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Well, I´ve done a workaround for the helolift and now it allows me to lift stuff with the V22. Here it is, as it failed because the V22 don´t report the altitude right until it is flyting at around 70 meters. So I just modified a couple of variables adding an if in case it is the V22. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> // by Xeno private ["_minAlt","_maxAlt","_id","_menu_lift_shown","_nearest","_nearest_pos","_npos","_nx","_ny","_p_x","_p_y","_p_z","_pos","_posi","_possible_types","_px","_py","_release_id","_vehicle"]; if (!X_Client) exitWith {}; _vehicle = _this select 0; Vehicle_Attached = false; Vehicle_Released = false; _menu_lift_shown = false; _nearest = objNull; _id = -1; _minAlt = 2.5; _maxAlt = 10; sleep 10.123; _possible_types = ( switch (_vehicle) do { case HR0: {d_helilift1_types}; case HR1: {d_helilift1_types}; case HR2: {d_helilift2_types}; case HR3: {d_helilift3_types}; case HR5: {d_helilift1_types}; } ); //to handle V22 if ((typeOf _vehicle) in ["GNT_V22"]) then { _minAlt = -1; _maxAlt = 1; } else { _minAlt = 2.5; _maxAlt = 10; }; while {(alive _vehicle) && (alive player) && player_is_driver} do { if ((driver _vehicle) == player) then { _pos = getPos _vehicle; if (!Vehicle_Attached && (_pos select 2 > _minAlt) && (_pos select 2 < _maxAlt)) then { _nearest = objNull; _nobjects = nearestObjects [_vehicle, ["LandVehicle","Air"],20]; if (count _nobjects > 0) then { _dummy = _nobjects select 0; if (_dummy == _vehicle) then { if (count _nobjects > 1) then { _nearest = _nobjects select 1; }; } else { _nearest = _dummy; }; }; sleep 0.1; if (!(isNull _nearest) && !(_nearest in vehicle_attached_list) && ((typeof _nearest) in _possible_types)) then { _nearest_pos = getPos _nearest; _nx = _nearest_pos select 0;_ny = _nearest_pos select 1;_px = _pos select 0;_py = _pos select 1; if ((_px <= _nx + 6 && _px >= _nx - 6) && (_py <= _ny + 6 && _py >= _ny - 6)) then { if (!_menu_lift_shown) then { _id = _vehicle addAction ["Lift vehicle", "x_scripts\x_heli_action.sqf"]; _menu_lift_shown = true; }; } else { _nearest = objNull; if (_menu_lift_shown) then { _vehicle removeAction _id; _menu_lift_shown = false; }; }; }; } else { if (_menu_lift_shown) then { _vehicle removeAction _id; _menu_lift_shown = false; }; sleep 0.1; if (isNull _nearest) then { Vehicle_Attached = false; Vehicle_Released = false; } else { if (Vehicle_Attached) then { _release_id = _vehicle addAction ["Release vehicle", "x_scripts\x_heli_release.sqf"]; (driver _vehicle) vehicleChat "Vehicle attached to chopper"; vehicle_attached_list = vehicle_attached_list + [_nearest]; switch (_nearest) do { case MRR1: { mr1_in_air=true;publicVariable "mr1_in_air"; mr1_lift_chopper = _vehicle; publicVariable "mr1_lift_chopper"; }; case MRR2: { mr2_in_air=true;publicVariable "mr2_in_air"; mr2_lift_chopper = _vehicle; publicVariable "mr2_lift_chopper"; }; }; while {!Vehicle_Released && player_is_driver && alive _vehicle && alive _nearest && alive player} do { sleep 0.05;_posi = position _vehicle;_p_x = _posi select 0;_p_y = _posi select 1; //_p_z = _posi select 2; //to handle V22 if ((typeOf _vehicle) in ["GNT_V22"]) then { _p_z = 12; } else { _p_z = _posi select 2; }; if (_p_z > 11) then {_nearest setPos (_vehicle modelToWorld [0,0,-11]);} else { if (_p_z < 11 && !surfaceIsWater [_p_x, _p_y]) then {_nearest setPos [_p_x, _p_y, 0]};}; _nearest setVelocity velocity _vehicle;_nearest setDir direction _vehicle;_nearest setVectorUp vectorUp _vehicle; }; _nearest engineOn false; Vehicle_Attached = false; Vehicle_Released = false; switch (_nearest) do { case MRR1: { mr1_in_air = false; publicVariable "mr1_in_air"; mr1_lift_chopper = objNull; publicVariable "mr1_lift_chopper"; }; case MRR2: { mr2_in_air = false; publicVariable "mr2_in_air"; mr2_lift_chopper = objNull; publicVariable "mr2_lift_chopper"; }; }; vehicle_attached_list = vehicle_attached_list - [_nearest]; if (!alive _vehicle) then { _vehicle removeAction _release_id; } else { (driver _vehicle) vehicleChat "Vehicle released"; }; if (!(_nearest isKindOf "StaticWeapon") && (position _nearest) select 2 < 200) then { waitUntil {(position _nearest) select 2 < 10}; }; _npos = position _nearest; _nearest setPos [_npos select 0, _npos select 1, 0]; _nearest setVelocity [0,0,0]; sleep 1.012; }; }; }; }; sleep 0.51; }; if (!(alive _vehicle) || !(alive player)) then { player_is_driver = false; _vehicle removeAction vec_id; }; if (true) exitWith {}; Maybe somebody find it useful. I have also changed the x_getsidemissionclient.sqf in the Schmalfelden version, because it was using Sharani side missions names. I put here the cases from 0 to 17 that it uses, just copy and paste over the first 18 cases there. