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Everything posted by Zipper5

  1. Zipper5

    Do you want upgraded Arma 2 content?

    Keep jumping to conclusions and you're bound to break a leg.
  2. Zipper5

    Zipper5's Missions

    I added the field dressing mechanic in Operation Cobalt because I think we all get frustrated at just how hopeless the AI medics are at getting to you when you're injured. The annoyance is compounded when you use the first aid module, as sometimes they'll just forget that you need help in the first place. :p
  3. Zipper5

    Arma: Cold War Assault

    Well, it's not going to happen at this moment. BIS have mentioned before that OFP is a closed book for them, and who knows what their split with Codemasters meant about releasing such major updates for OFP.
  4. Zipper5

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 77159

    One person wants control over where the AI move when they go into Danger mode, BIS make it so, but then the other wants them to act autonomously. BIS can never win. :rolleyes:
  5. Troubleshooting is entirely for vanilla game issues only, not issues with 3rd party mods or software. The SIX Updater already has its own thread, located here. This should have been posted there, not here. Please remember that for next time. As the problem is solved, this thread is now locked.
  6. Zipper5

    Vehicle Entrance Animations?

    Thread locked.
  7. Zipper5

    Zipper5's Missions

    That's odd, when does this happen? Right after the cutscene or later on after you clear the factory? At the start it should just fade in, he should talk to you, walk outside, and finish filling you in. If it's when you clear the factory, he should get out of the Warrior, walk over to you, tell you about the change in orders, and walk back to and get in the Warrior. Have you tried reloading a save, or restarting the mission? I'll check it out myself anyways to see if I can replicate it. What version of Arma 2 are you using, and are you using any mods?
  8. Zipper5

    Codies' F1 browser game announced

    With moves like these they bring it on themselves anyways. And hey, if nothing else, it gives you a reason for being on these forums, Pulverizer. I think we can conclude that this idea is stupid, as are most from CM these days, but doesn't need to be discussed here as it will just be the Red River thread under a different name. Thread locked.
  9. Zipper5

    Codies' F1 browser game announced

    Ah yes, make a browser-based spin-off of a previous game that still has serious issues with it. Sounds just like Codemasters.
  10. Zipper5

    Amazing terrain detail, possibly too good to be true.

    One Red River thread was enough, at it was closed. They never end well, and I think you know that. Thread locked.
  11. Zipper5

    lack of hitting power ..

    Was it a used version bought at EB Games, or a new one?
  12. Zipper5

    Ram issues

    Come on, the second thread was made over 30 minutes after the first. It wasn't a browser mistake. I don't know why you had to bring up the subject again when I had already fixed it, but how about we tone down the belittling of teaboy? And teaboy, rather than responding to said belittling, just report it and let us handle it next time. ;)
  13. The point is that you're implying in your post that BIS don't already want to support their games to the best of their ability, and if you had been around for longer than you have, you would know this is not the case. As long as you keep this as part of your argument, it doesn't need a different topic to discuss it under. Did you miss the Community Awards as well?
  14. BIS have a studio in Brno which largely concentrates on the DLC side of OA. That leaves the rest of said studio not working on the DLC, and the studio in Mnisek pod Brdy, at the least, to work on supporting the game. It's no question that BIS aren't devoting their entire team to DLC production.
  15. You think that BIS concentrate all of their resources on making DLC? I think you guys are far too used to mainstream game developers, whose sole purpose after releasing a game is not to support it but find ways to milk it as much as they can. Also, you seem completely oblivious to the constantly on-going, in-spite-of-DLC-production beta patches BIS have been producing like clock-work which usually include at least one engine up-grade, test, or fix. You cannot take a look at the sheer number of patches released by BIS and make claims that they don't want to support the community. That's either ignorance, or blindness.
  16. Zipper5

    Ram issues

    There's no need to duplicate your threads. Please refrain from doing so in the future. For now, I've merged them.
  17. Khugan is right, although he should have reported the post rather than respond to it. ;) Royal-Killer - if you ever need this thread reopened, don't hesitate to contact either myself or another moderator with your reason. Thread locked.
  18. Zipper5

    lack of hitting power ..

    Are you sure your copy of the game is legitimate?
  19. Might want to check your facts before you claim what you want is what the community wants. ;)
  20. I may be mistaken, but I don't think that the entire community has the same view as you. I'm part of the community, and I still want DLC to be made. With an opening line like that, I can't see much good coming out of this thread, but I'll give it a chance. Prove me wrong.
  21. Zipper5

    Lack of support!!!!

    Well, most of your 12 posts, from what I can see, are posts with either undescriptive titles, or posted in the wrong place. I think many would be reluctant to respond to or view your thread due to the reluctance of yourself to use your browser's inbuilt spellchecker, but now that you've done this, I don't foresee you getting any more help at all. Good bye.
  22. Thanks for your oh-so-valuable contribution. Good bye.
  23. I warned you already, callihn. Enjoy your week off. Can we please keep this discussion on topic now without such distractions?
  24. Problem solved, thread locked. Please search around next time before posting.
  25. That's the whole point though, isn't it? They feel finished, perhaps lasting through the entirety of your first playthrough. Play with, for example, BlOps for longer than a day and you'll see its state could easily be equated to that of Arma 2's. What they are, are masters of disguise, not masters of game-making. The difference between them and BIS is they have the pools of money and resources to hide their issues behind fancy rendering effects. The only developer I can think of that's both a master of disguise and a master of game-making is Valve, but you get some nice liberties when you're both your own publisher and developer, which most developers don't have the luxury of. ;)