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Everything posted by Zipper5

  1. Zipper5

    Community Awards 2010?

    From what I just tested, there appears to be an IP check for the voting that prevents you from voting multiple times. What abuse went on? People aren't allowed to campaign for votes? I wasn't insinuating you were accusing people of falsification, the point was that you posted false statistics regarding how many votes came from which could easily be read as true by those less informed. I can only see 11 comments on the arma.at.ua article about the awards, not 590.
  2. Zipper5

    Community Awards 2010?

    I'm not baiting, I'm making sure a problem doesn't result from falsified statistics. Your sarcasm wasn't very obvious, otherwise I wouldn't have had to question it.
  3. Zipper5

    Community Awards 2010?

    I can't even find those statistics. Care to share where you got them from?
  4. Zipper5

    Name That Mission

    Ironically, that would be the mission from my campaign, Operation Cobalt, that goes by the same name. It's mission #5. Even more ironically, I just released an update for it to optimize it for Combined Operations usage. You can find it here. :D And hey, if you like it, would you want to show your support by voting for the campaign in the Best Mission / Campaign Of The Year 2010 in the Community Awards? /shamelessPlug
  5. I miss Battlefield 2142, actually. I just saw that a new patch was released for it, which includes its expansion for free. Shame my DVD drive is broken. :(
  6. Zipper5

    Hi all, Patches??

    All the answers to your questions could easily have been found by using the search tool before posting. Also, please try to post in the correct place next time, as this is quite obviously not the Arma 2 subforum. I've moved it to the correct place. Please review our forum rules to avoid continuing to make these mistakes, As for your questions, you can find the patches here, and yes, there has been an expansion released, Operation Arrowhead, as well as two DLC packs, British Armed Forces & Private Military Company. You can get them all from the BIS Store.
  7. Take out prone, everyone bashes them. Put it back in, everyone bashes them. Frankly, I look forward to seeing if the gameplay differs radically from the consoleitus the Bad Company spinoffs suffered from. Not that I didn't/don't like the Bad Company games, it's just that I don't feel like I'm playing a Battlefield game when playing them.
  8. Zipper5

    Community Awards 2010?

    Why do you need to ask "Where is x mod/mission/video/person?" If it's not there then the answer is simple as to why that is - it didn't get enough votes to put it into the top 5 of its respective category. That's how voting systems work, people. :rolleyes:
  9. General is not for questions regarding user-made missions. Please post in the correct area, as you were already informed. If your question is buried or goes unanswered try contacting Benny himself via PM. Thread locked.
  10. Zipper5

    Community Awards 2010?

    Try checking his signature maybe? :p
  11. Zipper5

    [CAMP] Operation Cobalt

    Yes, it isn't MP compatible. Sorry. :(
  12. Zipper5

    [CAMP] Operation Cobalt

    Well guys, you did it. Operation Cobalt has successfully been nominated for Best Mission / Campaign Of The Year 2010! To celebrate I decided to bring the release of the promised update forward to today as my way of saying thank you to the fans. So, say hello to Zipper5.com Mirror Filefront Mirror Changelog: Thank you to everyone who's been supportive and helped me along the way. So much has changed since I released this campaign, and I wouldn't want it any other way! Also, don't forget to vote again for Operation Cobalt to win the Best Mission / Campaign Of The Year 2010 award by submitting your votes here!
  13. Zipper5

    Community Awards 2010?

    There was a phase before this one where people could nominate whichever creation or person they wanted to win each category. Then those votes were tallied up and the top 5 with the most votes in each category became the nominees. So no, BIS did not select them - those who voted did. As to limiting it to 5... If there were more than that then I think the vote would be pointless as the max votes each nominee could get would be much smaller, but this is just my hypothesis.
  14. Zipper5

    Call of Duty 7: Black Ops Trailer...

    Positive... Profitable... I guess Activsion/Treyarch mixed the two up for this interview. Hey, they both start with a P...
  15. Zipper5

    Call of Duty 7: Black Ops Trailer...

    The biggest problem in the gaming industry tries to find something else to take their position. Whodathunkit. :rolleyes:
  16. Zipper5

    Call of Duty 7: Black Ops Trailer...

    Heh, I'm not throwing cash at Activision nor Treyarch until they start caring about their PC community.
  17. Thread reopened and moved upon request.
  18. Zipper5

    Su-25 radar bug, armor fix

    Der_Waffen: The guy posting on a forum for a video game tries to use the "geek" and "nerd" insult. Haven't seen that before. :rolleyes: Show some respect to your fellow forum members or you won't last very long.
  19. Zipper5

    Zipper5's Missions

    I take it you mean you have two partitions, one running XP and one running 7? Your best bet in that case is to uninstall Arma 2 off the XP partition and OA off the 7 partition and then install Arma 2 first followed by OA on just the 7 partition.
  20. Zipper5

    Zipper5's Missions

    Must be that you're not running Combined Operations, as it still works fine for me on this end. ;)
  21. Zipper5

    [Beta] Operation Blindfold

    The simplest way is when saving the mission in the editor, tell it to save to SP missions, then go to your ArmA 2\Missions folder and you'll see the PBO file there.
  22. Zipper5

    [Beta] Operation Blindfold

    The mission, for some reason, has not been compressed into a PBO. Compress it and stick it in your ArmA 2\Missions folder to play it.
  23. I fail to see how this is about multiplayer itself. You're better off asking questions pertaining to Domination here. Thread locked.
  24. You'll probably get more help posting this here.
  25. Zipper5

    CSLA for A2CO

    Awesome, guys! Can't wait to play this! :D