TU--33ker

    Aussie sub sinks us navy ships

    Small subs still are the most dangerous anti ship weapons. I think Germany's next generation fuel cell plant submarines are going to "sink" even more NATO ships in the future
  7. -TU--33ker

    The Iraq Thread 2

    Hehe We're learning at school that America's constitution gives you the right to erect an new governement if the current one isn't acting for the good of America... Now it's about damn time, isn't it?
  8. -TU--33ker

    Weapons requests

    the tank was set in fire because they've thrown a fuel canister on it...
  9. -TU--33ker

    Opf 2 not gonna be released at 2004.

    I like that new MP5 magazine leg pouch on the BlackOp.
  10. -TU--33ker

    Swedish foreign minister attacked

    IMHO this guy is already out of country... They were all searching for a guy in an army jacket and in that time he could have escaped to... Norway... I still go with the theory that he's not a lunatic and was completely aware of what he has done.
  11. -TU--33ker

    Opf 2 not gonna be released at 2004.

    ok I've uploaded them for you. new SpecOps unit: new soldier with frag vest and M1 helmet: new chopper pilot:
  12. -TU--33ker

    Famous  leaders biographys

    thanks my knowledge about this time isn't very good. and most people know nansen as an explorer only. And all I knew about William is that he was a "Nordmann" (Normandy), a Viking who settled in northern France and invaded England in 1066. The Bayeux tapestry is a famous document about that time. Bayeux tapestry William of Normandy aka William the Conqueror: William's cavalrymen at the battle of Hastings:
  13. -TU--33ker

    Opf 2 not gonna be released at 2004.

    The US soldiers in OFP are carrying PASGT helmets, but don't have the PASGT frag vests. The new units have vests and the old M1 helmets. And there are new helicopter pilots which look like the okes from SEB Nam Pack. screenshots in these articles
  14. -TU--33ker

    Swedish foreign minister attacked

    Maybe he was a nationalist right wing guy who was either against the Euro or had enough of the socialist governement and wanted to kill a popular minister...
  15. -TU--33ker

    Famous  leaders biographys

    William of Normandy was a French duke, but his origins are scandinavian. But tell me more about Nansen saving the Russians... Never heard about this.
  16. -TU--33ker

    The american dream

    The American Dream for me means the opportunity to go somewhere, make a new start, and live the life you want. The American Dream is from a time when America was still a very young nation and Imigrants from all over the world came to america to get a piece of farmland and start a better life as their own boss. Especially people from Europe, where there were many poor people and not much space for everyone, had this dream. Nowadays the American Dream is just a catch phrase in commercials...
  17. -TU--33ker

    Naga fish found by us service men 1968

    I think SEALs wear some kind of OD uniform during their training. GI Jane may be cheesy but you can see the training uniforms in that movie.
  18. -TU--33ker

    Berlusconi goes europe !

    For God's sake! Please stop talking about grilled food and saunas! It's Simply NOT TRUE! And I thought it should be clear after the discussion in the EU thread...
  19. -TU--33ker

    What is this gun?

    Didn't Mailman already release that unit?
  20. -TU--33ker

    Famous  leaders biographys

    Mein Kampf is actually an announcement about Hitler's goals. He wrote about everything that happened during the time he was at power. He announced that he would get rid of the Jews in Europe, that he would attack the Soviets to get a German "habitat" in the east, that he would not obey the Versailles treaty,... And he explained his idea of the "Herrenrasse" and the Nazi ideology. Edit: I haven't read it, but many people know what it is about. It's an open secret.
  21. -TU--33ker

    Swedish foreign minister attacked

    I think the Swedish politicians have to think about the way they deal with their own security in an open society like Sweden.
  22. -TU--33ker

    Naga fish found by us service men 1968

    I've heard that they've found that thing somewhere at the Canadian coast too... Hello Nessie...
  23. -TU--33ker

    The Iraq Thread 2

    German TV said that yellow (or red) classified passengers are only allowed to board planes if they wear handcuffs!
  24. -TU--33ker

    What do i need to make an addon?

    Thank you all for the tutorials! And keep the suggestions comming!
  25. I don't know where to post this, so I hope it's the right place. I've been searching for a similar topic but couldn't find anything. I'm trying to make an addon but I've got absolutely no idea how to start and what I need. I'd be glad if you could post some tools that I need and maybe give me some links where I can get them. My addon (if I ever get it done ) will have a new model, and new animations. so it would be nice If someone could help me with an animations tutorial.