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Everything posted by Zipper5

  1. It would have been less likely a hacker would come into knowledge of this had you not brought it up on the official forums. Just sayin'. ;) Most of them have gone on to the next shiny toy.
  2. Well, you weren't the one claiming otherwise. ;)
  3. That's like saying "I don't care if bullet physics aren't simulated properly because no game can make it just like in real life," or "I don't care if dedicated servers aren't included because no game has managed to eliminate lag entirely." I'd rather have something done close to how it is in real life, or to how it should be, rather than not have it at all. People like to rip on Codemasters because they are liars and cheats who do not appear to care about their customers. It cannot be denied that they have lied to quite a high degree with both Dragon Rising and F1 2010. Sure, many companies lie about their products, but it's rare to see one that does it to the degree CM have done in the span of two game releases.
  4. Zipper5

    Why is my own character displayed?

    I think a script check could probably fix that issue quite easily, if you use combatMode and behaviour to check those for the player's group, and then set his own accordingly. Would probably be done, in this case, by creating arrays for all the different behaviours and combat modes, seeing if the entire group's changes, have it select the same ones from the arrays and make it the same for the player. Or you could just do multiple checks for each behaviour and combat mode, then have it apply it to the player, but that might not be very performance friendly. Obviously that would only work if each group member was given the same behavior and combat mode by the player, otherwise the only other option I can think of would be to let the player choose his own behaviour and combat mode.
  5. Zipper5

    Why is my own character displayed?

    Problem with that, just like setCombatMode, is the player can never stop it ingame. He will always be set to Stealth, or Hold fire.
  6. I prefer reactions from people I know over everything. For example, most people I talked to, even those who don't play BIS' games, thought DR was terrible. Many people I've talked to have said F1 2010 is terrible, too. Then I combine those with reviews from sites I trust, and user scores, to get an overall idea of how the game is. If a demo isn't provided by the developer, as was the case with DR (released much later after release) and is the case with F1 2010, then I go with the idea I have so far.
  7. I find the more important score on websites to be the user score. As you can see, it's pretty average. Look at DR's and you'll see it's below 5. But look at Arma 2's, and you'll see it's mostly equal to the review scores. ;) (This is looking at the PC versions)
  8. I like all this discussion about the similarities/differences between VBS and the Arma series "over there", especially the guys claiming the Arma series to be a spin-off of VBS, when it's actually the other way around, technically. VBS1 was a spin-off of OFP, and since ArmA and Arma 2 are essentially sequels to OFP (Arma 2 more directly) how on earth can the Arma series be a spin-off of VBS2? Hell, there are even people claiming that VBS and Arma are the same thing. 9MBQg-7z-04 Watching that I really can't see how, outside of the graphics and animations (even though the graphics are actually deliberately worse), that looks like ArmA. And that's only VBS2 Lite. :rolleyes:
  9. Zipper5

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 73643

    I find most games nowadays have issues with z-fighting one way or another...
  10. Zipper5

    Why is my own character displayed?

    Oh God, legitimacy to a Takko argument. Has hell frozen over? :confused: Well I guess in that regard there's a point here. The reason could be because sometimes the engine assigns group members as unit "1", oddly enough. Or maybe it's simply a design choice. I've gotten used to it so that I no longer notice it at all, to be honest.
  11. Zipper5

    Why is my own character displayed?

    It's Takko, Laqueesha. ;)
  12. Many of their limitations lie in EGO, or whatever the hell they've changed its name to now. It appears to be an unbelievably underpowered engine for being developed in today's day and age. They've definitely prioritized graphical power over functionality, and in the case of DR, even the graphical power isn't that great... About the "boycott" issue, for lack of a better word - I don't really think I say it thinking that I'm going to cause a radical change or something, but I do believe in every little helps. Word of mouth can work both ways, and if everyone simply spreads around the fact that CM pull this crap, then perhaps one day they will actually have to answer to their crimes. It's a nice thing to hope for, at least, even if it's a little naive. I do think, though, them screwing up a game under the F1 brand is a good step in that direction. Edit: Baff - VBS != ArmA.
  13. I gotta hand it to the guy who made the new website. It's pretty snazzy! :D But one question: are you guys not allowed to show the OFP box arts in the back catalogue? :(
  14. http://community.codemasters.com/forum/f1-2010-game-1316/433338-f1-2010-first-sales-figures.html FPDR I don't know why some people are pointing out such ridiculous flaws, design choices and general laziness from the developers, yet others like in the post on the 2nd page make the game look almost infallible. :confused:
  15. Neither thread is named "Codemasters sucks". ;)
  16. Yup, been watching it since it was reported in the Red River thread. A patch has been announced but I see it going the way all their recent releases have. :rolleyes:
  17. Zipper5


    Ah good ol' Seananners. He's awesome. :D My brother bought Minecraft and has been playing it like crazy. It seems to be a very impressive idea, and is being executed quite originally. I look forward to seeing how it evolves. And oh god, that Enterprise model is awesome looking!
  18. At least F1 2010 is a much more high-profile release for Codemasters, so hopefully the news of their fraudulent ways will spread better than it did with DR. More power to you, mate. If you need help, don't hesitate to check out OFPEC as well as the forum's own Arma 2 Editing section, and why not have a read of the Community Wiki while you're at it. Good luck. ;)
  19. I believe the yellow icon with the question mark is simply a warning icon stating that the game can't guarantee you connecting to the server with your mods will work 100% fine.
  20. Zipper5

    The real enemy is inside us

    Ever heard of a movie called Equilibrium? :p -jQsllI1644 While I admit the human race is capable of such terrors, we are also capable of good. If you feel strongly about this I recommend becoming an activist, as from my experience "fuck the human race" topics don't get much love on the internet.
  21. Zipper5

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 73478

    I just noticed this finally after using a mortar script of mine. I can confirm as well that they actually do no damage now. Guess the LGB experience of mine was just a one off or... Something. :confused:
  22. Zipper5

    my gift to the flashpoint community, kung fu music videos

    I think the reason you get into trouble is you're a racist. ;) You're going to use your martial arts in the US to fight a guy living in elsewhere over the internet? You know, that sounds like an awesome B-movie... *Goes to write it down*
  23. Zipper5

    my gift to the flashpoint community, kung fu music videos

    Welcome back to the Bowery Baker Show, folks! Today's topic of discussion: Kung Fu and YOU! Seriously dude, you are still posting this in the wrong place despite what happened with your previous thread. I'd go out on a limb and say most of us here prefer to use guns than our fists.
  24. Funny how this excuse is still brought up even though I had answered it before it even come about. :rolleyes: