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Everything posted by Zipper5

  1. It's not even a difficulty option in DR, but having just tested extended armor in Arma 2 it doesn't change there either. The "surviving damage to the head" thing is persistently there in DR and happened much more often in my experience with the game than it ever has in Arma 2. In fact, I can't recall it ever happening to me in Arma 2. Hell, I even noticed many times in DR that I'd get shot in the head, only take damage there, the head icon becomes red and yet I'm still alive and trudge on perfectly fine after applying the magical field dressing pack. It's not like I'm just making this up off the top of my head; I had DR for about 2 or 3 weeks after it's release until eventually getting rid of it. I had even uploaded videos of it to my YouTube channel before I realized I didn't want to clutter it up with DR. Running into these issues and realizing they were never going to get fixed was what made me bin DR. What exactly is your prerogative here, Pulverizer? Are you trying to encourage a fair and balanced argument over DR/RR/CM in general, or are you simply trying to flamebait people? The impression I'm getting is that you're defending a game that clearly doesn't deserve defending, and a developer that couldn't care less about it's products, it's customers, it's community, or it's reputation, and even after having a more recent chance to change all that (F1 2010) they have apparently gone down the exact same route. From my stand point, there is nothing redeemable about CM's actions as of late.
  2. Given what's being said on their forums about F1 2010 they can't even get the car simulation aspect right, lol. :D
  3. It really doesn't give much hope to RR being different from DR when a very similar stunt occurs once more a year later. "Oh but they're two different development teams/studios!" I hear you say. Well then, it would appear that this will continue until the current head honchos of Codemasters are removed from the picture, as they seem to be the ones authorizing such fraud to take place. That includes people like Mr.Nicholls, Browne, Lenton, and the people above them. The ones "calling the shots", so to say. It's far too coincidental for the same thing to happen twice to two radically different brands both developed by CM.
  4. Reading the F1 2010 forums I'm getting flashbacks of DR's release. Paints an oh-so-pretty picture of what RR will be like, doesn't it? :rolleyes: First thread I opened, which seemed the most important as it was the first sticky on the page and was a message from the moderators themselves, had this as the first reply: Quite ironic, lol. As I continue reading I'm seeing all these different issues with the game, and it seems to be in no better state than DR was.
  5. Not since OFP have I been shot in the head and survived. Perhaps with the extended armor difficulty setting it becomes possible, never tried it, but at least it's not part of every difficulty level. You cannot deny the stupidity of his comment, though. It was just shy of "Nice....." I don't know if you're actually being shot in the head in DR, or something is just doing damage to your head or the area near your head, but the display shows that you've been hit in the head, ranging from orange to red, yet you're still alive. Another poor design choice from the many made in DR. :rolleyes:
  6. Zipper5

    Zipper5's Missions

    The campaign itself will require Combined Operations as it also uses the vanilla Arma 2 CDF forces.
  7. Zipper5

    DLC- What do YOU want?

    Stereotypes, I'm sure. Just like the joke "Why does the French flag have white in it?" :rolleyes: Or just like how all Canadians do is play hockey, drink beer, and eat Moose with Maple Syrup...
  8. The game was distributed under the Codemasters name, and that means CM HQ had to authorize it. That means, at the very least, they authorized all that went on with DR post-release. So no, it wasn't just 1 studio, it was CM as a whole, therefore the whole company is just as much at fault for what happened.
  9. Zipper5

