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Everything posted by Zipper5

  1. Zipper5

    OA Lighting Engine Criticism

    Quit with the trolling before you get another infraction. You seem to be on yet another spree.
  2. Zipper5

    My Arma 2 Experience so far...

    Moved to General. Also, a little pro-tip: try to use proper paragraphing, grammar and spelling when posting as there are many members here to whom English is not their first language. Most internet browsers have automatic spell-checks, I know Firefox does. Welcome to the forums.
  3. Zipper5

    downloaded missions

    I can't see where W0lle wasn't acting calm.
  4. Contact them regarding your ban. These forums are not for these matters.
  5. Zipper5

    the game need a uniformly redesign

    Well, it's simply unrealistic to expect these significant of changes when the game is already out, maybe you'll see them in Arma 3. The FLIR updates and other stuff, on the other hand, are more realistic to expect.
  6. Zipper5

    ask for mission part

    Next time please use a thread title more informative than "ask for mission part". I was only able to decipher what you meant after seeing what your video was, which many people won't do as they might think a thread with a title like yours is spam. In regards to your question you can access that scenario when you play the campaign with someone as Asano in 2-player coop. Thread locked.
  7. Zipper5

    Steam sucks want physical copy

    For probably the 598,476,332,000th time, the purpose of DownLoadable Content, otherwise known as DLC, is for it not to be physical, but digital and therefore downloadable. It is entirely unknown at this time whether or not BIS will ever release the DLC packs in any form of a physical copy in the future. If you demand a hard copy of your product, buy the DLC, burn it to a DVD, print off the digital manual, find a spare DVD case, print off a copy of the front and back covers onto high quality glossy paper and stick it in the DVD case, print off a copy of the DVD cover and stick it to the top of the DVD, and there you have it: a hard copy of the DLC. That should serve you just fine if you do not wish to wait for a future official DLC hard copy that may never come out.
  8. Well, I didn't want to hold it down to just quickly go from semi to full auto, and then perhaps to the GL if needed. In most other games you either press a corresponding number (Source games) or one single button to quickly cycle (Arma 2). Much more intuitive. Even BC2 had a better system. I found out that menu which pops up upon holding the fire mode selector key later after playing the game, but I rarely used it.
  9. The gameplay was hindered by terrible design choices, namely the typical FPS-style view, the animation-based recoil, the M203 always having to reload as you cycle between it's different options, and worst of all, the radial command menu. Just... The command menu in general. It was terrible.
  10. Zipper5

    DX 11 and ARMA/CO ??

    I don't think DX11 will become mainstream like DX9 until the next generation of consoles hits us, unfortunately.
  11. Zipper5

    Campain quality in ARMA

    Nice. Everyone who has a different opinion to you is a 12 year old that doesn't understand the beauty of single player. I've made many missions, privately and publicly, and I enjoyed the PMC campaign. Sure, it has issues, but it didn't outright suck.
  12. Moved to Official Missions. :)
  13. Zipper5

    Campain quality in ARMA

    That's a pretty cool fact. I can't believe that out of the many times I've watched GK I've never noticed, but now I hear that it's definitely him. Thanks for pointing it out! :D /offtopic
  14. If anything shows Arma 2 is superior, it's this. Great work, mankyle, and hopefully someone will pick it up and finish it. :cool:
  15. Glad you're sure you know more than most of us (including myself, and maybe even BIS themselves) about BIS' ways with DLC, ffur2007slx2_5.
  16. It's an issue with many games these days, GTA IV has the same issue. It is indeed related to AA, but I believe it isn't fixable by the user outside of disabling AA itself.
  17. No. If anything, that post would have been about the DLCs continuing if they sell enough. I believe Arma 2 has sold just find.
  18. Zipper5

    Campain quality in ARMA

    These days I find that I enjoy simple concepts executed flawlessly a hell of a lot more than most others. I can play an attack-this-town-and-extract mission over and over so long as each mission has a different, high-quality execution. It's only when I play a half-assed version of that concept do I get bored quickly. :p
  19. Difference between Arma 2 and DR is that Arma 2 is still selling. DR might have sold a few million in it's short life span, but no one is buying it any more. Arma 2 on the other hand, with OA and the DLC, is still selling. ;)
  20. Zipper5

    PMC Deception

    Yup, I've tried it. Strange so many people went with killing Reynolds, there was no doubt in my mind that what he was telling me in the cutscene was what we wanted to avoid. :p
  21. I selected all 3. Kidding. Next time it might be an idea to make it so you can't choose multiple options. :p
  22. Well given the fact you're asking about hard copies for DLC, I was concerned that you didn't know what DLC meant exactly, otherwise I thought it logical to presume you wouldn't ask such a question. Well, look at the price yourself: USD 12.67 (USD 10.56 excl. VAT) I presume 57 Cents is too high of an increase? Besides, Steam doesn't do proper conversion between the currencies. I believe that's still the case. Whereas Sprocket will show that 8.99 Euros equates to USD 10.56, so you're actually getting it just a bit cheaper as it's actually USD 11.91, Steam just says that what costs 9.99 Euros costs USD 9.99, 9.99 Pounds, etc. It doesn't do any conversion, and that's why you get a cheaper price in USD.
  23. And is it just me, or has the view distance reverted back to the 900m of OFP?
  24. Well, you never know - could have gotten a severe sunburn. :D
  25. Zipper5

    Unleash the MLODs!

    May not have "fixed the damage done" by ArmA itself to the community, but it certainly helped... Edit: Gotta remain impartial, and this post didn't really help that. Sorry folks, still got the giant L on the back of my car, you could say. :o