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> case 0: { current_mission_text = "There is a radar tower west of Funkstatt. Find it and destroy it."; current_mission_resolved_text = "Good job. The radar tower west of Funkstatt is down."; }; case 1: { //A high enemy officer arrives today in a ruin south of Tres Valles. He is responsible for the death of many civilians. Eliminate him! current_mission_text = "Enemy forces are testing an enhanced tank version near Schmalfelden. Your mission is to steal it and bring it to the flag at your base."; current_mission_resolved_text = "Good job. You captured the enhanced tank version."; }; case 2: {//The enemy is testing a new protoype plane on Antigua. Steal it and bring it to the flag at your base. current_mission_text = "The enemy is producing chemical weapons near Windisch-Bockenfeld. Find the watertower that is needed for the production and destroy it."; current_mission_resolved_text = "Good job. The water tower is down."; }; case 3: {//Enemy forces are testing an enhanced tank version at Alcazar. Your mission is to steal it and bring it to the flag at your base. current_mission_text = "The enemy is building a hangar near Grossbaerenweiler. Funny thing is, there is no airfield near that position. So, destroy that hangar before we really know what it is for"; current_mission_resolved_text = "Good job. The hangar is down."; //current_mission_text = "Enemy forces are testing an enhanced tank version at Alcazar. Your mission is to steal it and bring it to the flag at your base."; //current_mission_resolved_text = "Good job. You got the enhanced tank version."; }; case 4: {//near Grossbaerenweiler The enemy is producing chemical weapons in a base south of Cabo Santa Lucia. Find the watertower that is needed for the production and destroy it.. current_mission_text = "There is an enemy training facility near Heufelwinden. Destroy the main building to cut down their possibilities to train new soldiers."; current_mission_resolved_text = "Good job. The main building of the training facility is destroyed."; //current_mission_text = "The enemy is building a hangar near Grossbaerenweiler. Funny thing is, there is no airfield near that position. So, destroy that hangar before we really know what it is for"; //current_mission_resolved_text = "Good job. The hangar is down."; }; case 5: {//The king of Sedia is on vacation in a hotel near Vallejo. He is a good friend of the enemy leaders. Eliminate him! current_mission_text = "There is a radio tower in forrest west of Speckheim. The enemy uses it to communicate. Simple task, destroy it."; current_mission_resolved_text = "Good job. The radio tower west of Speckheim is down."; //current_mission_text = "The king of Sedia is on vacation in a hotel near Vallejo. He is a good friend of the enemy leaders. Eliminate him!"; //current_mission_resolved_text = "The king of Sedia is dead. Good job."; }; case 6: { current_mission_text = "There is a radio tower west of Naicha. The enemy uses it to communicate. Simple task, destroy it."; current_mission_resolved_text = "Good job. The radio tower west of Naicha is down."; //current_mission_text = "The enemy is building a hangar southwest of Roca del Dror. Funny thing is, there is no airfield near that position. So, destroy that hangar before we really know what it is for."; //current_mission_resolved_text = "Good job. The hangar is down."; }; case 7: { current_mission_text = "There is a transformer station in Kleinbaerenweiler. The enemy uses it to for some experiments in a laboratory. Simple task, destroy it."; current_mission_resolved_text = "Good job. The transformer station is down."; //current_mission_text = "There is an enemy training facility in San Peregrino. Destroy the main building to cut down their possibilities to train new soldiers."; //current_mission_resolved_text = "Good job. The main building of the training facility is destroyed."; }; case 8: { current_mission_text = "There is a radio tower north of Grossbaerenweiler. The enemy uses it to communicate. Simple task, destroy it."; current_mission_resolved_text = "Good job. The radio tower north of Grossbaerenweiler is down."; //current_mission_text = "There is a radio tower on the top of mount Pico de Revolucion. The enemy uses it to communicate. Simple task, destroy it."; //current_mission_resolved_text = "Good job. The radio tower on top of mount Pico de Revolucion is down."; }; case 9: { current_mission_text = "The enemy uses a fuelstation located around Speckheim to refuel its vehicles. Simple task, destroy it to cut down fuel supplies."; current_mission_resolved_text = "Good job. The fuelstation is down."; //current_mission_text = "A new helicopter prototype gets tested on Pita airfield. Destroy it before enemy troops use it."; //current_mission_resolved_text = "Good job. The helicopter is destroyed."; }; case 10: { current_mission_text = "This time we want to provoke the enemy. Find the enemy flag in Wolfskreut and bring it back to the flag at your base."; current_mission_resolved_text = "Good job. The enemy flag is in our base."; //current_mission_text = "There is a artillery cannon on top of mount San Esteban. Destroy it before enemy troops use it to attack Ortego."; //current_mission_resolved_text = "Good job. The artillery cannon is destroyed."; }; case 11: { current_mission_text = "This time we want to provoke the enemy. Find the enemy flag in Kleinbaerenweiler and bring it back to the flag at your base."; current_mission_resolved_text = "Good job. The enemy flag is in our base."; //current_mission_text = "There is a lighthouse on Isla del Zorra. Enemy ships use it to find their way to the Sahrani south coast, destroy it."; //current_mission_resolved_text = "Good job. The lighthouse is destroyed."; }; case 12: { current_mission_text = "There is a transformer station in Funkstatt. The enemy uses it to for some experiments in a laboratory. Simple task, destroy it."; current_mission_resolved_text = "Good job. The transformer station is down."; //current_mission_text = "A high enemy officer makes holidays at Cabo Canino. Eliminate him !"; //current_mission_resolved_text = "Good job. The enemy officer is dead."; }; case 13: { current_mission_text = "The enemy is building a prison on Speckheim. Destroy the building so that they can not arrest innocent people."; current_mission_resolved_text = "Good job. The prison is destroyed."; //current_mission_text = "The North prime minister visits some troops in Valle Azul. Eliminate him !"; //current_mission_resolved_text = "Good job. The prime minister is dead."; }; case 14: { current_mission_text = "A high enemy officer arrives today Wolfskreut. He is responsible for the production of biological and chemical weapons. Eliminate him !"; current_mission_resolved_text = "The enemy officer is dead. Good job."; // current_mission_text = "There is a radio tower on the top of mount Monte Liberacion. The enemy uses it to command its armored troops. Simple task, destroy it."; // current_mission_resolved_text = "Good job. The radio tower on the top of mount Monte Liberacion is down."; }; case 15: { current_mission_text = "The enemy is building a prison on Speckheim. Destroy the building so that they can not arrest innocent people."; current_mission_resolved_text = "Good job. The prison is destroyed."; //current_mission_text = "There is a transformer station in Tlaloc. The enemy uses it to for some experiments in a laboratory in Bagango. Simple task, destroy it."; //current_mission_resolved_text = "Good job. The transformer station is down."; }; case 16: { current_mission_text = "The enemy is testing a new protoype chopper on Grossbaerenweiler. Steal it and bring it to the flag at your base."; current_mission_resolved_text = "Good job. You got the prototype chopper."; //current_mission_text = "There is a radio tower on the top of a mountain south of Cabo Valiente. The enemy uses it to command its marine task forces. Simple task, destroy it."; //current_mission_resolved_text = "Good job. The radio tower south of Cabo Valiente is down."; }; case 17: { current_mission_text = "Finally we've found the enemy artillery base. If you can destroy all artillery guns the artillery observers at main targets have nothing to call in artillery strikes anymore."; current_mission_resolved_text = "Good job. All artillery guns are down. No artillery observers will appear at main targets anymore."; //current_mission_text = "A high enemy officer arrives today in Valor. He is responsible for the production of biological and chemical weapons. Eliminate him !"; //current_mission_resolved_text = "The enemy officer is dead. Good job."; }; I just finished the two versions for our dedi server, one in Schmalfelden and the other one in Saharani, west side only, both using mando scripts, I also added the SPON Rangefinder, and added the mortar operator that deploy mortars, the AA Operator that deploys AA Tripod and the AT Gunner deploys AT Tripods. i would put them to download, but I think it is pointless since they need around 4GB in addons to run  I used the RHS Troops, Tanks, Hind, weapons from Aimpoint, peloton, helenic mod, RH handguns, some piranha reskins, Apaches and chinooks from Map Air, tracers, vilas, ebusocom units, landrovers, v22, and probably some more that I don´t remember now. Â
V22 as lift chopper should be fine. Just add the object name (HRX) to _possible_types in x_helilift.sqf Xeno I did that, but I think it is not a problem with the script, it is a problem with the V22. I just replace in the editor one of the three choopers for an V22 and it doesn't lift vehicles, but the script is run since I can drop ammo crates from the V22, so if the ammo crates script it's been executed means that the lift vehicle has been executed too. I have also noticed that in the V22 I can drop ammo crates while flying  so it might has something to do with the V22 not reporting right if it is flying or not  Edit--- I read the V22 readme and they list this bug: - Altitude sometimes reads zero (because of Roadway LOD) So I think that is the problem, since the helolift only works if the choppers is between 2.5 and 10 meters. I might try to modify the helolift script adding a case if it is the V22 it doesn't check the altitude, only the distance to the ground vehicles, but that's maybe is too much for my skills
Thanks. Well, I think now I know where he creates all this HR MR etc variables and I understand everything better. I still have the problem with the v22 osprey, but I think it has something to do with the plane, because if I change it for a UH60 everything works. It is a pitty, because the V22 is cool, but if you cannot transport the MR it becomes almost useless in a game, just to transport troops. I´ll look at the script, maybe the scripts is only for helos and maybe the V22 is catalog as a plane. I don´t know. One more thing, I don´t know if it is a bug or something, but some times when I use the halo jump I got locked and hit by a missile And some other time in the moment that we gain altitude in the airport we got locked and shot down. I assume that it is that shilka using mando missiles, but targetting parachutes is not funny
Thank you very much! Â Now that works OK. But I still got a small problem. I have added a couple of choppers more, an osprey and a chinnook, and a predator drone. I kept the names as chxx where xx is the number, However the three first choppers can drop ammo and lift vehicles, the fourth is the one for wrecks, and I am finding dificult to add the same abilities to the other three added by me. I have manage to add the drop ammo to the osprey by giving it the name ch0 and extending the loop in x_playersetup(line 25) to 0 to 3, so the first four choppers, from 0 to 3 have the action to drop crates, but the osprey doesn't lift vehicles. I don't get where tha HR comes from and where is it used. The way I've done is like this In the init I add the respawn for choppers and now it looks like this <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> [ch0,240,0,false] spawn x_helirespawn;//V22 osprey [ch1,240,1,true] spawn x_helirespawn;//default uh60 [ch2,240,2,true] spawn x_helirespawn;/default uh60 [ch3,240,3,false] spawn x_helirespawn;/default uh60 [ch4,240,4,false] spawn x_helirespawn;//wreck uh60 [ch5,240,5,false] spawn x_helirespawn;//chinook [ch6,240,6,false] spawn x_helirespawn;//predator the predator is ok with only that(and adding all the stuff for mando missiles and bombs), so now all new helos and planes respawn fine. Now in the x_playersetup is where I get lost <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> for "_xx" from 0 to 3 do { call compile format [" if (!(isNil ""HR%1"")) then { HR%1 addeventhandler [""getin"", {_this execVM ""x_scripts\x_checkhelipilot.sqf"";}]; HR%1 addeventhandler [""getout"", {_this execVM ""x_scripts\x_checkhelipilotout.sqf"";}]; }; ""HR%1"" addPublicVariableEventHandler { HR%1 addeventhandler [""getin"", {_this execVM ""x_scripts\x_checkhelipilot.sqf"";}]; HR%1 addeventhandler [""getout"", {_this execVM ""x_scripts\x_checkhelipilotout.sqf"";}]; }; ", _xx]; }; I changed the 1 to 0 in the for loop and the osprey has now the action to drop crates, but no to lift vehicles, but I looked into x_checkhelipilot and it should also lift vehicles. I followed the code to x_helilift and add a default option in the switch statment for other that are not HR1,2 or 3 have a lifttypes array. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _possible_types = ( switch (_vehicle) do { case HR1: {d_helilift1_types}; case HR2: {d_helilift2_types}; case HR3: {d_helilift3_types}; default {d_helilift1_types}; } ); I suppose that here is where I'm missing something or I'm not doing something ok, but I'm lost with that HR1, HR2 and HR3 that I don't know where it comes from. Any idea? Thanks in advance.
yeah, that's what I thought, but I have to be missing something and I cannot find what....
Hi. I'm trying to modify the mission to use some of our dedi server addons, and to that point that is ok. However, we have the L16A2 mortar addon and I have tried to use it with moderate success. I have replicated the MG nest scripts to accomodate them for the mortar, having the granadier now the ability to deploy mortars and remove them. Everything is ok, I can deploy the mortar and remove it, but if I die I lose the ability. Can somebody tell me what I am missing? I think I've gone through all the scripts, and I think I have copy the mortar modification along in any scripts that referenced the mg nest, but I still can get the ability back after respawn. Let me explain what I've done(using latest version with mando missiles and bombs) In the init.sqf file I have added this bit just after the mg nest(around line 198) <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">// if you want to use the mortars for granadiers d_with_mortar = true; // can build mortar d_mg_mortarOp = ( switch (d_own_side) do { case "RACS": {["SoldierGG"]}; case "EAST": {["SoldierEG"]}; case "WEST": {["SoldierWG"]}; } ); if (d_with_mortar) then { d_mg_mortar = ( switch (d_own_side) do { case "RACS": {"llw_l16"}; case "EAST": {"llw_l16"}; case "WEST": {"llw_l16"}; } ); }; I have created two new script copiying the mg nests ones first, to deploy the mortar, called x_mortarDep.sqf(use the x to keep everything tidy) <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> private ["_dir_to_set","_m_name","_marker"]; if (count d_mortar_pos > 0) exitWith { Server globalChat "You have already deployed a mortar. You have to remove it to deploy a new one."; }; d_mortar_pos = player modeltoworld [0,2,0]; player playMove "AinvPknlMstpSlayWrflDnon_medic"; sleep 3; WaitUntil {animationState player != "AinvPknlMstpSlayWrflDnon_medic"}; if (!(alive player)) exitWith { d_mortar_pos = []; Server globalChat "You died before your mortar was ready."; }; _dir_to_set = getdir player; mg_mortar = d_mg_mortar createvehicle d_mortar_pos; mg_mortar setdir _dir_to_set; Server globalChat "Mortar ready."; _m_name = format ["Mortar %1", name player]; _marker = createMarker [_m_name, d_mortar_pos]; _m_name setMarkerShape "ICON"; _m_name setMarkerColor "ColorBlue"; _m_name setMarkerSize [0.5,0.5]; _m_name setMarkerType "Dot"; _m_name setMarkerText _m_name; mg_mortar addAction ["Remove Mortar", "x_scripts\x_removeMortar.sqf"]; mg_mortar addEventHandler ["killed",{[_this select 0] spawn XMGMortarKilled;}]; player moveInGunner mg_mortar; if (true) exitWith {}; then another script to remove the mortar called x_removeMortar.sqf <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">private ["_m_name"]; if (vehicle player == mg_mortar) exitWith { Server globalChat "You have to get out of the mortar before you can remove it."; }; player playMove "AinvPknlMstpSlayWrflDnon_medic"; sleep 3; WaitUntil {animationState player != "AinvPknlMstpSlayWrflDnon_medic"}; if (!(alive player)) exitWith { Server globalChat "You died before you could remove your mortar."; }; deleteVehicle mg_mortar; Server globalChat "Mortar removed."; d_mortar_pos = []; _m_name = format ["Mortar %1", name player]; deleteMarker _m_name; if (true) exitWith {}; Then I've added this to the x_playerfuncs.sqf file <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> if ((typeOf player) in d_mg_mortarOp) then { XMGMortarKilled = { private ["_mgmortar","_m_name"]; _mgmortar = _this select 0; _m_name = format ["Mortar %1", name player]; deleteMarker _m_name; d_mgnest_pos = []; Server globalChat "Your Mortar was destroyed !!!"; sleep 25.21; if (!(isNull _mgmortar)) then { deleteVehicle _mgmortar; }; }; }; and this bit to the x_checkkill.sqf <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> if (d_with_mortar) then { if ((typeOf player) in d_mg_mortarOp) then { _killed removeAction mortaraction; }; }; and to the x_setupplayer I added this <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">//for mortar if (d_with_mortar) then { if ((typeOf player) in d_mg_mortarOp) then { d_mortar_pos = []; mortaraction = _p addAction ["Deploy Mortar", "x_scripts\x_mortarDep.sqf",[],-1,false]; }; }; I think i put it everywhere needed, but I must be missing something since everytime I respawn I lose the ability to deploy mortars.... Any idea what I'm missing? Thanks in advance.
Hi Great addon, but when used in a dedicated server this message comes up <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> Error in expression <_wep3 = _deadcarg select 2> Error position: <select 2> Error Zero divisor and most of the weapons pilons have no weapons. In the arma rpt that message is repeated constantly changing the numbers.
I got the same message(with an ATI card). It is not the first time it happends to me, and it seems to be a problem with ATI cards processing textures with dimensions that are not power of 2. It is ok to have a texture of 1024*1024 or 2048*2048 but it crashes if the texture has values like 1023*1023 or 2040*2040.
Hi, since I updated to version 1.3, all missions I made using version 1.2 won't work. Any way of fixing this??
