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Everything posted by Zipper5

  1. Lenton & Co. Weapon Manufacturing "Our tests have shown, through detailed research carried out by the world's top "military advisers", that placing your carrying handle at the front of your weapon, close to the barrel, and using dated handguards along with tribal paint-schemes, results in a 300% increase in your kill-death ratio."
  2. Zipper5

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    So everyone outside of America is not allowed to discuss American politics, despite being the world's super power? The only reason you and I still have freedom of speech is thanks to the many who've died defending that right, yet you still call for more violence and death. So don't use the freedom of speech argument when you yourself are abusing it wholeheartedly. If you are so awesome that you can predict all of these horrible events, why are you not trying more to stop it? Why are you not fighting for your right to survive in real life, warning the governments, the police, all these people that these events are going to happen? Instead you sit here on a forum proclaiming them to the internet. You are nothing more than a tinfoil hat conspiracy theorist in that regard. Get some help, man. You need it desperately.
  3. Zipper5

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    You. AIN'T. GOT. NO. PANCAKE MIX. In all seriousness, take these conspiracy theories and create your own thread if you must, but this has little to do with American politics.
  4. Well, seems they have exactly the right market they wanted then... FPDR I like how they still poke fun at Arma 2's physics. Did they even play DR, let alone OFP/ArmA/Arma 2?
  5. Zipper5

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    Given his use of the term "real American" I'm going to go with option 1. :p
  6. Wow, those are some significant fixes/changes! Thanks BIS! :D
  7. Zipper5

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    Why does the USA Politics Thread attract the crazies? :confused:
  8. The stuff being said on the CM forum just makes me... Eugh... FPDR Talk about pre-rendered cutscenes, squads apparently being made up of 4 people, deciding what they can do to tell the difference between a M4 and a M16, stating that stuff not put in RR at release should be ready for DLC "in case they make a mistake", and this talk about it being "balanced" or "unbalanced" for lean... MW2 seriously started something retarded there. There's even talk about how important graphical updates are over other features, and how removing the Mission Editor isn't such a bad thing... What are these people? Seriously? I bet you're going to comment on this Ben, but these people seem to make up 90% of your forum. This is stuff I read on the f*cking Call of Duty forums, not stuff I'd expect to see coming from potential buyers of a realistic military simula- oh wait...
  9. Zipper5

    Saved game during "editor preview"??

    It's still there...
  10. Zipper5

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    I too am not American, so don't worry about trying to not call me American. If you didn't say you don't want governments, what does having no leave us with, exactly? I don't believe CNN to be a 100% legitimate source of factual news, it just so happens that Fox News is the lowest on the list along with Sky News (they're both owned by Fox anyways). They are nothing more than entertainment news which is often over-exaggerated and sensationalized to gain publicity. I don't want sources from YouTube. If you don't want to have to show us that because it's all we apparently will watch, then show us the other stuff, because I won't watch stuff from YouTube when looking for hard facts.
  11. Zipper5

    ArmA 2 Soundtrack

    As mentioned before, the BAF DLC utilizes a new form of pbo encryption and no tool has been updated to open them yet.
  12. Zipper5

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    So essentially you want a world with no order. Chaos would erupt, it always has, it always will. The main thing that has put an end to your mentioned conflicts is reinstating order and authority, be it in many different ways. For you to make such a bold and utterly naive statement like that puts your credibility even lower than it was when you stated Amero was real and is likely to take action soon. So, forgive me, but I think one of the number 1 rules of the internet is to not give contact details to people you perceive to be crazy. Why not post them here? This is a discussion involving others than just you and me after all.
  13. Zipper5

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    Still no sources? I fail to see the facts without legitimate sources. (Fox News does not count as one, by the way. ;) ) For as long as humans have been around multiple variations of those events have occurred simply due to our nature as human beings, not secretive underground cults that supposedly exist and are trying to undermine humanity as a whole.
  14. Zipper5

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    Well done for predicting the collapse of the economy. You know, because that hasn't happened at regular intervals throughout human history... Please tell me how you know any of what you said to be fact. Because it's on TV all the time? TV is mostly garbage nowadays to the point of being brain-rotting. The internet? Don't get me started. And lol, Martial Law in Chicago? So the American government is just going to declare that in their own country for no apparent reason? Man, why isn't this all over Fox News? Show me some of your sources, I'd like to see them.
  15. Zipper5

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    You're watching YouTube movies about the "New World Order" and "Amero", stating what you believe to be fact yet you got it from a Google search (or Fox News, neither is better than the other in terms of facts... Well, at least Google doesn't talk much) believing that they could be the start of World War 3, heck, that they even exist like a cult and are plotting our demise. Ah, that explains it. Ever heard of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder?
  16. Zipper5

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    Go back to your sealed-off basement and put your tinfoil hat on, because those aliens are sure to be coming soon with their brain-melting weaponry. And while you're at it, say hi to JFK, Elvis and Michael for me. I fail to see the relation between conspiracy theorists and American polit- wait...
  17. Zipper5

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    Welcome to the you-are-crazy-and-should-seek-psychological-help revelation. ;)
  18. Spoken like a true Operation Flashpoint fan. :p Arma 2's system requirements aren't extremely high so long as your computer isn't from the stone-age. Just like OFP, it's going to take a while for technology to catch up.
  19. Zipper5


    When walking around Vimmy Ridge and and the Newfoundland Memorial Park this summer, there were many areas cordoned off due to "unexploded munitions". It's quite surreal to know that if you step that way you could get yourself blown apart by munition from a war that was 70 years ago. :butbut:
  20. Agreed, but Helios took it way too far with that. Alas, we've been told many times to not discuss the moderation of that forum over here...
  21. Nice..... one, Helios. Since you read this thread, I must say - keep cementing your company's reputation as being a bunch of assholes. ;)
  22. Zipper5


    Yup, scary stuff. At least it was a hand grenade and not an... Artillery shell. :p I've only ever heard/felt/seen one explosion in my life, and that was the only suicide bomber in Qatar's history. Unfortunately the only casualty other than him died not because of the explosion but because of a heart attack from the shock. :(
  23. Zipper5


    You seem to be in a happening little place. :p
  24. Zipper5

    In-Game BattlEye Banning?

    If it's ingame you probably have to put a # at the start, just like voting an admin and such.
  25. Zipper5

    ArmA2:Oa Patch 1.54 released!

    http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?p=1730858#post1730858 Wouldn't recommend quoting an image. ;)