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Everything posted by Zipper5

  1. Zipper5

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 76973

    Man, 3 days after New Year's and you're already back working at full steam. Thanks as always, BIS! :D
  2. Zipper5

    Jackal Mission

    Fellas, you know it's perfectly okay to post spoilers un-spoiler-tagged in the Official Missions section, right? You just can't do it anywhere else. ;)
  3. Zipper5

    Bayonet/knife poll

    People, before Morts posted this thread had been inactive since March of last year. As per the rules: This thread will now be locked. Next time instead of continuing the discussion after someone needlessly resurrected it, report it. It would make things easier for us. Prydain - if you ever need this thread re-opened don't hesitate to contact myself or another moderator with your reason.
  4. The purpose was more to point out it's not the first time this track was used on here, but yes, I am always very impressed with Vagabond's editing skills (and music choice).
  5. I take it you guys haven't watched the trailers from Vagabond and/or R3F? ;) Lgo7xSY0SwQ
  6. Zipper5

    ArmA 2 stuttering and freezing?

    Operation Flashpoint is almost a decade old, my friend. I think most PCs these days can run it. :p Next time please try to use a more descriptive thread title. I suggest you familiarize yourself with our forum rules to avoid making further mistakes. I've changed the title for you. :)
  7. Zipper5

    Arma: Cold War Assault

    I'd imagine any changes made to the original OFP had to be cleared by Codemasters first. :(
  8. Zipper5

    Ultimate Flashpoint Mod

    I just downloaded this and can confirm the issue. You have multiple different mods compiled together in this release but offer no citation of them outside of putting FFUR's readmes in there, which only accounts for one of the many teams' works you've used in this. Thread locked and link removed until proof of permission is given.
  9. http://kotaku.com/5308790/pc-sales-charts-arma-ii-vs-the-sims In the week of it's release, Arma 2 was number 2 (after Fallout 3) on Steam, and number 1 on Direct2Drive, beating games like The Sims 3. http://www.actiontrip.com/rei/comments_news.phtml?id=071509_6 The following week it remained number 1 on Direct2Drive, and dropped to 4th on Steam. Combine that with the inevitably high sales during their recent sales on Steam and Sprocket, as well as OA and then the DLC, I'd say BIS have made quite a bit off of the Arma 2 series.
  10. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/arma-ii-review?page=1 They mention bugs in the campaign, but they don't call it broken once, and then they end the review with that. http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=217542 They don't even mention issues with the campaign in the above PC Gamer review. Heck, a member of PCG's staff is a big Arma 2 fan, Evan Lahti.
  11. You just really like making stuff up, don't you? Cough up some proof. Provide a link to a review that says Arma 2's campaign, Harvest Red, was broken at release. If you link to Tiscali I think you might just get laughed at. Also provide a link that shows me Arma 2 suffered in terms of sales because of it. We accept the bugs because we know BIS are dedicated to fixing them, which is very rare in the current gaming industry.
  12. The game wasn't broken, it had issues, that's what the patches fixed. Broken means non-functioning, it functioned. Some people ran into issues, those were almost entirely ironed out. I don't know how it screwed up so badly for them as I didn't once see it, but I'm glad that BIS worked hard to get them fixed post-release. My "loyalty" to BIS is hardly misplaced, they are the only developer which has remained PC exclusive (aside from OFP:E), and they are one of two developers who support their titles properly these days. I might be "loyal" to them, but they've certainly proven that they're "loyal" to us in return. I can hardly say the same for Codemasters.
  13. Zipper5

    Game Engine?

    JuggernautOfWar - if you ever need this thread re-opened don't hesitate to contact me or another moderator. Thread locked.
  14. Cool find! The mission groundwork seems mostly finished, but the tasks and such do not update or change, and there are a few script errors. Obviously it just wasn't ready in time for the release, but it seems like it would be an interesting mission.
  15. If something in the Common folder is borked you either have a faulty product or are installing the game wrong. You say you have the Steam versions of Arma 2, OA and BAF, but you are running them in Combined Operations "mode". Can you explain what that means? Also, have you tried validating the cache of Arma 2 and OA?
  16. Zipper5

    Hacking is getting worse

    As I said, Serf, that only gives the cheaters what they want... But it's your server.
  17. Zipper5

    Happy New Year!

    Happy New Year, folks! :D
  18. Just tried this out, is there a reason all of Team Sword, aside from Dixon, have the same shirt? Is there also a reason Dixon doesn't have the right face? Otherwise, it's pretty cool - like PMC 2.0. :D
  19. Zipper5

    Fix the Glock 17 Pistol Problem

    Indeed. Add checks to get rid of all handguns involved in the mission. I use that anyways, pistol bug or not. The AI have always been rather useless with them. :p
  20. Zipper5

    Fix the Glock 17 Pistol Problem

    For now: {if (_x hasWeapon "glock17_EP1") then {_x removeWeapon "glock17_EP1"; _x removeMagazines "17Rnd_9x19_glock17"}} forEach allUnits; Will work until it's fixed.
  21. Heh, great to see you know more about me than I do. The fact it's called OFP takes a backseat to the business practices of CM. Even if RR turned out to be the best game of the decade I wouldn't buy it because I don't support frauds. Man, I was supposed to drop the issue of CM's business practices, but as I said before, the subject of the game and the subject of its developer really do go hand-in-hand... Oh, and Arma 2's campaign wasn't broken on launch. As I've said many times before I have no idea what strange contorted methods of playing you people were using but I did everything I was told to do in the missions and played it error-free from start to finish in v1.01 beta, even the Warfare missions. Search on YouTube and you'll find another guy who recorded it, if you need more proof.
  22. Aren't you doing the same thing? You're trying to prove legitimacy of your claims by citing publication reviews, and those are widely-known, even by yourself I hope, to be very bias. In this case you've decided before reading that DR wasn't as bad as people make it out to be and you are looking for any review which reinforces or validates your position. I gave some of my own of Arma 2 and OA because that seems to be the only thing you accept. User opinion means a lot more, and user opinion of DR is that it was a massive disappointment, and use opinion of Arma 2 is, I'll admit, mixed. User opinion of Arma 2 is dependent on what the user wants to do with it. Most publication reviews of BlOps were glowing, most user reviews of BlOps were the opposite, if you need an example. Though, in that case, it doesn't really matter what we thought because the game made over $1 billion...
  23. Zipper5

    Dogs of War launcher available

    Blakord - if you ever want this thread reopened don't hesitate to contact me or another moderator. Thread locked.
  24. Zipper5

    Need help with latest patch!

    You must not have installed 1.57 correctly, otherwise your version number would have the 1.57 prefix rather than 1.51. You should be able to run the patch from anywhere on your computer.
  25. The modding of earlier COD titles seems to have decreased drastically, and the modding for COD4 seems to only be related to promod these days. Battlefield's engine before Frostbite is quite modded, yes, but again that's really only with one mod now - Project Reality. The current COD and BF engines are not modded at all, and they are what I was referring to in my post. RealVirtuality is easily up there with the most modded game engines, like Source, Unreal, etc. But CryEngine 2 is not even in the same league.