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Everything posted by Zipper5

  1. Zipper5

    ION, Inc.

    I had a hunch hearing "Senior Designer" earlier that it'd be Karel. Great read! :D Notice the Xbox 360s under the monitors?
  2. Zipper5

    ION, Inc.

    *Brain explodes due to overwhelming amounts of awesome*
  3. Zipper5

    New Medal of Honor game trailer

    Meh, the new beta is just as boring as the original one. Not buying.
  4. Zipper5

    Zeitgeist: Moving Forward | Official Trailer-

    It seems, Iroquois, that you should not be sitting on a video game forum discussing conspiracy theories, or playing Modern Warfare 2 as suggested by your avatar, but rather out there protesting about something you so obviously feel very adamantly about. Your views are as meaningless on the internet as that of every other individual out of the millions who use it. I will never understand why conspiracy theorists think that by trying to prove their point to someone on the internet, they will actually change anything. Also, why is the offtopic section suddenly being hit by a wave of conspiracies as of late? :confused:
  5. Zipper5

    ION, Inc.

    I'm getting flashbacks to the discovery of the fun page. :D
  6. Zipper5

    Zeitgeist: Moving Forward | Official Trailer-

    One film and a relatively small sample size of people saying the system is broken does not mean it is. Anyone who took basic level Law, or even History if you want to go way back to basics, knows that everything is a point of view.
  7. Zipper5

    Zeitgeist: Moving Forward | Official Trailer-

    I don't think it's healthy for the mind to constantly theorize what my government, or anyone and anything for that matter, is doing to undermine us.
  8. Why dignify funkee with a response anymore? :rolleyes:
  9. Zipper5

    Zeitgeist: Moving Forward | Official Trailer-

    So long as there are conspiracy theorists, people like these will try to capitalize on them.
  10. Zipper5

    Any other musicians in the community?

    I'm not sure, but perhaps he means mainstream DJ work nowadays, not the actual job of being a DJ. I mean, look at all this dance music that's popular right now, it's not even good dance music. In fact, some of the most popular tracks, like We No Speak Americano are horrible. If DJs who make songs like that is what vilas is referring to as not being a musician, then I am in full agreement.
  11. While not the biggest issue at the moment, it's definitely the one I'm always noticing. I'll have something in my missions perfectly synchronized to the music only to remember that just by accidentally pausing will cause it to become completely out of sync, or the music has stopped entirely. It's as if each pause tells the music to skip a certain amount or something. It is odd that it no longer works as of Arma 2 and, like Celery here, I'd love to see it fixed properly.
  12. A combination of the desecration of a brand name with a large hardcore fanbase behind it, and disgusting business practices, will always cause large amounts of anger, especially if they have the audacity to make a sequel worse in almost every possible way (even in pre-alpha form), and then repeat the same "mistakes" with a completely different brand. For me I look at it that even if this happens to be the most "popular" thread about the game (or games), then at least people will hopefully be encouraged to not stand for stunts that Codemasters and other developers/publishers are perfectly content on perpetrating nowadays. It's the only way the game industry will start improving rather than deteriorating; by showing them we don't want to be charged $40 for these mass-produced, shiny, play-and-forget write-offs.
  13. Zipper5

    ION, Inc.

    Need a believable scenario to involve Russians in a desert theater to combat the Americans, I guess. Or the Chinese. Personally, I like playing as the low-tech OPFOR just for a challenge. :cool:
  14. Zipper5

    ION, Inc.

    Who says the opponents the Czech forces will be facing won't be a new OPFOR faction, or an upgraded version of existing ones? ;)
  15. Nope, the BAF DLC is strictly DLC for now. ;)
  16. Did I say they all get fixed? I said similar issues to vehicles bouncing off rocks, AI not being able to hit anything, or helicopters, or even armored vehicles, dying from simple gunshots.
  17. When have I ever said there aren't issues? I hate how convoys still don't work, I hate how rocks can sometimes kill you, and I hate how difficult it can sometimes be to make an AI not use his RPG on infantry. The game has issues, but as I've said before, and I'll say it again - They. Get. Fixed. Eventually... Codemasters do not fix their games, and that is one of the many places I take issue with them and their ethics. Got it, yet?
  18. You call cars that rocket off of rocks, AI that can't shoot you without wasting 3 magazines, and a helicopter's rotors that just disappear after 3 shots, a game that "works fine"? Hell, what about the fact the latest patch can melt graphics cards? BIS had similar issues with their games, but they've long since been fixed. They're still there in DR and they aren't being fixed.
  19. You keep bringing BIS' games into this but you don't seem to grasp the fact that BIS fixes them, Codemasters don't. Or does that not matter to you whatsoever?
  20. Here are your no CD patches. ;)
  21. Pulverizer, twice in that post you say things that would easily, in that combination you encountered them, would turn most people off the game, but not you. Are you sadistic or something? :confused: It's like you don't feel ripped off when recognizing you're being ripped off... What?
  22. Zipper5

    Female Soldier (beta wip)

    Would you go to a warzone? :rolleyes:
  23. Is there any doubt, therefore, why Red River has zero modding abilities? :rolleyes: At least BIS embraces the possibility with open arms.
  24. Zipper5

    ION, Inc.

    Guys, let's try not to spoil anything that others haven't seen yet. ;)
  25. Zipper5

    Bad serial number given in set up?

    Way to tell him to go get a fake serial number on the official forums for the game... :rolleyes: