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Everything posted by Zipper5

  1. Ever seen the many new features brought to VBS2 regularly since its release? It seems to be more of a "you provide the money, we'll get you the feature" scenario. Unfortunately there's a lot more money catering to armies than there is with catering to military simulation aficionados. :p
  2. In the broad scheme of things, don't you think that's rather soon? It was 5 years between OFP and Armed Assault. 3 years between Armed Assault and Arma 2. It's been much less than a year since Operation Arrowhead launched. I'm happy sticking to Arma 2 for as long as BIS continue to patch it and release content for it.
  3. Congrats BIS! Very well deserved. :D
  4. Zipper5

    PMC not registering on steam

    Welcome to the forums. Please search next time before posting. This section is not for Arma 2, it's for Armed Assault. Please be careful about where you post next time.
  5. Zipper5

    Zeitgest ,moving forward and Operant conditioning

    We saw how the last thread about this conspiracy theorist went. We don't need a repeat. Thread locked, and please refrain from opening more in the future.
  6. Zipper5

    Flying on a 27 inch screen

    No mods, just the entries "beta" and "expansion" due to running the latest beta patch.
  7. Zipper5

    Flying on a 27 inch screen

    While not as impressive as Kenwort's picture, here's my 37" LCD TV that I use for my PC all the time: You can use my TrackIR5 (or headset) for scale purposes. :cool:
  8. How about you use the nice little report feature next time then? Stop asking for news, guys. It's against the forum rules, same with thread bumping for no reason. If the PR team have news for you they're obviously going to post it. Asking for it doesn't speed anything up. You have been warned.
  9. Zipper5

    ARMA 2:OA beta patch 77750

    What, you mean AI fixes? Check the changelog again. I think they're providing what the community wants. ;)
  10. Zipper5

    RPG-Based Missions In ArmA II.

    Think of it literally.
  11. Zipper5

    Flying on a 27 inch screen

    Well, even if the resolution on the LED TV only went up to 1920x1080, the image quality was incredibly crisp and the colors were absolutely perfect. This is the TV, if anyone is at all interested. Using my TrackIR in conjunction with it was also pretty damn cool, heh.
  12. Zipper5

    Flying on a 27 inch screen

    My normal one that I always use is this 37" LCD TV, which still looks pretty awesome, but we got it for free when we bought our LED TV so I figured I should try it on the big screen at least once. :p I would never use it for long periods of time, though. Especially for gaming. It can be a bit hard on the eyes.
  13. Zipper5

    ArmA2:OA Beta Patch Build 77706

    Wow, that's a lot of great changes there, BIS. Good work as always! :D
  14. Zipper5

    Flying on a 27 inch screen

    Looks awesome on a 55" LED TV too. :cool:
  15. Zipper5

    What is Battle Eye Game Hack 0

    Closing the thread and banning the OP for cheating. Posted the same exact information under the same user name and thread title on our favorite cheaters' forums, and upon searching his post history there he's been using them for a while now.
  16. Well, you didn't provide your graphics card information in your system specs, so how can you really be certain it isn't your PC when you don't remember to include what is usually considered vital information in order to diagnose any possible problems? Hell, you even put bits. Plural. That leads me to believe you don't really have the knowledge of your PC needed to rule out the fact that it may in fact be your PC, because that's the only thing different between yourself and I at the moment, and you're having this issue and I'm not. ;) What is your graphics card, when did you last defrag, what settings do you run Arma 2 on, what's your pagefile set to, and how much HDD space do you have left?
  17. Zipper5

    Crackers on decline

    I think it's safe to say nothing good is going to come out of this thread. Well, except for the knowledge that someone was rightly punished for their actions. Thread locked.
  18. Oh yeah, because he uploaded the addon to those websites and created the pages for them. If that's not enough, see right below the mirrors: Nice going. :rolleyes:
  19. So you wanted help or... What? :confused:
  20. Zipper5

    Player moves like a drunken sailor.

    Yes. Crouch with your weapon lowered, and then hit your Prone key. You will move forward a bit and then go prone, happens every time. Solution until it's fixed: avoid crouching with your weapon lowered, or going prone if you still do so. See? These things will probably eventually be fixed, but until then it's perfectly simple to adapt and overcome, not just give up entirely and demand it be fixed.
  21. Zipper5

    Player moves like a drunken sailor.

    What are the answers, then, as to how you deal with that in the interim between now and when they're fixed? 1) Avoid buildings. The AI, unless placed in there by the mission editor, will almost always leave them at some point. If all else fails demolish it with satchels or rockets, or an artillery strike if you have one handy. 2) If you know of this animation bug then stop going from crouched with your weapon lowered, to prone. See? Adapt to the issues until they're fixed, rather than just giving up.
  22. Zipper5

    Back after a year....

    I'd recommend you spend some time with vanilla OA before thinking about trying ACE2 again. ;)
  23. Zipper5

    Player moves like a drunken sailor.

    The animations, while certainly imperfect, are nowhere near as bad as some of you are making them out to be. If they are, then how come Celery, or I, for example, have no issue playing (generally) very well against both human and AI opponents, even without any mods? We are using the same animations in the same environment against the same opponents, the difference is that you are failing and we are succeeding, therefore the problem does not lie in the animations (nor the environment for that matter), it lies in your inability to overcome a problem you are presented with. I'd welcome improvements to the animations, but they don't need to be changed into your typical floating-camera FPS style.
  24. Inside your mission's folder. Though, I think it would be pretty awesome to have this as a client-side addon, rather than a mission-dependent script. Good work nonetheless, tpw. :D
  25. Zipper5

    Player moves like a drunken sailor.

    No, there is no such mod. Though nowhere near perfect, I still prefer Arma 2's animation system over games that try to use the traditional FPS movement in more realistic situations.