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Everything posted by Zipper5

  1. I'd rather pay $40 for a quality game than $20 for a crappy one. :p In fact, if I know before hand that a game sucks, I don't buy it, ever. No matter if it's cheap or not, I simply have no inclination to settle for the lowest common denominator.
  2. I wouldn't be so sure about the cheap part of that sentence.
  3. Even though it's in Dutch I can still pick out enough words to tell that it's still PR talk coming straight from Codemasters' mouth. "Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising" - later in same sentence - "SOOPER hardcore", and then suddenly it shows RR footage and the guy mentions "Call of Duty... Modern Warfare" and then "tactish" and "strategish", which makes me believe he's essentially saying "Unlike Call of Duty you need to use tactics and strategies." Game still looks like a COD clone to me, and hey, look at 3:02 - the magic medikit is back, and the healing is less involving and faster than ever! I'll let you guys see Lenton's bit at the end. I don't want to spoil the hilarity. :p
  4. Okay, I believe the topic at hand here is Red River and not how to best experience Arma 2. Let's get it back on track, shall we?
  5. Zipper5

    LA Noire

    The piracy excuse is nothing more than that, a story. Sure, it plays a part, but the real reason for most is that the PC is not as profitable as consoles and is a more "difficult" target market. Funny how they still believe that after BFBC2, one of those so-called AAA titles, sold better on the PC than on each individual console.
  6. I thought that if there was one thing that we learned from OFP, it was that average graphics do not break a good game. Even after all these years, I still love playing OFP, even if it still looks like a game almost a decade old.
  7. Perforator, I played and edited ArmA for about a year on lowest settings @ 20 FPS (if I was lucky) before I got my new PC. It's nice to have a higher FPS, but it doesn't mean that before, I wasn't aware of the game's potential. Even if Arma 2 prefers to take an entire core for MicroAI, I have friends who played/still play Arma 2 on single-core CPUs, they just deal with the low FPS as I did. Everyone has a right to judge. I don't know why you think you can "impose" such a rule on people. So because I still can't play Arma 2 maxed out (though I can get it pretty damn close while keeping a stable framerate), I have yet to experience the game's full potential and cannot comment on it?
  8. It was deemed as trolling by a moderator, and he proceeded to then insult said moderator. Therefore, it was no longer harmless, and the offender now gets a week's vacation. That was going easy on him. You too would be wise to refrain from flaming forum members. Cease with the trolling and flaming, as well as responses to those so obviously doing it, before more infractions are handed out.
  9. Well, the multiplayer experience of Arma 2 is almost entirely dependent on mission makers and server admins. Not a whole lot BIS could do in that area unless they start imposing things on us, which wouldn't go over too well for most I don't think. :p
  10. OFP MP isn't shit. As I said before, I still play it at least once a week with friends. I liked ArmA's MP to a point, but I got burned out on it. I rarely touch Arma 2 MP anymore simply because the public experience... Is not the best. You seem to be playing with the wrong kind of people though, Baff1, if they complain to you after you put in that effort.
  11. *cough* Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead - $39.51 (Sprocket) Call of Duty: Black Ops - $59.99 (Steam) ;)
  12. I still play it at least once a week with friends.
  13. Zipper5

    ARMA 2 (OA) : DLC discussion thread

    There were no issues running them together in terms of stability, performance, or anything, they just don't have OA's features yet. Now, by uninstalling it, you're limiting yourself to probably 1/4 of the community content out there today, as most is made to work with Combined Operations. That was a rather needless uninstall.
  14. Ben, Codemasters was a different company back then. They used to actually care about their customers and, though it wasn't the greatest thing I've ever played, they did make Red Hammer.
  15. And Seventh helped create one of the best things to help BIS so far, and not Codemasters - Virtual BattleSpace. :)
  16. Zipper5

    LA Noire

    So far it's only coming out for consoles, like most Rockstar games, unfortunately. I agree with the OP, that's one of the most impressive feats of technology I've seen in a long time.
  17. I don't have a PhD, nor am I anti-social, and I can play Arma 2 quite well.
  18. Zipper5

    Absolute Stupidity...

    This is way, way too offtopic for the offtopic section. :butbut:
  19. Those are probably the most impressive Arma 2 MP videos I've seen in a while, TheDudeAbides, simply because of how real it all looks. ACRE seems to add a lot to the immersion, especially at around the 6 minute mark in the second video where you're all chatting between HMMWVs. I felt a little reminded of Generation Kill then. :D
  20. Zipper5

    ARMA 2:OA beta patch 76752

    Two patches only a day apart? This close to Christmas?! :D BIS, you rock.
  21. Voted for OA in all possible categories. Congratulations to BIS for such an awesome achievement! :D
  22. Zipper5

    ARMA 2:OA beta patch 76711

    The last beta patch already did that, you know.
  23. Strange, I don't like either of those...
  24. Arma 2 does already have a RTS mode: Warfare. :p