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Everything posted by Zipper5

  1. Lol, where did they say there would be no more patches? ArmA was patched even after Arma 2 released. Fear not, while there are issues, BIS will be patching. Merry Christmas, BIS. Thanks for the gift! :D
  2. You realize that OA was in development since before Arma 2 released, yes?
  3. The rule is primarily there because as you've surely seen, people will bump threads or ask for news when there hasn't been a post there for, in some cases, way over 4 months. Not only is it a rule here, but it's one of my personal pet peeves on forums. Edit: Moved to the appropriate place.
  4. Zipper5

    Georgian army mod

    Do not dig up old threads asking for news. If they have any, they will surely post it here. Thread locked. zenger - If you ever need this thread re-opened do not hesitate to contact myself or another moderator.
  5. Eagle Wing, as well as the BAF DLC's Operation Crimson Lance, are not MP compatible, therefore you cannot host them unless you modify them yourselves. It has been that way since they were released.
  6. I locked the thread more-so because it was so blatantly obvious that a mature discussion was not going to go on there, and it was already starting to get out of hand. But in all seriousness - pedophilia? On a video game forum's offtopic section? Really? In that context, I found it too offtopic for offtopic. It seems I was not the only one who had a similar reaction. I don't think there's a need to discuss such a subject here of all places.
  7. Guys, don't spam threads with "PLZ GIVE LOL". If BIS decide to do something like this, then you'll surely hear about it. If not, the silence is your answer.
  8. Zipper5

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 76815

    Hm, the issue with a random identity being assigned to players, like the old setIdentity bug, is now in MP, but now it keeps the player name but changes your face and your voice. From what I've tested so far, it only seems to affect the host player, and therefore only in non-dedicated servers.
  9. As far as I'm aware, Codemasters haven't had a one of those "high-selling" games, by their standards, in a while. Therefore... That wouldn't really be saying much.
  10. Well, after that trailer, despite the stereotypicalness of the character it was depicting, I will say that I too wish BIS could get voice actors of such caliber. Codemasters can keep all that ugly moving background stuff to themselves, though.
  11. Zipper5

    Battlefield BC2: Vietnam

    I shall be come Christmas morning, I hope. It does indeed look pretty damn awesome. :D
  12. Zipper5

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 76815

    Helicopter bugs are definitely gone. Awesome work, guys! :D
  13. Zipper5

    What is your sound and microphone setup?

    Uh... Stock "Realtek HD Audio" sound card, cheap Logitech ClearChat headset. Never really needed anything more, to be honest. :D Yes, I did choose to skimp out on a sound card when building my PC. :p
  14. Kind of old news, but no less funny to read about. It's like when it's okay to shoot peoples' limbs off, but not to swear. ;) Did anyone else take his statements to (perhaps accidentally?) say it's okay for other soldiers to be shown to die if they're not British?
  15. Zipper5

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 76815

    Wow, great job BIS. Man, this is shaping up to be a great Christmas for the community so far. :D
  16. Do not dig up such old threads for no reason, please. SenChi - if you wish for this thread to be unlocked in the future for any reason, don't hesitate to contact either myself or another moderator.
  17. Nah, the mainstream seems inclined to believe that's DICE these days. :rolleyes: BIS are both the most supportive developers, and have the most thriving community, to us, and that is what matters in the end.
  18. What do you mean your question wasn't answered? Edit: Upon further investigation of your original post I see that you had two questions, not one, and for that I apologize as your second question was not answered. I should have left your thread opened, and that was entirely my fault. Still, in the future, could you please just contact me or any other moderator explaining the situation and having them unlock it, as would have definitely happened if you had made this clear to them. Once more, I apologize.
  19. Your thread was not closed for no reason; your original question was answered: it is not a hack, it is a game bug. Why did the thread need to remain opened? Furthermore, why did you start another thread with the exact same thread title? Just to further mislead people? Next time, rather than spamming the forums, contact any moderator via PM asking for it to be re-opened, with a sufficient reason for doing so. As to your new question, you can only disable radio sounds via mods. I believe ACE2 has a feature to do that, which if I recall correctly is enabled by default. I believe it is client-side only, but I think that needs confirmation. Edit: Thread title changed to something more appropriate.
  20. Zipper5

    Voice over hack?

    That is a game bug, not a "hack". You're not the first to report it either, so might I make a recommendation that before you kick people please be sure you have done your research. As Ulanthorn said, you'll lose friends very quickly. Thread locked as issue has been resolved.
  21. Those, on top of the fact the latest official version of the game not only causes ridiculous usage of either your CPU or GPU (can't remember which, but I recall it being similar to what BlOps had on launch with the PC. An obvious sign of a console port) but it also locks out modding entirely. After that happened I simply do not understand why people still think Codemasters care about them...
  22. Zipper5

    User mission requests!

    I made the official demo mission for the Chernarussian Red Army troops a long time ago now, if you haven't already played it. You can get it here if you're interested.
  23. I think ricbar's point was it didn't live up to peoples' expectations for it to be true to the Operation Flashpoint namesake. Sure, by no means did the modding scene for DR take off, not by any stretch, but some of the community-made stuff made it somewhat more enjoyable. I wouldn't call it modding though, I'd say it's more like hacking. And the PS3 game you're talking about is Little Big Planet, I believe.
  24. Well, the majority these days like games such as Call of Duty: Black Ops, so saying the majority like DR isn't really saying that much. :D I find it hard to fathom people not thinking DR on its own is crap, but I find it perfectly reasonable for people to think it's solid once some of the community-made hacks are applied to it. That would be mine. :p
  25. The people in the comments section of every piece of RR PR release so far beg to differ, and that's not including the people here - i.e. the fans of the namesake. ;) Heh, if you think $20 is a bargain price for a game like DR, then that just reinforces why the gaming industry is in the state that it is. :D