    Special day for Placebo

    'abby Birday d00d. :D
  10. Zipper5

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 73478

    I just tested with LGBs and they still do a hell of a lot of damage. :p
  11. Thankfully, in that situation, the money still goes to people who actually deserve it, not just Codemasters. I write off CM products because I don't agree with their ethics. I will not forgive fraud. Also, CM have hardly had only one or two misses. Most of their games for the longest time can be regarded as mediocre at best, and games like GRID went without being patched for far too long and still lack fixes, even promised ones. Apparently the state of F1 2010 is also quite laughable. Plus, I'm not much of a fan of racing games...
  12. It was advertised as anything but a single player/4-player coop game, and many people were tricked into believing it. As I've said before, my anger towards Codemasters is only partially due to what they've done to the reputation of my favorite game ever. The overwhelming majority of it lies in the much more important matter of how they lied to and cheated their customers, before eventually dropping support entirely after a couple months of release. Not only that, but they have the audacity to do it all over again with a sequel. It's just disgusting business practice, and I will never buy a CM product again. Word of mouth works both ways, and I do my part to inform those out there considering purchasing a CM product of what they did with DR. Stopped quite a few people so far from buying F1 2010.
  13. At least Valve/Steam still has it's own anti-piracy and anti-cheat measures.
  14. Pfft, these days I won't even consider just requiring a one-time entering of a CD key as anti-piracy measures... It is clear through-and-through that they didn't care at all about their legitimate customers, and it showed in the MP aspects during the weeks that followed. DR was literally thrown away by Codemasters, and that's quite disgusting. What's even more disgusting is to see people defend such actions, be them representatives of CM themselves, or their fans.
  15. Zipper5

    33BO11OF00's mission thread 2

    Mission making, or community work in general, should first and foremost be something you want to do as a hobby or for fun. Not to please others, that comes afterward. So long as you have no contractual obligations, when you find yourself doing something you no longer enjoy just because others want you to, then you need to think about stopping and moving on to something else you want to do. You also chose the wrong game if you want a large number of people to be playing your missions, since OFP is nearing it's 10th anniversary. ;)
  16. They really did set themselves up for that, and I'm sure they knew it too. They literally just threw DR at their PC customers without any copy protection on it whatsoever. If that doesn't get it through to you they didn't give a shit about you, then I don't know what will.
  17. Zipper5

    First Downloadable Game But Not Impressed

    Is your copy of Arma 2 actually 1.05? Also, can you please give us some details as to the directory Arma 2 installed into, and where you downloaded the patch from?
  18. Epic comedic timing is epic, Burns. :D
  19. Zipper5

    The debate the right to die (euthanasia)

    You're going to have very miserable life if you go by that statement, callihn.
  20. More like a poor mans copy of Armed Assault (even down to the equipment choices - and inaccuracies: AH/MH-6's and M1A2 Abrams deployed with the USMC, and NAVY UH-60's (not used for ferrying troops around) instead of Marine Corps UH-1's or CH-53's... :rolleyes: )But they had a team of advisors, so they'd know that... right. Right? Given the fact Sion apparently made the decisions to make nights in DR Hollywood-like, as well as the M16A4 in RR to be a combination of the A2 and A4 with tribal paint schemes and tape holding it together to "distinguish" it from their M4, I think his opinion is taking precedence over the advisers, if they even have any. :rolleyes: They had a guy obviously trying to make the game "kewl" for the mainstream, rather than realistic for OFP's trademark niche. I think they will continue to fail so long as he's in a position of influence, and that includes being a "Creative Director", even if CM were trying to save face.
  21. FPDR It really is a huge shame this happened to the OFP name...
  22. Zipper5

    First Downloadable Game But Not Impressed

    One of the files downloaded, if all successfully were, should have been setup.exe. That's what you would have wanted to run if the downloader didn't automatically launch it when the download finished.
  23. As mentioned by MadDogX above, use the latest beta patch for the time being.
  24. To be honest I think both run their mouths off before they actually consolidate with others as to what they actually want to say. :rolleyes:
  25. Yes, my point is he's claiming RR certified by the USMC when he's only been in contact with one Marine. Oh, and regarding that comment Cameron, I guess "Enemy Rifleman 100 meters south" is information that would take people 15 years to decipher. It's simply more of the PR bullshit being used to make OFP look appealing to the COD/BF/HALO crowd. :rolleyes: