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Everything posted by Zipper5

  1. "Men who like army and guns" Nah, that sounds much more like a description of guys over 18 who like games like Call of Duty and Battlefield more than anything. We like simulators and sandboxes. There is a huge difference between that and simply liking "army and guns". For example, I like level design and programming, therefore Arma 2 is a great game to serve that need, but never would I choose COD or BF.
  2. Is there something wrong with Asano's mouth in that picture, or is it just me? :D
  3. News to me. :butbut: But isn't using -world=empty kinda annoying? I do it only when I'm making quick changes to settings, not playing. You just have to load the whole map later. I'd rather get it out of the way at the start. :p
  4. I don't get this whole OFP was not a military simulator thing. Before Arma 2, even in the ArmA days, OFP was always considered a military simulator by all, including myself. Suddenly with new community members it's all "LOLNOPE". OFP was a military simulator, ArmA was just one to a greater degree, and Arma 2 is one to the greatest degree so far. Another thing is this sudden idea that OFP was mainstream. It never was mainstream and, again, it's only the current community that has ever said such a thing. It won Game of the Year awards from mainstream publications but never was it considered a mainstream game. What, Arma 2 winning PC Game of the Year from PC Gamer, a mainstream publication, suddenly makes Arma 2 mainstream? Seriously, once and for all, OFP was a military simulator, and was not mainstream for the longest period of its existence.
  5. The AI had to be scripted to use roads, otherwise they don't even recognize that they're there. :p
  6. Yeah, and have you seen the user review score on Metacritic for DR? :rolleyes: Reviewer: Arma 2/OA PC Gamer: 8.3/82 IGN: 7.8/8 Metacritic: 77/73 (OA's makes no sense there, but it's just a pool of reviews)
  7. I started playing OFP when I was 8. I'm not surprised there are a lot of people playing the game who are 14, or younger. That is, of course, a double-edged sword at times.
  8. Don't you think -skipIntro combined with -world=empty is kinda... Redundant? :p
  9. Zipper5

    Citylife 2 Released

    Please keep your own dirty laundry to your own forums, thanks.
  10. Looks really cool! OTK has always made some of the best SP experiences since ArmA.
  11. I still play it at least once a week and, in some ways, I prefer it over Arma 2...
  12. Personally I think the issues go hand-in-hand. Discussing a game cannot come without discussion of its developer, but you are right. No use in repeating the same stuff anymore because the general public, who will buy RR, won't hear it. It really is a shame...
  13. Well, calling the games by the Operation Flashpoint brand is a lie in itself, heh. The OFP brand no longer has any meaning, it's simply another random name a developer thought good to call their rather average mainstream-pandering products. No one outside of those who played the original OFPs associates it with what OFP stood for anymore.
  14. Don't forget the shadow banning, where people will post but no one can see it.
  15. As I said earlier Baff1, Q&A does and always will stand for Question & Answer. QA stands for Quality Assurance. CM has terrible Q&A, and decent QA.
  16. If playing the campaign once and 4 player coop were your only desires, why would you ever consider purchasing Arma 2? Yeah, OA only added Takistan, Zargabad, Desert and the American units. It didn't add FLIR, multiple weapon sights, backpacks, lasers, rangefinders, new weapons, new factions other than the US, a new campaign, new SP and MP missions, and more, but since you only desire the already mentioned two features, I ask again, why would you ever considering purchasing Arma 2 and OA? Seems to be you'd be better off with Left 4 Dead 1 or 2. You don't seem to even like Arma 2 that much. Why are you still here?
  17. Yeah, I read about that. Unfortunately I also read that they make it very difficult for you to refund BlOps due to the sheer number of people requesting it. For the record Baff1, Q&A is Question & Answer. QA is Quality Assurance. They have terrible Q&A, given the fact they still hide behind a curtain of lies and marketing PR, but they have decent QA, I'll agree. ;)
  18. It was the CPU load, and all versions of DR with the 2nd patch were affected. If you didn't patch DR to the 2nd (and final) patch then no wonder you never had the issue. If you did, then you were doing something weird, but not monitoring your CPU load. And what's hard about doing QA with a game as basic as DR was, let alone RR?
  19. Do you realize that same absurd argument could be applied to RR as well? It's not out yet so why do we have any right to judge it? We have a right to because we've seen how DR went, some of us played it, and we know what RR will be like. It's completely within our authority to judge it. I played DR on maxed settings (not saying much since it's a blatant console port), I hated it, and RR looks like it will be much worse. There's no possible way it could be better unless drastic changes are made before the release. The campaign was okay but, for a game supposedly about Black Ops, there was nothing black about the operations in the campaign. That or they were the least subtle black ops in history. And yes, whatever you do, do not buy it for full-price. I'd recommend against buying it entirely, but if you must have it, wait a few... Years, given Activision's price drop methods.
  20. On the PC? 'Nuff said. It's the shittiest and, sadly, most expensive console port I've had the displeasure of playing this year, and that says a lot. Well, that on top of the fact that I've played it on the PS3 (runs perfectly fine, I wonder why) and I don't actually think it's that good of a game anyways. Definitely not worth the non-refundable $60 I stupidly paid for it... I won't make the same mistake twice.
  21. Unless you buy from Steam. I'm stuck with my own non-functioning BlOps because I made the stupid mistake of not only buying the game, but buying it on Steam. :( I like Steam, I just don't like that you sign away the ability to refund your games after they're released...
  22. You seem to have a pretty clear-cut plan of what you want, MaxRiga. Why not make it yourself and have done with it?
  23. Those who know how the game works will be the most successful, being realistic about things does not guarantee success. As realistic as Arma 2 is, or people make it out to be, it's still a game and can still be played like a game. For example, I know exactly how an AI reacts when it starts to engage an enemy. I know that most of the time it will try to go crouched when it sees one, I know that if it's stationary and loses sight of me he will eventually pop his head up and move to try and locate me again, I know how effectively certain foliage/obstructions block their view, I know that they almost always take a short while to adjust their aim before firing (the time this takes depends on their skill level), I know they always try to aim for your head first, and I know that leaning distorts their aim as it moves your head just a bit further away from where their gun is pointing. Therefore I can pretty much rush around a village and take down AI very effectively even if I get into a face-to-face encounter with them. It's not the realistic thing to do, but it gets the job done quickly, efficiently, and to the same or greater degree as doing it "realistically". Despite being dynamic, Arma 2's AI is still pretty predictable when you work with it enough. Using your knowledge of the game's mechanics to win is a perfectly legitimate strategy, even if it's not playing "realistically".
  24. Zipper5

    Trakir5 software update

    Yes, I have my own profiles. The issue remains. I do run Fraps but, again, I have my own keybinds for that which do not use the F keys. Some of the keybinds for TIR5 you can change, which are currently Center, Pause, Precision and Profile. There are others running in the background that you cannot change, and I've been searching around for how to do so. For example, the F7 key is always locked when running TIR5 and you cannot change it. Each of the keybinds have a check-box called Trap which if disabled re-enables them, but then you're doing two things at once, and the other hidden keybinds remain unchangeable.
  25. Zipper5

    Trakir5 software update

    You can only reassign some of them. There are other F keys that seem locked to TIR and I can't find, even in the config files, where they are defined. Kind of a stupid design choice when you're using it with a game like Arma 2 where squad control is all done via the F keys. :(