Hi, I'm new in addon making . I do not really know where to start from. I have taken a look at diferent addons to see how are they structured and get a rough idea of how it might be done. Let's start from the begining, we have a dedicated server, and we use a lot of addons on it. The thing is that we have loads of different weapons from the addons, and when it comes to missions making, we have to be creating scritps for ammo boxes, because we don't use all the weapons at once, just the ones that fits for the mission or the mission author like. So my idea is to create an addon which add all those scripts to the game editor as ammo boxes, so instead having to use and edit the scritps for each mission we could have a bunch of custom mixed ammo crates on the editor, simplifiying everything. So my first question is how to add a custom ammo box to the editor menu. Because the addon that i've been looking at as examples are weapons addons, and they have all the entries for each weapon and I get a little bit confused of what is actually needed to add only for the ammo boxes. The second idea is to make custom groups using the units and the vehicles from addons. I mean, create a group which appears in the editor under BLUEFOR, OPFOR or Independent using for example the technicals from QG with insugents from the WP addon, o desert vehicles from McNools vechicles pack with desert soldiers from any other addon. There are many addons which add their own groups, but other doesn't, so I would like to have them ready to use in the editor. Would it be to complex to do? I'm also not too pretty sure how dependencies work, but I assume that might be somehow like in the missions that depends on addons, isn't it? And the third idea is about adding music as an addon. I mean, adding 10 or 20 songs that can be used by the mission editor for intros and outros, and having them as an addon the mission size should be normal, because everytime we create a mission with music, it grows to one or two Mb. So I would like to have all the songs as an addon so the mission size is not affected by the inclusion of music. And as we have music in the addon, would it be possible to play that music as a MP3 player when the player is a in a vehicle? I thing this last bit might be much more dificult, but I still have it in mind. So if somebody could point me to the right direction, tell me what tutorials should I read or could give me some examples that would help me to create this three addons I would be very grateful. Because the problem is that I don't know how to start. Thanks in advance. Zorasht
Help with my first addon
Zorasht replied to Zorasht's topic in ARMA : CONFIGS AND SCRIPTING (addons)
Thank you very much. Everything is far more clear now. I also received very interesting replies about ammo boxes and music in this topic in armaholic, just in case somebody look for something similar. http://www.armaholic.com/forums.....#bottom -
Help with my first addon
Zorasht replied to Zorasht's topic in ARMA : CONFIGS AND SCRIPTING (addons)
Well, we don't have the problem of the missing addons. We are a small group of people, always the same, in a password protected server and we have an standard of addons that everyone has installed. That's why I want to have different ammo boxes, to ease the work of those of us who make missions. Using scripts is being ok. But now, after patch 1.14 we are gonna update our addon standard, updating some existing addons, adding some new addons, and that's why I want to create this ones, to simplify things. At this point I have a load of script for ammo boxes, so many that some of them are repeated, and I have to go through them everytime I want to use them, because only the name doesn't tell me anything As I told before, we have not problem with people disconected because of missing addons, since all of us have the same, that's why I want to have the custom ammo boxes, custom groups and custom music all added as addons, since everyone will download it once and forget. I'll take a look at those pbos to see what I can get of them. Thanks. -
Hi. I have a small problem that is spoiling my whole mission I had two groups of six men each. I want them to start inside an helicopter, both inside the same helicopter.(a chinnok from map air) The helicopter has a waypoint to unload the passengers at the destination point, and the groups have a synchronized waypoint there to get out. The missions is for multiplayer, so with the AI disable(using revive script too), each team leader has on the init line <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">group1 = group this; group2 = group this; I have a small script to load the soldiers into the chopper at mission start <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _Helo1 = _this select 0; _Helo2 = _this select 1; _Group1 = _this select 2; _Group2 = _this select 3; {_x moveInCargo _Helo1; sleep 0.50} foreach units _Group1; {_x moveInCargo _Helo2; sleep 0.50} foreach units _Group2; As you can see this script was meant for two helos that I used in a previous missions. The only thing I do is in the arguments enter twice the name of the helo, so everybody got loaded on the same helo. Well, it doesn't work now. Of course it works perfectly when I'm testing it by my own, when we play it online it loads on the helo a random number of people, left other people on the ground, and some of them got the headbug :dunno: I run the script inside my intro file, I first put a black screen with the mission tittle so nobody can see anything to allow enough time to get loaded in the helo, and after that line I run the script <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">nil = [TransHelo, TransHelo, group1, group2] execVM "GetInHelo.sqf"; and I run the intro in the init line of a static unit on the map. Any one has an idea of what is this happening? Is there an easy way of loading two groups into an helo at mission start? Does it matters that the groups are not full? Thanks in advance.
Start Missions into vehicle / Helo
Zorasht replied to Zorasht's topic in ARMA - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
The thing is that the chopper has pilot and gunner, I only want to add cargo. The lines I put above work ok as soon as I´m by myself or with AIs, but when everyone is a human player, some of them just don´t get loaded into the chopper, and many of them got the headbug, even though I sleep for half second just to avoid that. -
Hi, First off, thanks for this great mission. I have taken the freedom to modify it in order to use most of the addons of our dedicated server. I hope you don't mind. I'm also working in adapting the mission for Dry south saharani, Saltbeach and Sakakah islands. The problem is that I am using too many addons, so I don't think if it would be worthy to make them available to dowload if you need 500MB in addons to play  However I found a few problems that maybe you can help me to fix. Sometimes, when a player dies, he doesn't get the info and self actions added again, and I don't know why. It seems to happend when many players die at once, like in a helo crash or a RPG hitting the 4x4 where they are. Would preprocess some functions solve this? And the other one, which is very weird as the script looks perfectly OK, is the personal parajump. It works OK as soon as the teamrank is enough, but it the teamrank isn't enough and there is no currently any missions in progress, the parajump seems to work, you click, you are in the air, but when you are about 20 meters from the ground is like the chute disappear and you crash-land diying inevitabily. But if the teamrank is enough it doesn't happend, it works ok, and I have been looking throughout of the scripts and I don't see the relationship between chute disappearing and teamrank... Â
Hi I have a dedicated server. I ask my hosting recently to install Queen's Gambit expansion on it. I can see the Porto and United Saharani islands on it. The problem is that any mission containing QG content, like mercenaries, partisans, technicals, arms dealer, civvi hummvee, and so.. Just don't start up However this "problem" doesn't seem to affect the statics queen's gambit objects, since I can run missions in porto and United Saharani, as soon as there is no other QG additions to it. If I create a missions in one of the QG islands, adding standard units and even other addons units, the mission runs fine. But if I add a mercenary,a partisan, a civvy hummvee, any of the technicals and so on, the mission doesn't load and gives me the message "You cannot play/edit this mission. It depends on downloadable content that has been deleted dbe1" I have checked the server files and compare the sizes with the ones on my home PC, and they are the same, and none of them are missing The shortcut to start the server is the following <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> arma_server.exe -config=server.cfg -port=2319 -mod=DBE1;@E69_4PS;@PELOTON -nomap The verison is 1.08 Any idea?
