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Everything posted by Zipper5

  1. I agree, these guys are far too easily won over by shysters. A recent example would be that now a random forum member, a moderator and Ben himself have all been fooled by the guy pretending to be me. When something like that happens it becomes all too clear why they just keel over and let the frauds do whatever they want and still get their money. :rolleyes:
  2. Zipper5

    Arma II and OA AI is POO

    Both of those are flaws in the mission design. Generally when the AI stops and takes a while to aim it's because their skill is set low, thus they take longer to adjust what they're aiming at. Basically, up the AI's skill. You can also try using the reveal command to make them all know of each other, preventing units from just walking past each other, though I rarely see that without it. The helicopter issue is easily fixed with setting it's behavior mode to careless and setting it's combat mode to never fire. If you don't want it shot at you can always try this setCaptive true. As I've said many times, I've been working with the AI in these games for years now when mission editing and I still find them very formidable opponents, even more so when combined with AI mods. Sure, they're not perfect, there are hiccups with them once in a while and there are odd behavior traits that won't go away, but it does so many other things right that I think the good outweighs the bad. ;)
  3. Zipper5

    Next official patch OA?

    When it's ready, as always. Inb4 the lock.
  4. http://community.codemasters.com/forum/general-discussion-1335/427416-lets-put-new-spin.html#post6484105 Heh, seems some people over there are very susceptible to trolls. I actually look forward to seeing the mindf*ck. :D Edit: Even the mods now. :eek: http://community.codemasters.com/forum/general-discussion-1335/421698-gunships-13.html#post6484623 Edit #2: Lol, and now it's Ben's turn. Man, this guy is good! http://community.codemasters.com/forum/general-discussion-1335/427416-lets-put-new-spin.html#post6484823 Seriously Ben, I'd have thought you'd read here first. :p This is my account, but it's been shadow-banned since back in the DR days (I can post, but no one will see them): http://community.codemasters.com/forum/members/zipper5-2973071.html
  5. Are you sure it's the BAF DLC and not the 1.54 patch causing these issues? I can't see how what was introduced in the BAF DLC could be the culprit. However, if you had used any of the beta patches before 1.54 you may have noticed this happening earlier due to the substantial changes BIS made. Did you try the beta patches? If so, did you have the same issues?
  6. What more can one expect when you pander to the mainstream? :p
  7. Lol, someone's trolling me over on the DR forums. Either that or it's quite coincidental for him to have chosen the same name. :D http://community.codemasters.com/forum/general-discussion-1335/421698-gunships-13.html#post6483165
  8. Nah, I had checked the hits on popular sites in that field for it up to the point support was dropped. They were pretty high numbers. ;) Alas, we shouldn't be discussing piracy, no matter if the game deserves it...
  9. You seem to have gotten jipped. ;)
  10. They still did, and it was downloaded a lot (go figure when you just... Throw your product away), but that's besides the point. :rolleyes: Yeah, it doesn't make sense for them to drop FADE, but perhaps it is specific to the RealVirtuality engine? An engine they no longer have access to.
  11. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong but I do believe Codemasters actually developed FADE, but I guess they don't use it at all anymore. CM was a completely different company back then - they actually seemed interested in quality games and serving their customers. Heck, Red Hammer was... Decent, but Gold Upgrade itself was pretty good. The voice acting also seems to have been provided by CM (which is why they couldn't use it in OFP:E). I guess management changed, and I bet that was one of possibly many reasons BIS severed their contract. CM today are just a pale shadow of what they were back then, but this isn't exactly something I've only just found out. They've been producing major suckage for many years now, but only recently making my favorite game series of all time majorly suck. :( Meh, once more we will predict the downfall of CM's failed OFP project, and once more we will be correct to the T. Though I won't deny it being easy to predict, it just seems to elude the more easily persuaded (or is warped a better word) over on their forums, namely two people (one of them signed up in August and has over 1,000 posts. What the f*ck? :eek: I remember looking on the CM forums once and he was the most recent poster on every thread on the first page). He appears to be in possession of material we don't, or is just incredibly optimistic to the point of being irrational or even naive. The other hasn't played the original OFP but believes the Mission Editor is not an integral part of OFP and is telling us to stop whining because he doesn't understand why we feel the way we do to find out a supposed OFP game won't include it. FPDR That is really the best way I can describe this situation. Pictures say a thousand words. FPDR
  12. Zipper5

    the war that killed the women

    You're still banging a dude, Abs. :p I think this is too offtopic for offtopic, but that's just me...
  13. Zipper5

