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Everything posted by Zipper5

  1. Zipper5

    Fix your game

    Thanks. I'm sure BIS will keep that in mind.
  2. Unfortunately, there is no ECP equivalent for Arma 2... Yet. Please take some time to read our forum rules, noting how you're supposed to use descriptive titles for your threads, which this one does not follow.
  3. Zipper5

    stop hackers updait battleye

    This forum is for ArmA, you're posting about Arma 2. Please be more careful where you post next time. Topic locked.
  4. Zipper5

    Parental controls

    There is about as much swearing in Arma 2 as there is in Band of Brothers, Generation Kill, and The Pacific. Those don't have swear-filters either. They're rated R, Arma 2 is rated M, therefore you know what to expect. ;) Anyways, as others have said, this is just devolving into the same old argument. This topic has been discussed many times before ending in the same way. Guess this one isn't any different. In short, you answer is that no, Arma 2 does not have parental controls, and I wouldn't hope that it one day will.
  5. Zipper5

    Multiplayer Co-op Clans/Groups?

    Please use this thread.
  6. Zipper5

    Rooster Teeth new series Rage Quit

    Watching that, I'm pretty sure it's an act. If it's not, well, I'm with Ebud on this one.
  7. Zipper5

    Call of Duty 7: Black Ops Trailer...

    Shame I can't jump in and play on the PC version of BlOps. It still doesn't work properly, and when was the game released again? $60 completely down the toilet, so I wouldn't worry, I certainly won't be buying another COD title. Hell, why stop there? I won't be buying anymore Activision products. The biggest problem with COD is its influence on the gaming industry. It's not a good influence to say the least. I have no problem with having a selection of fun jump in and play games, but I have a problem when all games go that way because they sell the most. I presume you've seen the video where a guy goes through the entire first level of BlOps without doing anything other than activating the triggers? I find all FPS games are like that now. It's not just a coincidence.
  8. Zipper5

    ArmA 3 Online

    Fellas, in the broad spectrum of things, Operation Arrowhead just came out, especially compared to the gap between OFP and ArmA. Arma 3 is probably a long way off, if it even exists. ;) One thing's for sure though, it will not be a MMORPG, heh.
  9. Zipper5

    IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover

    I feel sorry for the developers, as they probably care about their game and their fans. It's just a shame they've had to go to a publisher that is the exact opposite.
  10. Zipper5

    Conflicting mods...?

    The Troubleshooting section is solely for issues involving the vanilla game, and mods are not part of the vanilla game. Please locate the mod's respective thread and ask there. Thread locked.
  11. player disableUserInput true; That's one solution. Careful with that, though. Once it's activated the player will not be able to use anything in the game, even the menus, until you use: player disableUserInput false; Or until he manually closes the game.
  12. Zipper5

    Call of Duty 7: Black Ops Trailer...

    Say goodbye to any further support for Black Ops, unless you count DLC as "support"...
  13. Zipper5

    Back after a year....

    I don't think that's a bug, rather a feature to make sure the Commander has total control over when the AI is supposed to fire the main gun. It's been that way since OFP, seems to work fine for me. Yes, but this seems to be more of a compromise for gameplay. However, you have to pump a hell of a lot into a full-health M1A2 TUSK in order for it to go down, so much that you'll probably be blown up by it before you do so. Not sure what this means. If you mean the fact that the AI still fires on vehicles with dead crews, that's been fixed. This has been possible since OFP. The feature is still part of the game, but it's been toned-down/tweaked by BIS, and many missions run checks to disable it in-game. Most servers still use ACE2, and hardly anyone doesn't run Combined Operations, so yes, I'd say it's a requirement nowadays to have it. Keep in mind that you last played Arma 2 at v1.05, and Combined Operations is now at v1.57.77159. There have been many changes since you last played.
  14. Zipper5

    super computer required?

    Couldn't have just answered his question? Hell, why not provide some more logical-to-include information too, like how often you defrag, what operating system you're running, how much HDD space you have left, etc.? Or were you just looking to complain rather than find help?
  15. Zipper5

    IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover

    I followed it. One thing I will definitely say - their system did nothing to stop piracy. In fact, I'd say they increased piracy of their games. ;)
  16. Zipper5

    What to upgrade for ArmA2 OA?

    Please use the already-existing sticky'd thread above. Thread locked.
  17. Zipper5

    [CAMP] Operation Cobalt

    Thanks, guys. I'm delighted to see that people are still enjoying this after releasing it what seems like an eternity ago. It means a whole lot to me. Thanks again. :)
  18. Zipper5

    Higher Rank Required?

    Keep in mind that Arma 2 does not have a progressive rank system, stat tracker, or anything like that. Those rank-based features are specific to the missions you are playing. As KillaALF rightly said, spend some time trying stuff out in the editor first and foremost, but you may also be interested in taking a crack at the Armory. ;)
  19. Zipper5

    IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover

    Weren't Rainbow Six and Ghost Recon always published by Ubisoft, too? Heck, even Splinter Cell's joined their ranks. ;)
  20. Zipper5

    The most amazing song

    Too offtopic for offtopic, though it does startle me slightly that you knew that before you posted it.
  21. Zipper5

    3d recces

    You already had a thread for this, you do not need to open a new one each time you make an update. I've locked the other one. For now - stick to this thread, please.
  22. Zipper5

    Chenarus Life RP-MOD Beta Test

    Next time guys, just report it, please.
  23. There's already a thread made for addon requests, you can find it here. Please use it instead. Thanks. :)
  24. Zipper5

    Vme released pla mod

    Link removed and topic locked for reasons already mentioned.
  25. There have been many changes made between OFP, ArmA and Arma 2. Unfortunately, you can't simply place the OFP and ArmA campaigns in Arma 2's campaign folder and have them run perfectly fine. Instead, they need to be converted and changed to work in Arma 2. As far as I'm aware no one is doing this for ArmA's campaign (many believe it's not worth the effort), but Cold War Rearmed 2 is a mod designed to bring back OFP in Arma 2, and that includes the campaign. It's work-in-progress, though, so you'll just have to be patient. :p