hi, I'm trying to add two options for choosing in MP before the mission start. I have added this to my description file: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> titleparam1 = "Respawn Type: "; valuesparam1[] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; defvalueparam1 = 1; textsparam1[] = {No respawn, Spectating, Instant, Base, Group, Side}; titleParam2 = "Weather/Time:"; valuesParam2[] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12}; defValueParam2 = 2; textsParam2[] = {Clear/Dawn, Clear/Day, Clear/Dusk, Clear/Night, Cloudy/Dawn, Cloudy/Day, Cloudy/Dusk, Cloudy/Night, Storm/Dawn, Storm/Day, Storm/Dusk, Storm/Night}; Some lines below, in the same file I have added this: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> respawn = param1; respawndelay = 3; So the first parameter should be ok. I have included the keygets spectating script in my init. The init file looks like this: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> // Initialize spectating script when player joins as seagull // Set the following to limit visible sides: // Â KEGsShownSides = [west, east, resistance, civilian]; [] execVM "spect\specta_init.sqf"; //for daytime ; PARAMETERS ?(param2 == 1):goto "pa" ?(param2 == 2):goto "pb" ?(param2 == 3):goto "pc" ?(param2 == 4):goto "pd" ?(param2 == 5):goto "pe" ?(param2 == 6):goto "pf" ?(param2 == 7):goto "pg" ?(param2 == 8):goto "ph" ?(param2 == 9):goto "pi" ?(param2 == 10):goto "pj" ?(param2 == 11):goto "pk" ?(param2 == 12):goto "pl" #pa 0 setOvercast 0 setdate [2007,8, 22, 04, 30] goto "Param2_END" #pb 0 setOvercast 0 setdate [2007,8, 22, 12, 00] goto "Param2_END" #pc 0 setOvercast 0 setdate [2007,8, 22, 19, 30] goto "Param2_END" #pd 0 setOvercast 0 setdate [2007,8, 22, 01, 00] goto "Param2_END" #pe 0 setOvercast 0.5 setdate [2007,8, 22, 04, 30] goto "Param2_END" #pf 0 setOvercast 0.5 setdate [2007,8, 22, 12, 00] goto "Param2_END" #pg 0 setOvercast 0.5 setdate [2007,8, 22, 19, 30] goto "Param2_END" #ph 0 setOvercast 0.5 setdate [2007,8, 22, 01, 00] goto "Param2_END" #pi 0 setOvercast 1 setdate [2007,8, 22, 04, 30] goto "Param2_END" #pj 0 setOvercast 1 setdate [2007,8, 22, 12, 00] goto "Param2_END" #pk 0 setOvercast 1 setdate [2007,8, 22, 19, 30] goto "Param2_END" #pl 0 setOvercast 1 setdate [2007,8, 22, 01, 00] goto "Param2_END" #Param2_END if (true) exitWith {}; And I have problem with that, with the second parameter. it looks OK, i just copied from other mission I had downloaded, so it should be ok, but it keeps coming up this error: This error comes with the second parameter, because I added the first parameter later(when I thought I had fix the second one, but I was wrong), so it was happening with the second paramenter alone. I also like to know if the first parameter looks ok, I mean, if that can be done inside the description file.
Description, init and param problems
Zorasht replied to Zorasht's topic in ARMA - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Thanks. I thought I had it as sqs   But i just change the code to sqf, that i can understand better. That is solved. But the first part is not working, it gives me no errors, but it doesn't work. My doubt now is if what I've done is possible or not, since I think I did it too easy, and I haven't seen any missions doing the same. Is there any way of choosing the respawn method at missions start? -
Well, that would happend if you hit the tank with an rpg or a m136, since probably those weapons won't destroy it in one shot. But I was speaking of the tank being destroyed, so being hit by a maverick, a javelin(or even two or three light AT impacts in a row), will make the tank explode, so no one survives, and if they do, I do not think they would be able to run away, or as it happens now, to shoot you back Unfortunatly I don't know what happend inside a tank after it has been hit, but I suppose that the crew must be quite disoriented and probably seriously injured when that happens. But again, it is just speculation.
I think the fast ropes should definitely there. However, burning bodies should be ok, but I think that when you hit a tank and destroy it, the crew is dead and they should remain inside the vehicle, al least for tanks or light armor.
I'm using all NWD addons. We have been testing all NWD addons in our dedi server, and doing tests, trying to incorporate them as standard in our server. Ballistics, sights fix and sights adjustment. (the standalone rangefinder is not compatible with the sights adjustments) But this TFCS is not working fine in MP, you receive a error everytime you load a MP mission, but it loads anyway, and you get some non critical error message while playing from time to time. If the server doesn't have the addon you get strange tank sights. It is also a pity that the fixed rangefinder doesn't work without the TFCS, since the idea of an sniper with his spotter is really attractive, but the rangefinder doesn't work properly, when more than one player is lasing something to get the range, the server lags a lot for a while. And the rangefider doesn't work at least a tank is present in the map (no matter where) I hope he keeps updating this addons, becasue they worth it,
Hi. We have a dedicated server for ArmA. It is running latests version, and now that most of our squad members have Queen Gambit already I am about to put QG on the dedicated server. The "problem" is that if I have to upload the DBE1 folder which weight around 1GB is gonna take me forever Is there any server update that I can get from BI and let the dedicated server donwload the addon? I got access through remote desktop, so I can open an internet browser and download files easily, without being myself waiting and most important, without have to upload stuff myself from my PC. The only option is to uploaded myself? Thanks.
ok. Thanks. I'll upload it myself. By the way, I haven't received any PM
hi. I'm finding difficult to find out how to configure properly the difficulty settings on my dedicated server. I have this in my server.armaprofile <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> version=1; blood=1; viewDistance=1200; terrainGrid=10.000000; volumeCD=7; volumeFX=7; volumeSpeech=7; singleVoice=0; playerVoice=0; gamma=1.000000; brightness=1.000000; fovTop=0.750000; fovLeft=1.000000; uiTopLeftX=0.000000; uiTopLeftY=0.000000; uiBottomRightX=1.000000; uiBottomRightY=1.000000; sceneComplexity=300000.000000; shadingQuality=7; shadowQuality=2; soundEnableEAX=1; soundEnableHW=0; class Difficulties { class regular { class Flags { Armor=0; FriendlyTag=1; EnemyTag=0; HUD=0; HUDPerm=0; HUDWp=0; HUDWpPerm=0; AutoSpot=0; Map=1; WeaponCursor=1; AutoGuideAT=0; ClockIndicator=0; 3rdPersonView=0; Tracers=0; UltraAI=0; AutoAim=0; UnlimitedSaves=1; }; skillFriendly=0.597585; skillEnemy=0.496229; precisionFriendly=0.597585; precisionEnemy=0.496229; }; class veteran { class Flags { Armor=0; FriendlyTag=0; EnemyTag=0; HUD=0; HUDPerm=0; HUDWp=0; HUDWpPerm=0; AutoSpot=0; Map=0; WeaponCursor=0; AutoGuideAT=0; ClockIndicator=0; 3rdPersonView=0; Tracers=0; UltraAI=0; AutoAim=0; }; skillFriendly=0.695941; skillEnemy=0.901783; precisionFriendly=0.695941; precisionEnemy=0.901783; }; }; However, the autospot still working even it is set to 0. I hace tested othre settings, like the map update, and I can enable and disable them without problems, but the autospot even when it is disable it works in game, which is very annoying. Another this is how to make the map show only same side units instead all detected units. Just to keep track where your mates are but not showing up enemies. And finally, is there any way of disable the floating aim reticule while keeping the friendly tags enable? Because after some tests, if I disable the floating reticule the friendly tags are not shown anymore. Any ideas? Thanks in advance
CheatIdiots.. and BIS... Question about cheaters..
Zorasht replied to BLSmith2112's topic in ARMA - MULTIPLAYER
I've been playing arma daily for the last two weeks, and I have met cheaters every day. This sucks! The last today, whick drove me to leave the server and i probably won't  go to public servers anymore. The cheat created a group of AI guys with AA lauchers which shot down anything leaving the base(was an evolution game) I took a screenshot They were obiously inmortal, so the game was fucked for the rest of us. I was playing for about 30 minutes, but when you've been playing for a couple of hours and you have cleared few cities and had gained several ranks, this can be very frustrating. I don't really know what drives cheater to tk and annoy people, but it is becoming very frequent, leaving the MP mode for clan games or private servers only since public servers are flooded with cheaters.