    I've lost all Faith

    It sounds like you're installing it incorrectly. These issues you're having if you're patching correctly should not exist, they don't for me. Plus, I can still use my 360 controller perfectly fine. If you have the 1.07 final patch, then it shouldn't be giving you that message about being able to download the patch from somewhere else. If it is, try adding -noPatchCheck to your shortcut's target line. Please tell us how and where you're installing Arma 2, and if you have a Steam, Sprocket or retail version of the game, as none of your previous threads or posts give us this information. It wouldn't hurt to add your system specs either.
  14. ROFL! I didn't realize the Recycle Bin's name! That is awesome! :D As a side note I think, frankly, it's entirely just for BIS to fling shit at CM after what they're doing to their community. BIS put in a lot of hard work after OFP's release, and continue to do so to this day, making the name synonymous with excellent community support. In the span of two games that reputation has been completely undone. Worse still, the OFP name still stands on Cold War Crisis, Red Hammer, Resistance and Elite, and they will forever be associated with these hunks o' junk simply because of the brand. The average person will go "Hey, if Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising sucks, and it was made after Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis, I'm not even going to waste my time with the original! It can't possibly be better, as surely the intention of sequels is to improve upon the existing formula?" and won't even know how to tell between a publisher and developer, let alone know that DR was developed by the original's publisher, not by it's developer. Even BIS' ArmA series will suffer as a result. So BIS, fling away! ;)
  15. Anyone else think the new mission editor tutorials for Arma 2 are BIS once more shoving it up CM's ass? :D
  16. It seems that the RR community are more than happy to take the abuse, some even suggesting ways of they can abuse them further through adding in the mission editor, pilotable vehicles and PvP MP in DLC, sometimes saying they'll pay the price of the game again if that feature is made available. It is simply... FPDR Edit: http://community.codemasters.com/forum/general-discussion-1335/427176-ofp-elite.html God... :butbut: Guess he doesn't realize that without Thunderbird's consent they couldn't sell FFUR. Heck, they couldn't sell OFP:E in that way without BIS' permission, no?
  17. Jesus, the hype around Sniper: Ghost Warrior... It's made by City Interactive. They've made nothing but budget games and SGW is no different. This huge amount of hype that the game has received, for some unknown reason, has somehow made people not see all the incredibly budget game-like parts of this game and think it's the best thing since sliced bread. I've played it, and it was an utter waste of money. It. Sucks. And most reviews have actually said that. It's no better than Terrorist Takedown... Just goes to show you that with enough hype you can get sales...
  18. Zipper5

    DLC- What do YOU want?

    Stamina is one of the many things I do not want included in Arma 2 by default. How Arma 2 does it already is perfectly acceptable, and in my opinion ACE2's is kinda overdone. I think Arma 2 is a military simulator that is still a game. Those of us who like to play it as a mix between arcade and simulation, like myself, enjoy the slightly more lenient vanilla state. If we seek hardcore realism, we'll always have the opportunity to download ACE2. It should always remain an option in my eyes, not forced.
  19. Zipper5

    BF1943 sneaks out for PC

    Yeah, while I think BC2 definitely did a better job than MW2, their attempt to simply capitalize on Activision's mistake of completely ignoring their PC fanbase seemed nothing more than a selling point, not something they actually cared about. Sure there was a PC interface and dedicated servers, but there was virtually no post-release support despite it desperately needing it (M93R still has a missing texture in 3rd and 1st person, M16 still has a missing texture in 3rd person, the Instant Action feature still doesn't work). It left a bad taste in my mouth and gave me a bad feeling when playing the game, and I stopped soon after. Then came Medal of Honor and DICE concentrated all of their resources on it rather than their just released BC2, and the MOH beta royally sucked, so even further dissatisfaction. So far the only games that have stood the test of time for me are Valve's classics but, more importantly, all of BIS' games since OFP. No game has ever kept me playing them as long as I have with OFP, ArmA and Arma 2. The fact that I still play and edit OFP from time to time, 9 years on, is enough proof. :p
  20. Well that was nice of Sion to say. It simply reaffirms he couldn't care less about having supportive community, he wants a community of wallets. I guess he's simply putting a face to CM's own stereotypical "suits".
  21. People are going to die if they train using DR, thinking if they can run around close enough to an enemy soldier they won't be able to shoot you. FPDR
  22. Already been posted, but still as funny to look at. Just because Sion says they didn't say it they all suddenly believe him, but one unbiased look at how DR went will tell you not to believe a word that man says. :rolleyes: And there are more people wanting CM to include features they've announced won't be in RR at release in DLC instead. FPDR Oh, and hell yes to a Battlefield remake! :D "Uh, sorry guys, but I can't do the second half of the mission as that goes over the entity limit."
  23. Yes, I've played GTI probably 20-30 times now. :D And lol at them remaking Steal the Car in DR... FPDR
  24. Zipper5

    AI Still Stubborn

    Wow, I would never have thought that near-killing the AI and then healing them in a split second gets rid of the forced Danger mode, lol. Who even thought that up? I would never have put them together. :p The mysteries of RealVirtuality...
  25. The OA and BAF DLC missions are actually on-par with the original OFP SP missions for the most part, in my humble opinion.