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Everything posted by Zipper5

  1. Zipper5

    New Medal of Honor game trailer

    Getting? It already is. Thankfully most games have a mute option.
  2. Zipper5

    New Medal of Honor game trailer

    That would be a mistake, considering the multiplayer sucks...
  3. Yes, you still play the sprinting animation but your speed is equivalent to the out-of-breath jogging.
  4. Zipper5

    New Medal of Honor game trailer

    If you want to watch the campaign I found a stream here. So far, it still looks completely not worth it... Edit: Possibility of the game being pirated. Link removed.
  5. Zipper5

    New Medal of Honor game trailer

    If BIS were to disappear for whatever reason I'd probably stop playing games. :(
  6. Zipper5

    New Medal of Honor game trailer

    Yeah, I had just found that myself from a quick Google search. It's pathetic to charge $60 for 5-6 hours, like MW2, it's even worse to charge the same amount for 4. If that's the case, then I'll avoid MOH like the plague.
  7. Zipper5

    New Medal of Honor game trailer

    Well, if that has any truth behind it, I look forward to watching MOH's inevitable Zero Punctuation episode with Yahtzee ripping it to shreds. :rolleyes:
  8. Zipper5

    New Medal of Honor game trailer

    You're kidding me? A four hour campaign? :butbut:
  9. Because it's still a game. If you want limits to how far you can run use ACE2.
  10. On the left hand side of the PM screen, in the nav bar, you will see an entry under the "Private Messages" category entitled "Send New Message". I believe that is what you're looking for? ;)
  11. Zipper5

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 73968

    Posts like that will only draw more of the criticism of Domination that made you stop developing it, Xeno. Think a bit more before you post next time. ;) Like Defunkt and Big Dawg KS here, I think many will find this addition quite useful, but I too think the implementation should change so as not to cause conflicts.
  12. Zipper5

    New Medal of Honor game trailer

    I've never believed Arma 2's movement to ideal for CQB. I find to make a good CQB-based game you need to have some of the on-a-swivel movement that COD has, as it's all about reaction time. I don't view BC2's to be ideal for that either, but BC2 was not focusing on CQB, it was focusing on larger battles. Since there's little difference between the two systems of movement in BC2 and MOH MP, I find it ill-suited for the CQB-based game MOH is trying to be.
  13. Zipper5

    New Medal of Honor game trailer

    Neither game has different players to the other. They are mostly all Ramboish kids out for their own progression because the games don't do enough to encourage people to play as teams, but I accept that and actually do the same. Medal of Honor is like the half-way house between what Call of Duty and Battlefield have become, and it accomplishes neither games' strengths as well as they do individually. It fails at large-scale battles with dynamic physics, which Bad Company 2 does, and it fails at close-quarter, fast-paced action, which Modern Warfare 2 does, as the movement is far too unresponsive and the guns have far too little stopping power. It also lacks the graphical or audio punch that both BC2 and MW2 have. I simply find both aspects of MOH MP to be underwhelming, which is ironic since it runs off the same engine as BC2. Plus, it does little else to distinguish itself from either game, and I had guessed it'd be that way from the second I found out they wanted to take it into the modern day to compete with BF and COD. I figured it'd turn out to be a poor-man's version of both, which is the impression I have of it. I don't care how epic it's SP may turn out to be, as I'm pretty sure it'll be as long as MW2's, and therefore not worth $60. Then again, neither was MW2, but I bought into the hype. Won't make the same mistake twice...
  14. Zipper5

    New Medal of Honor game trailer

    Of course, I'm not one of those people who writes games off because they're not realistic (unless they advertise themselves as realistic, like Red River). I accept it's meant to be over-the-top action, it's just so many other games out there seem to do it better from what I played of the beta.
  15. Zipper5

    New Medal of Honor game trailer

    ^ This. They're well made disposable entertainment that is far too overpriced. I like them for a quick action romp sometimes, but MOH's SP won't be enough for me to justify paying it's price-tag, as I've already tried and hated it's MP.
  16. Zipper5

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 73968

    I'm liking these fixes, BIS! Great patch! :D I think HostMission will launch Arma 2 and automatically create a server and host the mission you tell it to.
  17. Zipper5

    ION, Inc.

    Nice sig there, Jantemplar. :rolleyes: I love this. It takes me back to the OFP glory days, in particular when I first discovered the BIS fun page. Ah, how time flies... :D Looking forward to some more info!
  18. Zipper5

    Quick question

    That would be illegal. Buy Arma 2 as well if you want what it has.
  19. We weren't talking about them being tactical, the issue was about them being realistic.
  20. Karel was hired for his work in OFP and ArmA.
  21. Well, the same thing with GRAW and RSV - the original fans hate it, the console players love it.
  22. Zipper5

    Zeitgeist: Moving Forward | Official Trailer-

    Lol, I did not post those last two quotes, Sira. :rolleyes:
  23. Zipper5

    Zeitgeist: Moving Forward | Official Trailer-

    Maybe I don't fully understand your point, but I was not referring to the perpetrators of the attack, nor their nationality, but rather the victims of the attack, and how those close to them would feel about people making all these ridiculous and unsupported accusations of what they think really happened to their loved ones, rather than what you've been told and come to grips/coped with over the past 9 years.
  24. Zipper5

    Zeitgeist: Moving Forward | Official Trailer-

    I simply find it very disrespectful to all of the friends, family members, or acquaintances of people who died on 9/11 for people like yourself to start and spread all these conspiracy theories claiming that their own government killed them. Seriously now, what are you doing trying to prove your conspiracy theories to posters on a video game forum? I've never searched for them before, but I'm sure there are other forums more suited to your kind of discussions. You should use them instead.
  25. Awesome, mate! Thanks! Will definitely make use of this in BOTS! :D