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Everything posted by Zipper5

  1. As far as I'm aware, desert MARPAT is not high-contrast orange.
  2. Zipper5

    DLC of Spanish Forces.

    Those pictures are from ArmA, not Arma 2. But upon searching more at Armaholic it appears they have indeed released a fair amount of stuff for Arma 2. Still, vilas' attack was unwarranted and continuing such behavior from him or anyone here will not be tolerated.
  3. Zipper5

    SP Missions by SaOk

    Sorry about that bboy, my site has since moved to Zipper5.com rather than my Armaholic domain (which was very generously given to me by Foxhound. Thanks again, mate!), thus the links to content on that website are broken. However, you can find them on my new website via the following links: Overview template Campaign overview template Loading screen template All of them require Photoshop to open. Just replace the images already in there with ones of your own and save them as PAA. You can save them as PAA directly from Photoshop by downloading and installing Kegetys' Photoshop plugin, which you can find here as part of his ArmA Tools package (PAAplug v1.2). Good luck! :D
  4. Zipper5

    DLC of Spanish Forces.

    Did you really feel the need to attack him in the first response to his thread? Jesus, he's allowed to make such suggestions, vilas. Doesn't make him the anti-Christ. If you keep this up prepare to be on the receiving end of an infraction. Personally I haven't noticed a whole lot of content from the FFAA team made for Arma 2. If there has been feel free to point them out.
  5. Definitely. Please get back to the topic at hand (even with said topic being rather unpleasant :p ).
  6. What about the M16A1s with removable carrying handles? Even semi-realism just isn't tacticool :cool: enough for their demographic I guess.
  7. DLC is DownLoadable Content. What is so hard for people to understand about that? Do you guys have some strange fetish with the smell of freshly-opened plastic packaging or something, that forces you into buying a hard copy of every piece of videogame-related software? :p But yes, I concur that is probably the most ignorant thing I've seen in a long time...
  8. Uh... *cough*... Played Call of Duty: Black Ops at all? :p
  9. Zipper5

    Just got my GTX460...New Game...!

    Great to see your enjoyment's gone up so much. I remember feeling the same when I went from playing ArmA on my old crappy laptop, with a 7600 Go, to my current desktop with a GTX 280. Suddenly, I went from 20 FPS on lowest settings to 70+ FPS on highest. It was, indeed, a totally new game. :D For the record, I went from this to this. Yeah... It was awesome. :cool:
  10. So you have Harvest Red where your team mates die and you fail the mission, you have Black Gauntlet where your team mates are made invincible when appropriate but can be noticeable, or you have OFP where your team mate might die in the mission but magically appear alive and well the next. If you have characters important to the storyline, who are going to fight along-side you, and are necessary to survive for the next mission, which method do you want? My personal favorite is allowDamage false. ;)
  11. Zipper5

    Possible BAF Update Add. Units

    But your thread title says "Possible BAF Update Add. Units"...
  12. Zipper5

    Unleash the MLODs!

    BIS' work is more thoroughly protected by their EULA, their work is harder to de-encrypt, there is less toleration for de-encrypting their work (primarily because the same methods can be used to steal community members' work, and we've all seen how much that's appreciated recently), making addons is a lot more difficult than they were in OFP (normal maps, model/texture quality), etc. Those are just a few reasons, I'm sure there are others. Sure, I've noticed a big change in the attitudes of the community, people have indeed gotten lazier, but the process of modding has also become a lot more complex. Some people just don't have as much time as before. I know from discussions with other members of this community, who will remain unnamed, that they feel entirely de-motivated to create more content because hardly anyone will use them when it's the norm to use big mods, like ACE2, and they have no intention of creating "the next ACE2".
  13. Zipper5

    A fix for Full Axis throttle mapping

    Show some respect to your fellow forum members before you find yourself on the fast track out of here. Then why exactly are you throwing a temper tantrum in a thread for just such 3rd party software?
  14. Well, BIS don't guarantee that their changes won't affect mods, their priority first and foremost is to make the game better. It's kind of something we all have to accept. :p
  15. Do you happen to mean the Takistani "Special Forces", Enad? In which case they are indeed covering their faces, but with black shemaghs, not balaclavas. :p
  16. Zipper5

    Wikileaks diplomatic files.

    Thread re-opened by request. Please keep on topic and remain civil to one another this time. :)
  17. Talk about nitpicking for the sake of nitpicking...
  18. Zipper5

    Unleash the MLODs!

    Tell me why people shouldn't be allowed to do reskins? If that's what they want to do and they enjoy it, then why should you be telling them no? If they're doing reskins as a stepping-stone on to greater things with modding, as I'm sure all of you addon makers also started off doing, then let them learn more and eventually they might feel confident enough in their skills to start making their own models. Same goes for cut-and-paste addons. I know that in OFP times some of my most favorite and most used addons were reskins or cut-and-paste addons, particularly the Winter Nogojev unit reskins, the FDF units (as far as I'm aware they were based off the OFP civilian models, and some other inclusions), and the huge number of reskins of the default Soviet models to make Russian Federation units. I still enjoy playing with those a hell of a lot more than I have with anything else released since the ArmA days. Just because they're reskins and cut-and-paste doesn't make them bad.
  19. Zipper5

    Digital Download

    Well, Sprocket has been advertised quite a lot around the forums. Heck, even look in the top right of the forum right now and there's a flashy advert that takes you to a page with many links, and the first and foremost link in each Digital Download section is a link to Sprocket. As for using your Steam key with Sprocket... That's simply not going to happen.
  20. Zipper5

    ARMA 2:OA beta patch 76067

    Yes, it is. The current build of 1.56 is 76134.
  21. Keep in mind for next time that if you post under the official missions section you avoid the issue with spoilers. I'll move it for you. :) Edit: Moved.
  22. Zipper5

    Unleash the MLODs!

    Just... Don't jump to conclusions. ;) D@VÅ's been active in the community for quite a long time now, he's just always been a .info guy. :p
  23. Zipper5

    Unleash the MLODs!

    Careful now, Myke. ;)
  24. Zipper5

    1.56 without PMC?

    As stated before, 1.56 installs PMC Lite. It is not possible to install it without installing PMC Lite.